Play 20241220230828.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 23:08:28
30 to snatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Operator’s off mass, sphere alpha. 0-1-2. 1-2-2-0. Clear 135.
Play 20241220230401.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 23:04:01
Zerody, go ahead.
Go ahead, Zerody.
Stouffan, Eastman, Wayne, right in front of us, eastbound.
Astrohead 6, Yankee, Golf, 9-2-7, all set.
Play 20241220225549.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 22:55:49
Go ahead, 10.
35, you should see the email RO. Clear.
Play 20241220225157.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 22:51:57
Go ahead, Ben.
Port of USOP. Main at High Street.
Mast 4. F-Fox. Acira. E-Echo. 2-6. All set.
Play 20241220222330.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 22:23:30
20 is fetch.
Written warning issued to the operator for service.
Play 20241220221857.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 22:18:57
31 to X1, OK for 2.
21 to X1, clear for 2.
Dispatch, 20.
Go ahead.
20, that O-N you gave us comes back negative active to our Adidas Cy-214-1997.
He does have an active license and nothing out of mass.
Thank you.
Play 20241220221651.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 22:16:51
Dispatch, this is 20.
Go ahead.
I think I found the plane. It would be A-D-I-Z-O-Oscar 1.
And that comes back negative active to a 2013 BMW.
Out of Fairfax, Virginia.
Received. I got Virginia O-L-N-E-E-C-O-6-6-0-2-7-3-3-8.
M-W-I-S-H-T-A-S-T-A-S, please.
Thank you.
Dispatch, this is 20.
Go ahead.
I think you might have cut out with that O-L-N, but what I got was E-E-C-O-6-6-0-2-3-3-8.
10-Dispatch, I’m clear.
Play 20241220221313.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 22:13:13
Dispatch, 20.
That plate is not coming back from Virginia.
Roger, Chief.
Play 20241220221124.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 22:11:24
Go ahead, 10
It’s going to be unfounded. It’s either wind or paranormal activity. It’s clear.
I see.
I see.
20 is fetched.
Stopped North Pleasant by Fisher, Virginia, Alpha, Delta, India, 0-1-9-0.
Stopped North Pleasant by Fisher, Virginia, Alpha, Delta, India, 0-1-9-10, please.
Play 20241220220734.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 22:07:34
30 X-1
Got X-1
Go ahead 30
Do you want me to slide that way or stay central?
You can stay central. We should be clearing here momentarily.
Play 20241220220159.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 22:01:59
Dispatch, responding units. Just an update. She thought she heard, or her daughter heard a loud
They did try standing by the door asking if someone was there and no one’s answering.
10 received.
20 received.
21 X-1, you want us to head up there as well?
Yeah, affirm. I’m on my way.
Dispatch, responding units. The story is changing slightly.
RP’s now stating that it’s a basement to hallway door that was shaking and her husband’s currently holding it shut.
As in someone’s in there trying to get out?
10 received, 10. Okay, she states that no one’s actively trying to push the door at this moment in time. He’s just there as a precaution.
20 received.
21 X-1, you want us to head up there as well?
21 X-1, you want us to head up there as well?
21 X-1, you want us to head up there as well?
20 received.
20, dispatch, how’s it doing?
X-1, dispatch, on scene.
I’m on scene.
You guys can meet me around back.
I’m going to Beijing now.
See you.
Play 20241220215649.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 21:56:49
Play 20241220215649.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 21:56:49
Play 20241220213036.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 21:30:36
786 to Dispatch
Go ahead 786
I’m clear
21 to Dispatch
Go ahead 21
On scene
21 to Dispatch
28 to Dispatch
Go ahead 20
Oh god, I’m on scene
X-1 is also on scene
3-6 X-1
Play 20241220212147.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 21:21:47
20 X 1 OK 2
I’m clear.
Play 20241220212659.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 21:26:59
Play 20241220211524.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 21:15:24
Dispatch, X-1.
Go ahead.
X-1, we have another Commercial 67 for 75 College Road, Maintenance Building.
I had also previously spoken with the maintenance person on scene a few minutes before they called us.
He said he’s having some sort of malfunction with the keypad on the alarm there.
He enters the code and it still sends out the alarm.
It’s not accepting because the battery is low.
Your preference?
Yeah, we don’t have to shoot on this one.
Received. Thank you.
20 is fetched.
Go ahead, 20.
Retire was changed. We’re clear. Is there anything sending?
Play 20241220211143.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 21:11:43
Go ahead, 10
Disturbing you, Citizen Transport, CAD, from MIT-Bake, headed to Ernest Towing
Going with MASS Sierra 3804-9698
Play 20241220210835.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 21:08:35
Security Dispatch.
Go ahead, Teddy.
I’ll be clear for my call. 786 is remaining on scene.
Thank you.
Play 20241220210708.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 21:07:08
21 to dispatch
Go ahead 21
Can you clear a zone?
This QSO is kind of sticking to the pipe
Play 20241220210506.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 21:05:06
It’s already been 21.
Where are you parked?
Play 20241220205746.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 20:57:46
Twenty-one, dispatch.
Go ahead, twenty-one.
Can you put four-two-three on this call, too, please?
Copy that.
Play 20241220205456.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 20:54:56
10 dismissed.
Go ahead, 10.
Part 5, one of your cruisers, is it further down towards the dead end that I enter, like
where the railroad tracks are?
786, if you just go left behind my cruiser, there’s a little path to where we are.
786, if it helps, his cruiser is I-Indio.
Go ahead, 10.
I’m clear.
It’s an issue with the battery in the system.
I’ll narrate.
Play 20241220204719.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 20:47:19
21 to Dispatch
Sky 21
On scene
21 to Dispatch
30 to Dispatch, Monroe Road
30 to 830
21 to Dispatch
21 to Dispatch, is she still hitting that like 48 railroad about her?
Oh, 32
The last one was 32
32, so towards College Street
Is she in the woods, you know, between the railroad tracks and College?
Affirmative, that’s what it looked like
Oh yes, it looked like she was going north
And the last call we had was at 2036
30, this wood line over here between the tracks and the road
I know people have tents in there that they hang out in
Pretty sure I can hear her yelling north of me
Yeah, I can hear her too
30 to Dispatch
We’re going to call.
30, we found her.
She’s in a tent
Just off the railroad tracks, here.
Precinct, I’m walking up on you.
21 to 786.
Do you know how to get here?
No, but I’m working on it. I’ll try and talk to you.
Precinct, if you park at the old Amtrak station, or the old VFW, just take the railroad tracks towards Amherst College and you’ll see your footprints. You can follow them right in.
Play 20241220204155.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 20:41:55
Dispatch, 10-21.
10-21, take out commercial 67.
It’s going to be 75 Cowles Road, North Square Apartments and Maintenance Building.
Call them by the alarm company.
We also had a party on scene in the space of these maintenance.
He set it off accidentally.
10-21, I should be all set then. I’ll let you know.
Dispatch, 30.
30, take a well-being check.
Looks like it’s in the area of 48 Railroad Street.
It’s going to be Melissa Stanley.
Lost count of how many times she’s called. She’s still ranting on the phone at us.
She keeps calling like she’s calling again right now.
X-1 to 786.
Can you head there as well, please?
Dispatch, 30.
She might be on the rail trail in that location because she sort of looks like she’s in the woods there.
21 to 30.
I’m going to go in from the train station off of Main Avenue.
I think I have an idea where she probably is.
Received. I’ll just go in from Railroad.
Probably meet you in the middle.
10-21. I’m in the area.
Received, 10.
The maintenance man’s name is Mark Adamski.
Play 20241220203339.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 20:33:39
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Negative 9 and 10 on Connecticut Ridge, Bravo.
Do you copy?
Dispatch, 30.
Icon’s back negative active on a 2005 Toyota Prius colored tan.
RO is a Jennifer Rodriguez 9887 out of Meriden.
Appreciate it, thank you.
20, dispatch, 7-0-1-3, when you’re ready.
I’m ready.
New Hampshire, November Hotel, Lima, 118-396-41, this is the operator.
What was between the 8 and the 9?
The radio hates you. It did not come across.
Okay. New Hampshire, November Hotel, Lima, 118-396-41.
5-9-6, right?
I’m going to do a smoke signal next, but I’ll just MDT it since radios don’t work nowadays.
3-2, carry pigeon.
Play 20241220202950.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 20:29:50
104, if you try to reach me, it’s unreadable.
Wow, these radios are just on par. I’m looking for X1.
That X1.
I’m looking for X1.
Received. Dispatch, copy, direct.
Dispatch, copy, direct.
Still need a flatbed.
Play 20241220202637.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 20:26:37
Dispatch, 20.
Vehicle comes back, negative, active on a Lincoln Navigator, RO is an Amy, bar 120, wait, 1218 of 73.
Play 20241220202454.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 20:24:54
You can go ahead.
Dispatch, this is X-1.
Go ahead.
You’re going to give me a 4 at your convenience.
Affirm, stand by.
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Stopped Northampton Road at Lincoln.
They just demolished the curb.
New Hampshire 476-4568.
I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you before the 4568 because Melissa’s family is on 9-1-1 again.
Okay. President just hit the curb pretty good.
New Hampshire 476-4568.
Okay, thank you.
Play 20241220201434.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 20:14:34
It’s actually on quick for quick too.
Play 20241220201107.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 20:11:07
21 to X1, clear for two.
Play 20241220200744.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 20:07:44
Dispatch, X-1.
X-1, just be advised, we’ve taken at least two, if not three, 911 calls from an irate Melissa Stanley.
Proceed, is she requesting any services?
Negative, she’s just yelling at us.
Proceed, do we know where she is right now?
She was on Spring Street, headed from Boltwood towards Churchill, looks like.
Units walking on each other. Go ahead, 786.
I talked to Melissa for a while. She’ll sizzle out, she’s walking home now.
She may call a couple more times, but it should decrease in the next hour or so.
I talked to Melissa for a while. She’ll sizzle out, she’s walking home now.
She may call a couple more times, but it should decrease in the next hour.
Go ahead, dispatch.
Go ahead, 786.
Bernie says that vehicle, could you send for a certified copy?
And if you could, sign me an AR summons for that operator I gave you,
and just add his address, 1098 Memorial Ave, West Springfield.
Play 20241220200359.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 20:03:59
They stated that they’re basically all set, they had already checked behind Greenleaf
and again believe that the parties had doubled back.
They’re currently at Walmart checking footage at Walmart and the parties have taken $300
worth of large Lego sets and some sort of motion Pikachu Pokemon.
Play 20241220200044.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 20:00:44
21, switch.
4, clear. Keys confirmed. They don’t want us to check the rail trail. We’re just about to step off here.
Play 20241220195913.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 19:59:13
Priority dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Just put me out at Greenleafs as well.
Reese’s, Hadley just called back.
She believes they’re all set for the time being.
They’ll update us if they get anything further.
Okay, I’ll be clear then.
Play 20241220195307.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 19:53:07
21 Dispatch
Go for 21
Go ahead 21
I was going to go Greenleaf bike trail area, check it that direction
Can you just call Adeline and see if they went on the bike trail at all
I don’t want to overlap where they already checked
Very safe, I’ll check
20 Dispatch
Get your MEP out that description again if you have it
Excellent Dispatch
Go ahead X1
Could you speak to Adeline, can you also find out what it was that was taken
Just making sure you cut out, you’re asking what was taken
Yeah I’m from
Very safe
Dispatch X1
Go ahead
Very safe
Play 20241220194721.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 19:47:21
Attention all Amherst units, be prepared to copy a shoplifting bolo out of Hadley.
Attention all Amherst units, bolo from a shoplifting incident in Hadley.
They had shoplifting at their Barnes and Noble.
The two male parties were last seen on the rail trail behind the Hampshire Mall, headed eastbound.
They were both wearing black hooded jackets.
One was thin-billed, approximately six feet tall.
One might have had a beanie on, one had a duffel bag, and one had a regular bag.
If located, stop, hold, contact Hadley.
They’re here soon.
Excellent job.
Play 20241220193612.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 19:36:12
The next one.
Dispatch, copy direct for the hook.
Dispatch, copy direct for the hook. I’m not finding any match for that name, regardless of which order I do it.
Appreciate you. I wasn’t either. Thank you.
Play 20241220193339.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 19:33:39
10 to Special.
Go ahead, 10.
Operator’s going to be out of a Turkish driver’s license.
First name’s going to be…
Kahn, C-Charlie, A-Alpha, N-November.
Or that also could be the last name, it doesn’t say.
First name, last name…
Mustafa, M-Mike, U-Uniform, S-Sierra, T-Tango, A-Alpha, F-Fox, A-Alpha.
Date of birth’s going to be October 20th, 2003.
Can you see if you can find anything on the map?
First name was Charlie, Alpha, November.
Can you just try to run it both ways, that’s either the first or the last?
There’s a bit of a language barrier here too.
It’s hard to tell on this license.
Thank you.
Play 20241220193016.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 19:30:16
30, dispatch.
God, 30.
It’s freezing.
Play 20241220192324.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 19:23:24
I’m heading back to the barn.
Alright, how you making out?
I’m heading back to the barn right now.
Yeah, sounds good buddy. See you in a little bit.
Tom Dispatch.
Go ahead, Tom.
Porterview, what’s up? Both hands interrogated at Lincoln.
Give me mass 4, G-Golf, W-Whiskey, K-Kilo, 2-4.
Can you just confirm the status of the registration please?
That should be all set.
Thank you.
Go ahead.
Vehicle comes back revoked for insurance, 2008 Honda Civic, color red.
RO is a Recep Demir, 10-17-2000, negative active out of Pittsfield.
Appreciate it.
30, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
I’m on with 10.
Play 20241220185439.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 18:54:39
Yeah, I’m hanging out.
The lake’s burned, and I’m done. How about you, Ponce?
Gatehouse, Stony Hill was looking really, really bad.
It was a couple cars here, stalled out.
So, um, they’re out of the way now, but it was pretty nasty, so I’m working my way back.
Copy that.
Thanks for watching!
Play 20241220184141.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 18:41:41
30X1, located to paperwork.
Found him.
Play 20241220182521.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 18:25:21
20 X 1 OK 2
Appreciate it
Play 20241220180613.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 18:06:13
20 is dispatched.
Got a 20.
That bus is GOA. We’re clear.
Play 20241220175825.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 17:58:25
20 Dispatch, I’m in the area.
Received, 20.
Play 20241220175635.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 17:56:35
You take a motor vehicle complaint, last passing, they passed Amethyst Brook, are now passing
the JCA.
RPCA said it was a Peter Pan bus, she gave me a map plate of 1A-KKL-93C-C, it’s a Peter
Pan bus.
It was behind her, it passed her on Pelham Road where it’s double yellow lines causing,
it crossed into oncoming
let it go.
Play 20241220175201.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 17:52:01
That’s an excellent quiver, a quick two.
Play 20241220174302.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 17:43:02
When you guys come back to the shop, we will regroup and figure this out.
This thing was pretty bad, so I’m just gonna hit it again and I’ll be back in.
I got enough to do that and I’ll be out.
Any time I’m thinking, I’ll be right there.
Thanks for watching!
If you have any questions or comments, please post them in the comments section below.
Also, if you have any questions or comments, please post them in the comments section below.
Play 20241220173708.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 17:37:08
20 is fetched.
Go ahead, 20.
She got off the bus. Obviously she’s not happy, but she’s on her way and we’re clear.
Appreciate it.
786, dispatch, you can clear me.
Received, 786.
Play 20241220173343.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 17:33:43
Dispatch, 20.
Go ahead.
20, here’s from the area of 742 Main Street by the Jewish Community Center of Amherst.
It’s going to be for a bus 3324.
Got a call from both PBTA and Melissa Stanley.
She wanted them to look for her hat.
They’re unable to locate her hat and she, I guess, doesn’t believe them.
Received. We’re in the area.
10, Dispatch. I’ll slide that way as well. I’m coming up northeast now.
Received, 10.
10, Dispatch.
10, 10, 10, 10.
Tennis fashion, you can put both units on.
Thank you.
Have a great day.
Play 20241220172958.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 17:29:58
That was a lot of salt.
Starting to get low, but I’m going to hit nine.
And the mains of that go.
Yeah, room nine.
All I can pretty much do is the main going from J Street to here.
And I’m out, so.
I didn’t get any of the hills in there.
Sand Hill and C Street needs some salt.
That’s a train on nine right now.
It’s looking a little slick.
After that, I might be out.
So, I don’t know.
We’re going to have to maybe reload.
Copy that.
That’s all for now.
Thanks for watching.
If we retreated, we wouldn’t be having an issue right now.
Copy that.
Room three is all set.
Copy that.
Play 20241220172544.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 17:25:44
Play 20241220172544.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 17:25:44
Play 20241220171924.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 17:19:24
Turn your salter down to one then, and just melt it as much as you can.
At least the rotor has a little bit of salt.
I recall Joe did mention that just do mains and side mains, or main leads.
Mains and hills. Lincoln and Sunset is a main.
Yeah man, just don’t do it. Just do the hills.
If you want, just do the hills and don’t worry about Lincoln and Sunset.
Just do the hills that are in there. There’s only a couple.
Got you.
Play 20241220171640.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 17:16:40
Do you usually do Hawthorne?
Uh, yeah, if it looks bad, that’s a tiny little hill.
Yeah, it’s the one, uh, when you get up to the top of Station Road, near the town line, on the left.
Yes, yes, I do that hill, that’s it though.
I’m gonna head into Echo.
In a minute, I’m at the yard, I gotta go to the bathroom.
I’m almost empty, what do you want me to do, Joe?
Chris, uh, 6-2, did you get the Three Hills or, uh, Plum
The Three Hills are done, there’s Plum Tree.
I’m gonna go hit Plum Tree, and then I’ll try to think of anything else that’s out there.
Um, I know at the end of Baird Street, you got that small hill, and then it only goes to like the, like from the stop sign down to where UMass starts the next intersection.
And then, if you take a left there, there’s another hill, but if the car’s parked on the side of the road, I would not do that little hill.
And then, I guess just treat, um, Sunset and Lincoln, and then there’s another hill between those two.
Yeah, I don’t got enough salt for all of that.
How much salt do you have?
Like a fraction of a, of a dump. I mean, I only got, not even a quarter. Like, I could probably do like three streets, that’s about it.
Alright, so do Plum Tree, Lincoln, and Sunset, and turn your feet down to 2.
That’s where I’m at right now, I’m on 2.
I have a chain, chain width right now of just salt, and I did, uh, Station Road, and two other streets are here.
You just have to try to manage it the best you can.
Fair and straight, you’re just doing the hill, which is like going one side of the barn to the other.
It’s only a short piece, and then those other, Lincoln and Sunset, yes, they’re long, but just get what you can and just try to get the hill part.
But, if you run out on Lincoln or Sunset, then we’ll have to figure it out from there.
Copy that.
Thank you.
Play 20241220170339.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 17:03:39
30, dispatch.
Alright, 30.
Ernie has that vehicle.
Have a source at the poles all set.
Uh, all units are clear and I’ll take a crash number.
Play 20241220170030.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 17:00:30
I’m about to get Van Hill.
And then Plumtree, which is Office 63.
Over to Station Road right now.
And then we’re good.
Play 20241220165604.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 16:56:04
Hey Joe, I’m running low on salt. I just got a couple of my main beads and I’m going to be finished.
Copy that.
It’s not really sticking to many roads now, so.
But it’s supposed to start back up in a little bit.
As long as all the mains and hills are done, we should be good.
Play 20241220165106.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 16:51:06
Send a special.
Operator, the vehicle map is Sierra 13-53-43-21.
We’re able to move the vehicle in the parking spot, sound clear.
Thank you.
Play 20241220164820.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 16:48:20
10-especial, I’m up to you.
Received 10, I have the plate.
Go for 20, sorry.
Watch side airlock.
Play 20241220164437.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 16:44:37
Play 20241220164437.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 16:44:37
Play 20241220164238.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 16:42:38
20, dispatch, I’m on primary.
I see you, 20.
Play 20241220163706.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 16:37:06
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
I guess my operator already called their needs, so they should be on their way.
Yeah, go ahead.
North is pretty much done. Anywhere else?
Did anybody do M, Mini, Street?
I’m actually on my way there right now, like two minutes away.
You got the three hills near the shop.
We got Amherst Woods, Echo Hills.
Alright, I’ll head to Echo Hill.
We got Butterfield over here.
Did you go through UMass and Sunderland Road?
Sunderland, UMass.
Yeah, go through UMass.
He’s going through UMass right now.
Sunderfield, you got the two hills.
There’s a Polkberry or whatever, the two deep ones right there.
You actually saw through UMass?
We do. We own the road that goes through UMass.
It looks pretty good, but I’ll hit some curves.
Alright, yeah, I think it’s Polkberry or something like that on Pleasant Street there.
The two steep hills there, those need to be done in Butterfield.
Copy that.
If you’re available, do you want to start spying this way?
The way the vehicle’s positioned, I’m assuming the tow truck’s going to have to take up the entire road.
There’s a lot of
Received, on my way.
We are clearing the crash right now. We can head down there.
Received. I’ll stay central.
Received. 20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Both vehicles on their way. We’re clear and heading to Farm Lane.
Play 20241220162733.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 16:27:33
30, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Pole number is 3 over 29.
Um, it doesn’t look like it’s damaged, but I’m not sure.
This is something we should notify our source about.
Great, thanks. I have them in town checking another pole, so I’ll add this to their list.
Okay, roger.
30, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Operator’s up. Mass Sierra 522-17-245.
Passenger, Mass Sierra 502-944-14.
Thank you.
Play 20241220162513.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 16:25:13
30 to 6.
Bad 30.
On scene.
Yeah, it’s a telephone pole.
Uh, Master Edge.
5 Zulu Sierra.
Play 20241220162346.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 16:23:46
I don’t know if it’s a single car accident, R.P. is calling from 445 Shea Street, he sees
that he can see the car on like the Pomeroy Lane side of his property, sees it’s a white
Honda sedan, male party’s out yelling, he’s not sure if he hit a
R.P. is calling from 445 Shea Street, he sees that he can see the car on like the Pomeroy
Lane side of his property, sees it’s a white Honda sedan, male party’s out yelling, he’s
not sure if he hit a
Play 20241220162100.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 16:21:00
20 is good.
Bear 20.
Operator of the four seasons, this is the R.O. Robert.
Operator of the Toyota Tacoma, NASA Sierra Alpha, 278, 1248.
The passenger of the Tacoma, NASA Sierra Alpha, 313, 1252.
I’ll take an accident number, please.
Racies, I only got half of the operator’s O.L.N. for the Tacoma
because, of course, the radio is cut out.
Racies, Sierra Alpha, 278, 1248.
Racies, thank you, and your accident number is 380, 380, and that will be at 1608.
Play 20241220161411.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 16:14:11
20 dispatch, I’m on scene and I will be all set for traffic.
Racing, I do have both plates, should be a black Ford Fusion and a red Toyota Tacoma.
Racing, I’ll get you up.
Play 20241220161234.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 16:12:34
Verity, dispatch.
Unit 30.
I just drove down East Hadley Road and nothing matching, so I’ll be clear.
Uh, 30 to 20.
I’ll let you know. Thank you.
Appreciate it.
Play 20241220161025.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 16:10:25
30, Dispatch, I’m on East Hadley Road.
Great, Dave. I think it was a four-door sedan, color greenish.
Dispatch, 20.
Go ahead.
20, take out a two-car accident and the reported injury is Heather Stone at Pelham.
3G from the back office.
Play 20241220160809.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 16:08:09
Dispatch, 30.
30, we’ve got another car accident called in by someone who’s not involved.
It’s in the area of 101 East Hadley Road.
Appreciate you calling.
Thank you.
X1 Dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
Do you know if
If not, can you…
Excuse me.
I told them at least half hour, if not 45 minutes ago.
So they should have been down in that area.
I told them East Hadley Road and Bay Road prioritized.
And there’s three of them out there.
Okay, received.
20 Dispatch.
Is there any indication that there was kind of a
No indication of
Also, I’m not entirely positive it’s a crash.
It was called in by the resident of 109 who was observing it outside of her window and stated it might have been off the road slightly and someone came out and pushed it back onto the road.
So I don’t know if they’re all set or not.
Received. All three, X1.
Play 20241220155818.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 15:58:18
Play 20241220155542.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 15:55:42
Bravo 30, dispatch.
Here we go again.
It’s Bravo 30. My ending mileage is going to be 59.1, and we’ll be clear.
Play 20241220155234.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 15:52:34
20 to 5.
10 to 20.
We’re clear.
Now you’re on 7 and switch.
Go ahead, 107.
Do you want me to close the ACAD for suspicions?
University, ACAD, Northampton.
Yes, sir.
Play 20241220154918.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 15:49:18
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Operator, for the Red Honda, it is SCIA Alpha 6381629.
Thank you.
20, dispatch.
Go ahead.
Operator, for the White Honda, it is SCIA 23031447.
And passenger with her, going to drive now, SCIA Alpha 8610798.
Thank you.
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
I forgot to ask, but can you also assign me a crash number to the original crash, first of all?
Play 20241220154649.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 15:46:49
20 to Spectrum.
Go ahead, 20.
We are clear of Whipple Tree.
20 to 30, how can I help you?
Can you take the crash that’s right at the entrance to Mill Valley?
We have the operator from our original crash in our car.
This is a white sedan and a red hatchback that are there waiting for you.
Dispatch, do you have the plates for these vehicles?
As servant as I do.
Received. I’m on scene.
Play 20241220154455.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 15:44:55
30, this is 1.
X-1, 1.
4-20, actually.
So, the people down here, we’re not sure if they’re injured yet.
One of the cars is Spanish only.
Cruz is trying to talk to them now.
But there’s two cars down here, right at the entrance to Mill Valley.
30, this is Edge.
Go ahead, 30.
Just so you have them, for the crash here, the two planes are MAF PC-497, K-Kilo, C-Charlie, 4,
and MAF PC-4, D-Delta, K-Kilo, VXO, 1-4.
Roger, thank you.
Play 20241220154300.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 15:43:00
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
The operator from the original crash is going to be with us on a courtesy transport to 146 Colonial Village.
Starting mileage is 56.0.
On the way past that other crash, we’ll check on them and let them know that somebody will be coming by, hopefully shortly.
Play 20241220154129.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 15:41:29
30, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Have we made contact with
Ernie’s can’t even get the car because it keeps sliding.
Dispatch, if you’re ready, we have…
I’ll get an officer over to you.
We should be headed down to…
No problem, thanks.
Received. I also think there was just a forced crash.
The 20 car will probably give you the information for a moment.
Affirmative. We just took a 911 call.
This accident was about 177 East Hadley Road
between Brittany Manor and Riverglade Drive entrances.
We haven’t gotten that one yet.
20, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
MASS 5, C-C-M-R-O-M-E-O-8-5
was turning into Whipple Tree
and struck the sign there.
Can you add that to the accident, Captain?
East Street.
South-East or North-East right now, yeah?
Don’t forget about High Street and all that.
School should be getting out or already got out.
I’m doing my mains first, right?
Play 20241220153437.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 15:34:37
ECW to Amherst, please.
You’re going to have to call them.
How it works, the trucks?
Go ahead.
Can you head over to East Hadley Road?
Okay, the police can’t call you on their radio.
Is there one of your phone numbers that you want me to give to them?
No, well, I saw somebody else’s bedside on the radio.
No, we’ll head to East Hadley Road right now.
All right.
But do they want a number or something to call you in case they need to see you again?
Because we’re going to leave and they won’t be able to call you on the radio.
Yeah, they were told to call the guy on call, which is me.
So they should have my phone number.
All right, Joe. I’ll pass that on. Thanks.
I’m on Southeast right now.
Next one, dispatch.
Go ahead, next one.
I’m down on East Hadley Road.
What’s the status on the DPW?
It looks like our radios are not working, transmitting or receiving messages.
We did get them on the phone.
Someone is supposed to be messaging, calling us, and they are supposed to be headed towards you.
How many people do they have out for plowing and sanding?
I believe it’s three, but my partner is on the line with them now.
I will confirm.
There’s three trucks training at the moment.
Go ahead.
After Ernie takes the vehicle that was sent to the pole, are we able to transport the operator back to Colonial Village?
That’s done. We’re doing all the mains and hills.
Okay, thanks.
No problem.
Cool, Ponce.
You’re heading back and doing the other way.
That is correct.
Play 20241220152806.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 15:28:06
Down at Triangle Street, just so you know.
Hit it hard.
No, um, the south, I mean no north end at all.
Most of it. Flat Hills, Marquette, Leverett, any others let me know.
Copy that.
I think it’s Cherry, uh, there’s one way out and back, there’s a hill in there.
Um, and then, uh, Grantwood, uh, you got the hill section out and back there too.
Copy that.
Thank you.
Take care of southeast and northeast.
Copy that.
What I’m looking for is a 2022 Hyundai Kona, color black. Auto should be operating. I have license plate and operator information.
Thank you.
Copy that.
30 dispatch.
Squad 30.
We’re in New York.
We’re hit.
20 dispatch.
Squad 20.
On it.
Thank you.
Dispatch 30.
30 is en route, the usual 10 to 15.
Received, thank you.
30 dispatch.
Squad 30.
30 dispatch.
Squad 30.
The car that was struck is 16, number 16.
And it appears mostly intact, but they should put it on their list to check out.
30, team.
30 dispatch.
Squad 20.
Uh, there’s a New York plate that I’m going to give you. She was, uh, sliding and off the road at, uh, 3-0-1.
East Hadley Road.
And that was right before the, uh, woman crashed into the pole.
Her plate is New York, Kilo M-Mike, M-Mike 1-1-6-9.
Operator’s going to be in New York, 3-3-9.
Disregard, 3-3-9.
Disregard, 3-3-8.
3-3, do you want a separate CAD for this or include it in this one?
I’m going to do a separate CAD.
30, is this passenger?
Yeah, 30.
So, motor vehicle involved in the accident will be MADD 3 Juliet 2 Mike 1 5.
Received. Vehicle and operator are negative and active.
I have the owner’s license. Sierra 3 4 5 1 7 5 8 0.
Received. Juliet Joy 4 4 99 negative active out of Colonial Village.
Thank you.
Colonial Village.
5 20.
Can we have
Sir, may I have your cell phone, please?
My friend is. I’ve tried a couple times to reach him over the radio. I’ll try him over the phone again since the radio is obviously not working for me.
4 9, dispatch.
Go ahead, 4 9.
Obviously, East LA Road is the priority, but after that, if you could add Bay Road to the list, it’s a skater rink out here.
I can’t reach him over the radio.
Play 20241220151637.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 15:16:37
Dispatch to 30, 20.
One car, MVC, in the area of 285 East 10th Avenue, car versus pole.
She says she hasn’t injured me. I’m going to be toning for
Okay. All right.
X1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
Do we have people who ended up treading the road?
They should be. I can double check. But they were waiting for the snow to start and were standing by.
Play 20241220150412.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 15:04:12
Hills and mains, that’s all we’re doing is hills and mains.
Play 20241220150234.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 15:02:34
to the center and Chris is going to go to North.
Play 20241220145944.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 14:59:44
38, one clear for two.
Play 20241220142401.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 14:24:01
20 dispatch.
I’m going to wait for 20.
I’m clear. Stop.
Received. Do you have that plate number of my partner who was missing a digit?
The plate was 3H Hotel R-Romeo R-Romeo 66.
20 dispatch.
20 dispatch. 20.
Go ahead.
Last stop. Was RO operating and was it a 35?
RO was operating and I issued a written warning.
Play 20241220141510.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 14:15:10
Dispatch to MS units, prepare to copy a BOLO out of Belchertown, PC for domestic A&B, as well as Office of Safety.
Dispatch to all MS units, BOLO for Mast Veteran Plate 9, Foxtrot 26, that’s Mast Veteran 9, Foxtrot 26.
2018 Buick Revision, Color Brown, ROZI Operator, and Evan Rudzik, 8-20-1990, PC for domestic A&B on North Washington Street in Belchertown.
For the residents in that vehicle, unknown direction of travel, possibly headed to Holyoke at an unknown address, or to Amherst at an unknown address.
Use caution, attend on the adult, including several firearm charges.
Is unclear if he may be armed or not, that is unconfirmed. Stop and hold until contact, Belchertown PD.
Integral over MDTs as well momentarily.
30 received.
Play 20241220141032.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 14:10:32
Tornado dispatch.
Mortar vehicle stopped at South Pleasant by Memorial Drive, Mass Ridge 3, H Hotel, RLM, RLM 66.
All set.
We’re going to see him.
TORNADO DISPATCH, RLM 66, Mass Ridge 3, H Hotel, RLM 66
Go ahead.
Can you give me that plate again please? I think I missed the first number.
TORNADO DISPATCH, RLM 66, Mass Ridge 3, H Hotel, RLM 66
20, if you were trying to answer me, all I got was static.
Appreciate it.
Play 20241220135519.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 13:55:19
Play 20241220135519.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 13:55:19
Play 20241220135153.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 13:51:53
Play 20241220135153.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 13:51:53
Play 20241220123356.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 12:33:56
7-81, is this thing?
Go ahead, 7-81.
That’ll be clear.
Play 20241220121543.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 12:15:43
781 to dispatch.
Go ahead, 781.
I’ll be out at the survival center on a follow-up.
Play 20241220121117.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 12:11:17
38.1, clear for a two.
Play 20241220115802.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 11:58:02
20X1 clear for attempt.
Play 20241220115254.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 11:52:54
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
She’s gonna move along shortly. We’re all clear. I’ll narrate.
Play 20241220113641.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 11:36:41
7-8-1 to dispatch.
I’ll be out here as well to assist.
Appreciate it.
30 to dispatch. We’re on scene.
Received, 30.
Play 20241220113248.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 11:32:48
I’m calling 30 and 20, if you could head to the area of Moody Field at Snell, a report
of a homeless party living in the woods in that area, he’s got a tent set up, got a report
that he’s out there yelling and screaming right now, there was a woman walking down
the bike path, said that he was scaring people, we’ve taken multiple reports of this male
party doing similar things, 30 received from stations and I believe it’s going to be Andrew
Donnery, 30 received, 20 received from U-Drive, S-O to 20, S-O to 20, S-O to 20, S-O to 20,
When you’re clear, can you signal 2 to register a party?
ID 86 to 20
I think we’ve dealt with this party before, and I think the tent is on Amherst College
land. We might check some of our records with that, Phil.
Appreciate it.
Dispatch to Bravo 20. Not there yet, but it’s also easiest to enter off of
Dispatch to Bravo 20.
It is Amherst College property. They know about it.
Last we knew, they were not going to have them moved along.
Appreciate it. I’ll go speak with them, see if we can lower his voice.
Play 20241220113415.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 11:34:15
Play 20241220111215.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 11:12:15
7-81 to dispatch. Go ahead, 7-81. I’ll be clear of the bank center.
Play 20241220102414.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 10:24:14
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Operator’s gonna be New York 263-890-861.
And we got her in the Amherst College lot.
Thank you.
X-1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Pull me on scene and clear me.
Go ahead, X-1.
Thank you.
Play 20241220102005.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 10:20:05
Play 20241220101817.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 10:18:17
If you’re in the area and can help us, we’re trying to push it up to railroad to get it
out of the way, but uphill we could use another person.
Play 20241220101404.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 10:14:04
30 dispatch
We’re on scene and the place is gonna be New York K kilo a alpha W whiskey eight nine five nine
Play 20241220101152.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 10:11:52
You can take a report about a DMV in the area of 213 College Street by Enterprise.
RP said her vehicle just stopped.
She can’t get it out of the road.
It’s still in the middle of the road.
It’s got New York tags.
It’s a blue Mazda.
I will need the plate when you have a second.
Where’s Baben Churchill?
Play 20241220094608.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 09:46:08
10, Dispatch?
Go ahead, 10.
She’s not being cooperative. We did an interior check. Nobody around. There is signs that she’s upset.
138, try to talk to her as well.
We’ve offered her our rights under 2198 in case it was related or trespassing. In case it was not wanted, she doesn’t want to talk to us about it.
We’ll be clear.
Play 20241220094254.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 09:42:54
Dispatch to 10-30.
10-30, Cadillac 112, North Whitney Street. Female car, 911.
She wanted to run away from her apartment and I could hear her arguing with him.
It sounded like it was physical at one point. Then she hung up. I can’t get her back on the line.
10-30, receive, 111.
Uh, Dixon lives in 114. I’m not sure if he’s involved.
10-30, I believe my car is in the corner of the corner.
10-30, dispatch.
10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
I’m in the area. What was that last time, dispatch?
I’m pretty sure that female car is going the wrong way.
Dispatch, one on scene.
Receive, 30.
Play 20241220093319.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 09:33:19
7-81 to dispatch.
Go ahead, 7-81.
I’ll be out at the bank center.
Play 20241220092835.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 09:28:35
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
We met with management and attempted contact with her, but she was not home.
Her vehicle is not in the parking lot.
We’re clear for now.
Play 20241220091936.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 09:19:36
20 to dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
On to you.
781 to dispatch.
Go ahead, 781.
I’ll be out here at 11, East Pleasant.
Play 20241220091240.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 09:12:40
Dispatch to Bravo 20.
Go ahead.
20, you take an assist over 11 East Pleasant Street, apartment 106.
The staff there needs to do maintenance work in Rochon, Oregon’s apartment.
And they would like someone there because of our 62 issue.
Dispatch to Bravo 20.
Crest is also going to be headed there as well, just an FYI.
Play 20241220090533.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 09:05:33
ID 122 to dispatch.
Go ahead 122.
Signal 1, OWD. I’m on cause 35 forward.
Play 20241220090127.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 09:01:27
6-9, this is Hudson.
Go ahead, 6-9.
Play 20241220041838.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 04:18:38
Play 20241220041838.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 04:18:38
Play 20241220041612.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 04:16:12
Can you run New York license, it will be 517-600-534.
Received, yeah, I just found that underneath, so that comes back, negative active to, um,
Xiao Hui, 1205-1994, out of Woodside, New York.
Play 20241220041302.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 04:13:02
I don’t know if you can, but can you try and run that party out of New York and see if
they have a license there?
We have a runner out of New York, but we don’t have a middle initial.
Does she have a middle initial that we can use?
Yeah, so I tried to run her out of New York, and New York, without a middle initial, won’t
run anything.
So nothing pops up with her name, with or without a license out of New York.
Play 20241220040721.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 04:07:21
Dispatch to 10.
Go ahead.
Have that information if you want it.
Go ahead.
Play 20241220040505.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 04:05:05
Thank you so much.
Go ahead, Dan.
At NASA LN, SCRA Alpha 1461415.
Play 20241220040339.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 04:03:39
10 disperse.
Good, 10.
Vehicle’s gonna be in New York,
Alima, H Hotel, F Fox, 2-8-6-2.
20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
On it.
Play 20241220035610.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 03:56:10
Play 20241220035610.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 03:56:10
Play .mp3 which was recorded at
Play 20241220023135.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 02:31:35
20 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Can you open and close the check for the JCI?
Play 20241220022033.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 02:20:33
20 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Can you open and close the check of the Craig’s Door trailer?
Play 20241220014739.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 01:47:39
10 disinfection.
All right, Jeff.
Spoke with the RO. They were unsure why we were getting calls for that, but they stated that everything is okay.
All right, you can show me clear.
Play 20241220014047.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 01:40:47
That vehicle’s back in the driveway. Do you want me to knock on the house and say what’s up?
Yes, please.
Go again, was that a yes?
Affirmative, just like I said, I’m sure it’s not a
Play 20241220013803.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 01:38:03
10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Check the area. I got nothing. I’ll be clear, unless there’s another call about it.
X-1 to 10.
Go ahead.
Did you check the RO’s address?
I did. The driveway is pretty long. I didn’t go into the driveway to see if they made it home, but I can if you’d like.
Yeah, I just didn’t sure if it was a
Just cross our east out of our eyes, please.
Received. I’ll go check.
Play 20241220013122.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 01:31:22
I’m going to the north side of Flat Helms Road, and there I uh, a plate.
The plate’s going to be 3 Echo Echo Y Yankee 9-3, comes back to a 2022 Mercedes color gray,
and the address for the owner is 3 Juniper Lane in Amherst.
Received, thank you.
Play 20241220012859.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 01:28:59
Play 20241220012859.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 01:28:59
Play 20241220011637.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 01:16:37
21 to dispatch.
Go ahead, 21.
So that previous CAT ALPINE, can you just add
I think that might be the individual and apartment it’s affiliated with.
Play 20241220011342.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 01:13:42
30 to stretch.
Go ahead, 30.
Operator’s going to be off of New York OLN, 741-161-777, 35 is issued, I’m clear.
Play 20241220011136.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 01:11:36
Dispatch, this is 30, I have that information, when are you ready?
Go ahead with it.
That comes back, that temporary tag comes back, negative active, expiration dates January 14th of 25 to a 2025 Mazda CX-5 color black.
Appreciate it, thank you.
Play 20241220010945.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 01:09:45
30 dispatch
Go ahead, 30
Stop South Mountain at Spring, I’ll be out with a New Jersey temp tag 068462 V Victor, 10-7-9-10
Play 20241220010105.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 01:01:05
That’s 21.
Got it.
We ran that vent out of all the regions and got nothing back on file from each one.
For the CATS, by building number 1, or apartment 1.
Cleared for now, keep an eye on it.
Play 20241220005836.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 00:58:36
Dispatch, this is 21.
We tried the temp tag again, didn’t get anything back on that.
And now we’re trying that VIN number out of multiple regions, and so far we haven’t gotten anything back.
No records on it.
Play 20241220005537.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 00:55:37
Dispatch, this is 21.
Go ahead.
Just verifying that temporary tag out of Alabama is T-Tango and November 100507.
When I run that tag as a temporary tag out of Alabama, it comes back with not on file.
I’m going to try and run it a different way and see if I get anything back.
Where is he?
I have a van. If you could try to run it too when you’re ready.
Go ahead.
3, and November 1, A-P-B, 7, A-P-B, 2, kickoff, W-Y, 3-0, 3-2, 4-0.
Should be some kind of grey Nissan.
Play 20241220005258.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 00:52:58
Twenty-one, switch.
Go ahead, twenty-one.
Okay, so we have a suspicious motor vehicle at Alpine Commons.
It’s unoccupied, but can you try to run an Alabama temporary tag of T-Tango
and November one zero zero five zero seven.
Play 20241220004818.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 00:48:18
21, switch.
Go ahead, 21.
I’m clear.
Play 20241220003749.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 00:37:49
20 to search.
Go ahead, 20.
You can clear me off that security check.
30 to dispatch, can you show me clear as well?
Play 20241220003233.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 00:32:33
Did anyone happen to go by my car at Alpine just now?
I did.
Tony, when are you talking on foot or in a car?
Either or. I just heard Marvin’s freaking out at something over there.
Tony drove by on a car. I was looking at the parking lot and I didn’t see anybody.
Appreciate it.
Play 20241220002723.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 12 20 00:27:23
21 to 30 and 20, that car’s not parked where it usually is, so I’m just going to head towards the apartment and check it.
Very urgent.
21 to fetch.
Go ahead, 21.
Just put 30 and 20 myself on a security check for 169 Colonial Village.
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