Ever wonder what is happening when you see police or other activity in your neighborhood? Or where you work? There is a lack of local news in Amherst, MA. And certainly the police blotter leaves out a LOT of information and is not real-time.

AmherstScanner transcribes real-time, publicly-available radio communication data that is gathered via multiple public airwaves and puts it in writing so that the citizens of Amherst and surrounding areas can keep up with what is happening in town…in near real-time. It is essentially the Amherst Police Scanner, Amherst Fire Department Scanner, and, for those who really want to know, the Amherst Department of Public Works Scanner (pothole, anyone?)

Data is published about 15 minutes after transmission of original voice data.

Readers can comment on data and you can also contact us with any questions or suggestions for the site.

We charge a small monthly fee to simply offset the cost of electricity.

Disclaimer: Transcriptions are certainly not 100% accurate.