Play 20241103234157.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 23:41:57
10, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
So the operator turned to the RO to assign me an AR number for a 7th for him.
Ernie has the vehicle. You can show him that it’s clear.
Play 20241103231952.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 23:19:52
10, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Stop, northwestern at Searing, gonna be Mast 4, A-A-P-P-O-P-O-1-5.
Just confirm the status.
Received, 10-5.
Dispatch, 10.
10-4, Alpha Alpha Papa, 1-5 comes back, revoked for no insurance on a 2009 Toyota Corolla blue in color, to our adjoints, and Contralis 11-22-0-4 out of Waldham, Mayo.
Forgiveness in.
Acceptance ofango.
Ad Romans aka P.
McK exploring the downtown east side of West Hollywood, proudly bracing herself for the upcoming July 12, 2018.
That other flag.
20 is bad for my little town.
Play 20241103232518.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 23:25:18
Play 20241103214752.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 21:47:52
10 to X1, OK for you too.
Play 20241103214345.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 21:43:45
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
The exterior’s secure, we’re unable to see the interior.
Apparent 15, you get in contact with the key holder and we’ll come back, but we’ll be clear.
Play 20241103214052.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 21:40:52
Tans in the area.
What do you think?
Play 20241103213813.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 21:38:13
30, this is Haddonfield.
Play 20241103213618.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 21:36:18
Dispatch, 20, 30.
20, 30. Can you take a commercial 67? It’s going to be 55 University Drive, the Mass Alternative Care.
It’s going to be Zone Motion, IT Closet, Zone 32.
20, 4-1-1.
30, receiving.
20, 2-10. Are you on the road?
Just got to 1-11. I can take it for you, though.
Yeah, if that’s possible. Thank you.
Play 20241103195014.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 19:50:14
10 to X1, OK for a 2.
Play 20241103193609.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 19:36:09
10, dispatch.
Play 20241103184421.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 18:44:21
Play 20241103180752.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 18:07:52
10-Dispatch, can you raise the south, please?
You can secure it, thanks.
Play 20241103174015.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 17:40:15
30 dispatch. Go ahead 30. Ernie’s has the vehicle. You can keep me on the CAD. I’m going to head to 111 for the search.
You’re received.
20 dispatch. Go ahead 20. Triple A has that vehicle. I’m clear. You’re received. 10 dispatch. Go ahead.
Ending is going to be 86.7. Can you raise the north please?
Affirmative. Q-5 in your paperwork for the Vader.
Thank you.
Play 20241103173344.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 17:33:44
20 is good.
Go ahead, 20.
Purple, why did you finally show up?
Did you get disregarded or anything else?
Research, if you could just get me the OLN of the operator please, I’d appreciate it.
20 is good.
20 is good, is that one?
Yeah, go ahead with it.
Mast, Sierra Alpha, 4-4-6-0-8-9-6.
Thank you.
Play 20241103172939.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 17:29:39
10, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
30 will be with the vehicle until Ernie gets here.
You start me a transport CAD and be 8-3-point-5 starting mileage.
Copy that.
Play 20241103172114.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 17:21:14
30, dispatch, Monteith.
Received, 30.
Play 20241103171644.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 17:16:44
Twenty dispatch.
Go ahead, twenty.
How is the vehicle mass? Three, two, six, kilo, kilo, nine.
Three fusions negative and active.
Two thousand ten, four fusions red.
Received, thank you.
Thank you.
Ten dispatch.
Go ahead, ten.
Send me another unit, please. I’m going to have the R.O. under.
Received, dispatch, thirty.
Thirty-two from South Pleasant.
Ten, two, X, one, good for the hook.
Ten, I got that direct.
Received, can you just also send for a certified copy?
I can do that.
Thirty to ten, is she already in the back of your car?
Do you just need me for the standby with the car?
Yeah, she’s already in the back.
If you wouldn’t mind just doing the quick inventory and staying with the car.
Three, Steve, just need to know if I needed blue lights or not.
Received, and thank you.
Thank you.
Twenty, dispatch.
Go ahead, twenty.
Central, After Viet, please tell Miss Anne, I will be coming back to the base in a minute.
After Viet, at least.
Copy, go ahead.
All right, go ahead, twenty.
Go ahead, twenty.
All right, go ahead, twenty.
Go ahead, twenty.
I’m going to need a police call. They’re saying it’s 40 to 45 minutes, but it’s two hours, so we need to get them here.
Charlie, 20.
Charlie, rolling.
Ernie’s en route, 15 to 20. Snatch, Charlie, 10.
Ernie’s also en route, 10 to 15.
Received, thanks.
Play 20241103170835.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 17:08:35
Dispatch, Charlie 8-20.
I have a disabled motor vehicle. It’s going to be near 807 Main Street.
It’s going to be a red Ford Fusion. The caller said she called AAA, but she said she’s in a bad spot.
She’d like an officer to stand by.
10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Stop, Coles Road at Sunderland Road. It’s going to be with Mast 2, H Hotel, White Yankee, 542.
The RO shown suspended.
10, dispatch.
I received.
Do you want to check a unit up there?
I’ll advise, thanks.
Play 20241103163930.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 16:39:30
10, Dispatch.
Go ahead.
Can you show me clear of all parties who are reserved their QBLs?
Play 20241103162700.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 16:27:00
10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Can you put me on a follow-up at 778 Northwestern Street in reference to CAD 24-22160?
Just looking to issue some TBLs.
Play 20241103160925.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 16:09:25
Play 20241103160925.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 16:09:25
Play 20241103160503.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 16:05:03
X1 dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
I’m out. Send her for extended care.
Appreciate it.
Play 20241103160022.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 16:00:22
Go ahead 20
I’m on thing
3 received
Go ahead
Play 20241103155815.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 15:58:15
30-Dispatch on scene
Play 20241103155612.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 15:56:12
Dispatch, X-1.
Airborne 20.
Anybody at this point,
They’ve got a lot of smoke in the ceiling area.
138, Dispatch, I’ll be at your south car now and I’ll head that way as well.
Play 20241103152121.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 15:21:21
Station Officer to 10.
We’ve got Joseph, I’m on the phone. Are you near 111 to take a call?
I’m on East Pleasant, headed back. It’s going to take me a little bit.
If you want to grab the number, I’ll call her back.
Received, okay.
Play 20241103145856.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 14:58:56
Thanks for the dispatch.
I’m going to be clear with the 35 to main 013218362.
Dispatch, X1.
Go ahead.
I must have missed a digit. I got 821836.
Yeah, from the last digit is 2.
Thank you.
Play 20241103145332.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 14:53:32
Dispatch, X-1.
Go ahead.
You’re over.
You want me to back down on 09-100-Santa White?
Merry Buds, y’all. Born in 69.
Play 20241103145206.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 14:52:06
X on dispatch.
I’m going to have a stop North Pleasant at Douglas with main reg 834 Y Yankee in November. 9-10 please.
Play 20241103132005.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 13:20:05
20 to X1, clear for a two.
Play 20241103131308.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 13:13:08
20 to fetch.
Go ahead, 20.
We were finally able to make contact with somebody.
First name Michael, middle initial J Juliet, last name C Charlie, O Oscar, N November, N November, E Echo, E Echo, L Lima, Y Yankee, date of birth 5-31-04.
He’s out of New Jersey. Those three sites are handed to him and he’s going to hand them out to his fraternity brothers.
And he would show us there.
75 to 20, thank you.
No problem.
Play 20241103125342.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 12:53:42
20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Can you put me on a follow-up CAD for 24-22049?
Your radio cut out. You said 24-what?
That was 22049. We’re headed over to 510 North Pleasant Street.
Play 20241103120919.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 12:09:19
See, he kept it flying.
Play 20241103120214.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 12:02:14
Engine three from three hundred, you can back up to one hundred.
Three three, pump it up.
Play 20241103115315.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 11:53:15
Well done!
Play 20241103115003.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 11:50:03
Go ahead 10
You can show me on scene and clear.
The vehicles are not in any sort of no parking area and vehicles can get through.
Play 20241103114725.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 11:47:25
Play 20241103114725.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 11:47:25
Play 20241103113918.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 11:39:18
Station Officer X-1.
Go ahead.
Self-lock empty.
Received, thank you.
Play 20241103105310.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 10:53:10
E-300 from E-302, trash line ready for water.
E-302, water coming.
Play 20241103093916.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 09:39:16
Yeah, we’ve got another one that’s injured in total, get over here.
It’s a Tiger.
Engine three from eight four hundred.
We can cut it in two and a half.
Play 20241103093603.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 09:36:03
3-0-3, we’re ready for water.
3-3-0-3, ready for water.
Engine 3, for me, 300.
Go ahead, 300.
Engine line is ready for water, as long as you already got it connected up.
3-2-1, you’re coming.
Play 20241103085236.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 08:52:36
Last runners are turning onto Dickinson.
Bottom left window.
Forty-nine to one-eighteen.
Go ahead.
They’re completely off-main.
Do you need another hand down there?
I think we’re good, Cap.
Our last runner’s just about to come through.
Kyle is good.
I’ll take a second.
Care for you.
Last group is just passing Dickinson.
That’s Spring.
Play 20241103085423.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 08:54:23
Play 20241103084526.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 08:45:26
Last runner is turning onto College Street.
Today we are making the final 18 running on the stage.
Play 20241103084242.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 08:42:42
The runners have passed Kellogg. Do you want me to stay here until they get to Amity?
How’s your
Just a couple coming up towards me.
Yeah, hold until they get to Amity please. Thank you.
Thank you.
Last runner passing Amity intersection now.
Play 20241103083938.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 08:39:38
Leadership, Southwest College.
Play 20241103083432.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 08:34:32
ID 102 to ID 49, or 118.
I understand you have College Street going eastbound. However, people are trying to turn around at this intersection at Dickinson on 3-point turn.
And I got piles of
There is no other way to send them. Eastbound.
85 to units. Leaders just coming through the rotary.
Thank you.
Leaders passing Prairie Street.
Play 20241103082823.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 08:28:23
Play 20241103082823.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 08:28:23
Play 20241103051429.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 05:14:29
20 dispatch, I’m clear.
Play 20241103051319.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 05:13:19
20, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Hey, could you let Hadley PD know, I’m behind a Honda Fit going westbound on North Hampton Road right now.
This car is all over the road, he kept slamming on their brakes on 116.
I’ll give him a call, let him know.
You can also show me a McDonald’s, ending is going to be 02.5.
X 120.
Are you no longer behind the vehicle?
Was that negative or affirmative?
Affirmative, I’m in the McDonald’s parking lot now.
I won’t be able to get to that vehicle.
Play 20241103050822.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 05:08:22
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Intermediate transport CAD, starting mileage is 98.4, I’ll be bringing Jade to the McDonald’s in Hadley.
Thank you.
Go ahead, 20.
Excellent, 20.
Thank you, and let me know if you have any issues on your way over while you’re there.
Excellent, dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
Units will be clear.
I believe you have Jade’s information.
It’s verbal only.
Situation is mediated.
Could you also create a separate
And we made contact with CSO for some other issues while we were on scene.
Play 20241103045419.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 04:54:19
X-1 Dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Two parties here involved, S-Sierra A-Alpha 2-9-1-0-0-0-2,
and S-Sierra A-Alpha 3-6-4-0-0-8-0.
S-Sierra A-Alpha 2-9-1-0-0-2,
and S-Sierra A-Alpha 3-6-4-0-2,
and S-Sierra A-Alpha 3-6-4-0-2.
Dispatch to X-1, I have the information on both parties if you want them.
The first OLL comes back to a William Tyler Prime 0730-2003,
negative active out Duxbury, Mass., and no BOP.
The second OLL comes back to a Ryan Cooney 0519-2004,
negative active out Duxbury, Mass., and no BOP.
Play 20241103045027.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 04:50:27
20, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
I see.
Play 20241103044628.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 04:46:28
X-1 dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
I have a couple in front.
Play 20241103044028.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 04:40:28
Dispatch to 20, 21.
Can you add to 21 Montague Road, the Cumberland Farms, for a possible past disturbance?
RP called stating that Jade Callis was being verbally talked to, being yelled at by a college-aged male
that was in a red and white checkered shirt, shorter, and had trim-strapped facial hair
and would like to speak to an officer. They believe that the individual has left, but are unsure.
20 received. Inducing a 21-20.
Okay. Dispatch to 30.
30 received.
20 to 30.
Go ahead.
It should be all set up there.
Received. Thank you.
Thank you.
Play 20241103032524.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 03:25:24
104 to French.
Go ahead, 104.
I’m clear. DCF is heading to Belchtown location to speak with mom.
In the meantime, they spoke with sister-in-law.
But I’m clear.
I’m coming to the back door, Sarge.
Play 20241103030026.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 03:00:26
1-0-4, dispatch.
Go ahead, 1-0-4.
Can I have a follow-up, cad? I don’t know if we have a domestic one or not.
Domestic follow-up for the brook, number 61. I’ll be out with DCF there for a little bit.
Play 20241103024801.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 02:48:01
20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Just a couple friends hanging out eating snacks.
Play .mp3 which was recorded at
Play 20241103024525.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 02:45:25
20 is fetch.
Can you just put me on a suspicious motor vehicle at Amherst Tire Center with Mass 4, White Yankee, A-Alpha, end November, 9-5.
Play 20241103022658.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 02:26:58
20, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
SSFT, check OK.
Certified to the operating control units, clear.
We’re received.
Play 20241103022423.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 02:24:23
Forty to dispatch.
Go ahead, Forty.
I’m clear.
Ready to shoot.
Play 20241103021933.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 02:19:33
40 Dispatch, I’m out on College Street.
Play 20241103021542.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 02:15:42
Forty, dispatch.
Go ahead, Forty.
There’s no
Ready to use our units, nothing pending.
One-five-five to Forty.
Go ahead.
Can you slide down this way?
Play 20241103021340.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 02:13:40
Forty to Svig, go ahead Forty, 1 North Hampton Road, 3 to 2, 2-1 dispatch team traffic, 3 to 2
1-0-4 to X-1
DCF wanted to chat with a gentleman in custody, do you want to come in and coordinate that or otherwise you can’t
Received, stand by on that, I’ll be on it too shortly
Dispatch to X-1
After North Hampton Road, we are all caught up
Received, thank you
Play 20241103020901.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 02:09:01
Roger, roger.
Go ahead, 20.
21, go ahead.
Affirmative to me, Sierra Alpha 0230082.
Appreciate you.
Roger, roger.
20, disruptor.
Go ahead, 21.
Go ahead, 20.
Go ahead, 21.
Operator’s going to be up at Pennsylvania OLM 34731334.
Appreciate you.
5-5, are you nearby?
Units walking on each other, go ahead, 21.
Just assigned me an AR summons from Ms. Lieber, and units, be clear.
Received, go ahead, other unit.
1-5-5 to 20, heading your way now from Triangle.
Received, thanks.
Thank you, 1-5-5. 20, be advised, nothing came over on the radio on that, whatever your request was.
Received, I got the plate when you’re ready.
Go ahead.
Again, Alpha Pennsylvania, it’s going to be M-MIKE-R-R-O-M-E-O-G-OL-9-5-4-7.
Dispatch to 21.
I realize you cleared, but she is active, non-renew.
I’ll send the number to you.
Received, thank you. You can dispatch me the next one if you want.
Received, it’ll be a few, I think it’s central.
Dispatch to Amherst units, got a copy of Bolo out of Hadley for hit-and-run that occurred 45 minutes ago.
Bolo from Hadley PD, last seen on Route 9 coming into Amherst from Hadley.
A white, also a Hyundai sedan, operated by a female party, black hoodie, black hair, partial red of 3 X-ray Lima, 3 X-ray Lima.
Again, occurred 45 minutes ago.
Go ahead, 157.
Go ahead, 155.
155, dispatch.
Go ahead, 155.
Out with 20.
Dispatch to 21 and 40.
Noise complaint, vicinity of Blue Hills and Northampton Road.
RP lives at 116 Blue Hills.
Loud music and party from that location.
This call is only about 25 minutes old.
21, received.
20, dispatch. Just be advised, the operator is coming out for SFFTs and 155 is out with me.
Thank you, sir.
Play 20241103020046.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 02:00:46
21 Dispatch, I’m on scene.
3 issues.
10 Dispatch, same traffic.
3 issues, 10.
20 Dispatch.
Can you put me on a motor vehicle stop on College Street?
Entrance to Aspen Chase.
I’ll get you the info in a sec.
Play 20241103015635.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 01:56:35
10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Both units on hitching first.
If you could continue down Pine Street 506, Pine Street 506.
This call came in at 0026 hours, be it loud music or noise, this is an only deck location.
10 Dispatch, go ahead 10, bulk unit’s on scene, no
I think that’s it for your district, thank you, received, I’m just kidding, 10 and 21,
if you can respond to 21, ball lane, unit C, Charlie, RIP lives in B, Bravo, loud music
and yelling, received, 10, this call came in 10 minutes ago, received, 10, this call
came in 10 minutes ago, received,
Play 20241103015020.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 01:50:20
3-1 Dispatch, I’m in the PASCA.
This is 2-2.
3-2 Dispatch, I’m in the PASCA.
10-1 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Have a pop turn.
20, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Clear 111, back in service.
Appreciate it. Thank you.
2-1 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 21.
It’s dark in there. It’s gonna be GOA.
Can’t hear anything.
Send me the next if you want.
Appreciate it.
Why don’t we hit 25 Hitching Post Road.
Loud music.
A party near her house.
She does not know the exact location.
Again, call in at 25.
Appreciate it.
And this call came in at 0024.
One call.
Appreciate it.
10 receives as well.
Play 20241103014516.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 01:45:16
X-1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Two residents here.
First is Orlan.
That’s here at A-4460404.
The seconds can be verbal only.
First is J. Juliet.
I need you.
That’s here at Ieco, El Lima, A-.
Last, H-Hotel, A-Waikiki, O-Oscar and November.
August 6th, 2004.
Thank you.
Dispatch to X-1. Info’s up when you’re ready.
Both parties are negative active.
Please assign one summons number to 21 for Ms. Hayon.
She’s out of Clinton for
Go ahead.
1-5-5, dispatch.
Go ahead 1-5-5.
Party is gonna be on board with A-FD.
We’re up to C-E-H.
You’re in trouble if it is clear.
Excellent dispatch.
Got it.
No rush, we can just keep going with the
Affirm, they keep coming in. Give me one sec.
Dispatch to X-1, I’ve got some sector units available now.
Dispatch, base sector, you still want to hit it with 21?
You can stick with the sector cars and use 21 as a backup and handle it for you.
Dispatch to 10-21.
10-21, take a
RP lives in 108, reporting loud music.
I am not showing… I lied.
This is from our history in March of 24, the warning issued, and this call came in at 23-15.
10-11, got it.
Dispatch to 10, back into March, there’s 10-15 people, they’re walking out as PD arrives.
There’s a 35 issued to a female party named Sabrina.
Play 20241103013818.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 01:38:18
X-1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Units are empty.
Received. It’s possibly a private number three.
Units are empty.
X-1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Do we have any history here at apartment three?
Negative. Not since 2019.
X-1, dispatch.
Not since 2019.
Play 20241103013450.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 01:34:50
Go ahead, 21.
Nothing showing over there.
Ready for the next.
Go ahead, 21.
Nothing showing over there.
Ready for the next.
Go ahead, 21.
Nothing showing over there.
Go ahead, 21 as well.
Three seats.
I’ll give you the most recent ones.
Just to kind of keep the centralized until you make our way up north.
For who?
174 North Whitney Street.
RP was there as well.
The apartment below him is playing loud music.
People are yelling.
He’s living in Apartment 1. Again, it’s the apartment below him.
X-orders hit.
Final coverage direct.
Play 20241103013124.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 01:31:24
We’re already dispatching. Myself and X1 are in the area.
Play 20241103012852.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 01:28:52
X-1 dispatch. Go ahead X-1. How many
Looks like four and I think my partner is taking our fifth right now.
The oldest is going to be at 11-15. Most recent, aside from right now, is 10-1.
10-1 was the first 10-1 like an hour ago.
You can send 21-9.
Dispatch to 21.
I think we’ll hit the ones closest to town first. 21 and X-1, if you hit the Heatherstone Road,
very loud music, vicinity of Heatherstone or Palm Road, they were unclear.
ERP is calling from 19 Birchcroft. Can hear it from that location. Know all the calls on it.
Last call was 10-1 before the time change.
X-1 received.
Play 20241103012613.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 01:26:13
Forty, this is Edger.
Go ahead, Forty.
He’s highly ETO, he shouldn’t have puked all over himself, can you send AFD?
Yeah, I’ve got him.
MSMS 2, W, Whiskey, D, Delta, Y, Yankee, 4, 2.
Forty, what’s your six?
Garcia, 1-5-5, front person, behind the wheel there.
1-5-5, dispatch.
Go ahead, 1-5-5.
Forty, yours, MASS, Sierra, A-Alpha, 3-9-7-0-6-3-7.
Dispatch, this is 1-5-5.
Dispatch, this is 1-5-5. Info’s up.
Go ahead.
Zachary, Gurrier, HIPPO, light.
It’s going to be 7-9-2-0-3 at Brockton, it’s active, negative runway W.
Any Bob?
Play 20241103012114.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 01:21:14
Twenty-one, dispatch.
Go ahead, Twenty-one.
Twenty-one, dispatch.
Go ahead, Twenty-one.
Dispatch to Twenty-one, they’re trying to answer you, go ahead.
Resident here, Connecticut.
Should come back to a John McGooey.
I’ll take an AR summons for the police.
Very good.
Thank you.
Forty, dispatch.
Go ahead, Forty.
Yeah, I’m Phillips.
Appreciate it.
I’m all set, Forty.
Twenty-one, dispatch, can you just give me that AR number here, please?
Yeah, I can do that.
Appreciate it, thanks.
Forty, dispatch, I’m clear.
Appreciate it, Forty.
Dispatch to one-five-five.
One-five-five’s on.
I’m going to spread the wealth a little bit.
Can you take a well-being check?
Mike, a lot of Garcia’s looking for a black or a dark-colored vehicle with a subject passed out inside the car.
Ernie’s towing is the calling priority.
Noticed that while they were towing vehicles out of there, they tended to arouse him.
No response.
Appreciate it.
Appreciate it.
One-five-five to Forty, are you in the area at all?
Yeah, it’s sliding over there now.
Appreciate it.
Thank you.
Appreciate it.
Forty, I have you on the scene. Second unit, go ahead.
One-five-five’s on, too.
Appreciate it.
Play 20241103011311.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 01:13:11
21 Dispatcher, I’m on Philips.
Play 20241103011035.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 01:10:35
Dispatch to X-1.
Would you like me to continue the
Oh, your pleasure. I’ve still got a handful left.
When you’re back, Phil and everybody, make sure that 104 goes back to that monitoring CAD.
SA-1 is going to be off-duty, so we can utilize 40 and 20 and or 30, depending upon location.
Received. I think we’ve got 30 in the book right now. I’m only showing 21 available for yourself.
Received. Yeah, you can dispatch 21.
30, dispatch, I am available if you need me.
Okay, received. Thank you.
40 is clear in that CAD as well.
3C, 40, I’ve got Chicopee. I’m going to head over to that location when they come.
3C, thank you.
Dispatch to 21 and 40.
Dispatch to 21 and 40.
Can you take a ride by 37 Phillips Street?
We had a previous
RPU is living at 29 Phillips Street. Just a one call.
Received. Pine Street.
Play 20241103010537.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 01:05:37
6-3, Mr. Insurer, back online. 6-155, are you all set?
Affirm. Citation issued.
OMD to the operator, over.
Received, thank you.
Play 20241103010314.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 01:03:14
135, dispatch.
Thank you.
Cleared and available.
You’re welcome.
Play 20241103015956.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 01:59:56
Dispatch to all AMS units, please shut down CAD for two minutes for the time change for advisement and backup. We will not be able to process any requests.
Play 20241103015813.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 01:58:13
Excellent dispatch.
Go ahead, next one.
Myself, ID 155 and 30 should be clear.
Received. Give us just a couple minutes, we’ll get the next one out.
At 0200, you have to do the transition with everybody off CADS.
Yeah, I’m sorry, I’m going to make an announcement in about 4 minutes.
And then I’ll let you know when we’re back up.
Received, sounds good, thank you.
30, this is 30.
Go ahead, 30.
I’ll be clear from that, going back to 111, but I’m available for calls.
135, dispatch.
Go ahead, 135.
Bring me to the north, please, ending 75.6.
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
I’ll be on a 2 with 135.
155, dispatch.
Go ahead, 155.
Stop, call Jed Dickinson, Master Ridge 5 at 0, F box, be Victor, 3-9, all set.
Play 20241103015311.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 01:53:11
I have about eight names here, whenever you’re ready.
Stand by one, X-One, are you going to be all set with some media traffic, video time you’ve taken up?
X-One, dispatch, go again.
Dispatch, go again.
We’re going to have extensive radio
Affirmative, we are good here.
Okay, 30, if you’ve got them, you can send them.
First one’s going to be a massive LNS, you’re a output 630-0695.
Copy one.
Next is massive LNS, you’re a output 777-0075.
Copy two.
Next one is New York license, 528-053841.
Copy three.
Next, massive LNS, you’re a output 239-1472.
Massive LNS, you’re a output 319-0645.
Copy that.
Massive LNS, you’re a output 228-0059.
Copy six.
Massive LNS, you’re a output 218-0426.
Massive LNS, you’re a output 570-0425.
And, received.
Massive LNS, you’re a output 619-0920.
And, Connecticut license, 039-A50251.
Two verbals here, first one’s going to be Jonathan, common spelling, last name O’Leary, O-L-E-A-R-Y, July 22nd of 04, should be out of Connecticut.
Received, give me an initial on that one.
To you, Papa.
Received, go to the next.
Shoot to the last one here, Lyle, L-Y-L-E, last name Gray, G-R-A-Y, July 13th of 04, should be out of Mass.
Received, thank you.
X-1, if you’re calling, I dropped my phone and I can’t find it.
Received, are you able to clear up soon?
Thank you.
There’s your X-1.
You available for a call?
Affirmative, we’re leaving Lincoln now, I can meet you back over to your location in 30 seconds, if that works.
Yes sir, sounds good.
40 dispatch.
Go ahead, 40.
I found the vehicle plate, it’s Mass 4, W, Whiskey, F, Foxtrot, D, Delta, 2-8.
Can you just update the Bolo end?
I’m sure they’re busy, but someone from Chicopee could swing by the residence, Luke on Hilton Street, Chicopee.
He gets run almost every night in town though, so make sure he’s around.
Okay, received, will do.
30 dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Just want to clarify, were you able to get stuff back for those three purple enlists?
They’ve got the bomb in the list that we’ve been running, so stand by one that Luke jammed up.
Received, no worries.
21 to X-1, I’m clear and available.
1-5-5, dispatch.
Go ahead, 1-5-5.
Myself and X-1 are clear of that fight.
We’ll be out at Alpha 6.
Dispatch to 1-4-7, I’ve got some information for you.
Go ahead.
New York registration RV is down currently, so that O-L-N did not come back yet, but they are down.
Everybody else came back negative active, all around.
We’re going to have three parties under.
One of them is that New York license, the other is Lyle Gray, and the third one is Paul Canning.
Received, who’s taking the numbers on this?
30 to dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Can you assign two to myself and one to 20, please?
1-35, dispatch.
Go ahead, 1-35.
I’ll be transporting those three parties from 3-74 to 1-11, starting 7-4-point-9.
Play 20241103014300.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 01:43:00
Just ask for 30.
He is active, negative OW.
Appreciate it, thank you.
1-0-4, you are unmutable.
Dispatch, 2-X-1.
2-42 Lincoln Avenue, fight in progress, couple dozen people.
Dispatch to X-1.
242 Lincoln Avenue.
Flight in progress.
Couple dozen people.
Dispatch to X-1.
Dispatch to X-1.
Dispatch to X-1.
Dispatch to X-1.
X-1 received.
I’ll be en route.
Gotta party for you.
Base to DM-20.
Got multiple calls coming in.
I’ll be en route as well.
X-1 Dispatch
We’re on 4
Go ahead X-1
Go ahead X-1
I believe 155 in our area of the scene
1-0-4, you want that door open?
Yes, please
155 X-1, I got one running
He’s down on McClellan
X-1 to other units, regarding the fight on Lincoln, nothing active at this time
Dispatch to 20, you can go into
Standby, I’m going to have a ton of numbers for you
X-1 to Dispatch
X-1 Dispatch
Go ahead X-1
Dispatch to X-1
X-1 Dispatch, Richard Bialce here
In terms of additional resources
Play 20241103013621.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 01:36:21
20 to 135. They’re going to be going.
Ruth-D, we’re coming around the corner. We’re going to have to loop around.
X-1 dispatch. Go ahead, X-1.
Out on North Pleasant Street.
Appreciate it.
40 dispatch.
Go ahead, 40.
Shadow Witness, MASS-SCRA, Alpha 8100820. And I reviewed the footage. It’s actually a black Honda. A cord, possibly.
MASS plates. Possibly the last two ending in 28. So it’s not a brown vehicle. It’s a black Honda.
Appreciate it. Thank you.
Thank you.
30 dispatch. I’m not at that point.
Appreciate it, 30.
104 dispatch. Can you raise the North, please?
Thank you.
X-1 to ID-155.
Go ahead.
Are you going to be able to clear up some 40 stops shortly? Or, excuse me, crash?
155 dispatch, I’m clear.
Appreciate it, 155.
Thank you.
X-1 to 20.
We got one person back here. They’re trying to get some more.
Can’t hear over the stereo.
Received. Coming to you.
Thank you.
30 dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Can you add a verbal only? Brendan, B-R-E-N-D-A-N, last name Connelly, C-O-N-N-O-L-L-Y, 11-10-04. Should be out of mass.
Play 20241103013028.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 01:30:28
Thanks for the ID, 155.
One, two, forty.
You all set up there?
Yeah, it’s trying to look through.
But it’s even going to play with too much of it.
Where is it?
X1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
You can dispatch the oldest, I guess we’ll start with the oldest
unless there’s anything more urgent, you believe, from what the callers have reported to you recently.
We can go with 20, 30, and SA-1 can follow along.
Give me one second.
Dispatch to 20, 30.
20 and 30,
Loud rock music coming from that location.
APU is at 388.
This call came in at 2249.
20, receive. Can you throw me in the area?
30, receive. I’m talking.
135, do you copy as well?
And you can put us in the area as well.
Play 20241103012544.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 01:25:44
X-1 Dispatch
Go ahead X-1
How many
Stand by one, I gotta count them off
Dispatch, X-1
X-1 to the station officer
155 Dispatch
Go ahead 155
I’ll be over 40
Go ahead
Play .mp3 which was recorded at
Play 20241103012243.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 01:22:43
Forty dispatch.
Go ahead Forty.
Just a two vehicle crash.
The second vehicle’s Mast 1, El Lima, El Lima, D-Delta, 6-3.
Did you have a third vehicle in at all?
I had that one.
I’ve got the Prius 2, Victor, Zulu, Papa, D-3.
And then we were told it was the third one that fled.
Is it not a third one?
Yeah, I guess that’s where the confusion is.
Two are still on scene that were struck.
The third one fled the scene.
So just two vehicles here.
They’re all on the same page now.
Thank you.
Forty dispatch.
Go ahead Forty.
Operator of the second vehicle, the Camry Mast 017-627611.
First name Muhammad.
I think he’s the RO.
Negative active all around.
Three, six, count five.
Over to the A2, please.
Time of the call was 0-0-5-1.
20 to X-1.
Hey, I got that kid with the golf club at the corner of Fearing and Nutting.
I know it’s way past, but…
Have a conversation.
See if he’s willing to talk to you in case he’s involved in defending.
Thank you.
Yeah, that’s him from here.
Forty to X-1.
Alright then, dispatch.
Put out a BOLO for this other vehicle.
It’s going to be a brown Honda, and it’s going to be with front-edge damage,
missing the emblem in the front of it.
Clear for the BOLO.
Dispatch, copy.
Copy, I’m on it.
Forty, dispatch.
Go ahead, Forty.
The operator of the Camry,
the operator of the Camry is complaining of head pain.
He doesn’t want to
it is a personal injury crash.
Thirty, dispatch.
Go ahead, Thirty.
I’ll be clear from that stop.
I’m going to head up north of North Pleasant,
see if I can find this car at all.
You’re clear of the accident.
You’re clear of the accident.
Dispatch, this is Forty.
I’ve had a missed you saying it.
Is this a sedan, confirmed or unknown style?
We’re going to get video footage from another Uber driver
who’s going to come back in five minutes,
but they left their Honda emblem on the front.
They said it’s just a brown vehicle.
Okay, received.
One-oh-four, dispatch.
Go ahead, One-oh-four.
Just so you’re in the loop, I’m bringing the
The house didn’t take him because of the Q5 statement.
So, we’re going to be sitting on him for a little bit.
Thanks for keeping me in the loop.
You’re returning with your present.
With your prisoner.
Twenty, dispatch.
Go ahead, Twenty.
I’ll be clear.
That party just got out of an Uber.
No involvement.
Received, Twenty.
X-One to ID-One-oh-Four.
When you return, just put yourself in the loop.
Put yourself in the loop, Attorney Cad.
I’m going to leave ID-One-Fifty-Five on the road.
Received, Holden.
Play 20241103011229.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 01:12:29
I’m going to stay in the ODEC trying to look for this car, but you can clear me for if anything more important comes up.
Received, thank you.
30 to 40, you want me to touch base with the RPs here?
Yeah, if you can try to get any more info where it might have gone.
If you grab the run fall, just take care of the report.
I got one more street to check and I’ll be there.
Dispatch to 30.
30, dispatch.
30, stand by one.
30, you can go ahead and do traffic, I do have some of the information.
What do you need?
So it looks like I have the Toyota Camry with the owner operator.
I’ve got the Toyota Prius, I just need the operator of that vehicle.
The operator is going to be Maslow and Hoshier, AL4521599.
Dispatch to 30.
Dispatch to 30.
40 dispatch, I’m out with him, what do you got?
No, I was just going to confirm that it’s negative active all around for both vehicles and operators.
Play 20241103010518.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 01:05:18
Dispatch, staff 40.
Go ahead.
I know you’re making your way over there, but
the passenger in that Uber car that got struck just called back.
I guess there’s three cars total involved.
Um, the defending vehicle has not come back yet,
but the other two cars are in the travel lane.
One might be disabled.
Appreciate it.
Anybody else have a better idea of where it might have gone?
That’s a negative.
She’s trying to call on behalf of the, um,
language barrier flume driver.
Yeah, we have the…
I’m clearing up over here,
for reference to where you are when you go.
At this time, she could be you and I available.
155, are you here?
Negative. 155 to X1.
X1 to ID 155.
Uh, you’re static.
I can barely hear you.
I’ll be available.
You just have to hand those out to me.
Very safe. Thank you.
Good job, copy. Thank you.
Play 20241103010131.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 01:01:31
40 dispatch.
Okay, 40.
Two parties here, I don’t know if it’s them or not, but just add to the cab, New Hampshire, November, Hotel Lima, 13894490, and Oregon, C-Charlie, 718650, they live at 66 Berkshire.
Appreciate it, thank you.
Play 20241103005929.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 00:59:29
Forty dispatch.
Go ahead, Forty.
Thirty and I are in the area. Go small, brown to the end, male driver, female passenger.
Received. Uh, have someone check the end of Farview, um, the dead end section.
Looks like he might have taken the left from Old Town on to Farview, sir, if he believes now.
Excellent, dispatch.
Yep, go ahead, X1.
I’m going to have ID 155 available shortly for you, and you can assign him to, uh, whatever unit he can grab, uh, most likely Y, and, uh, he’ll be like an SA-3.
Received, X1.
Got a couple people walking at the end of Farview.
Thirty to Forty, I’m coming.
From here.
Forty, dispatch.
Go ahead, Forty.
Any further descriptions on the driver, clothing, hats, or anything?
I’m out with two females wearing brown shirts and baseball hats. They said they walked here.
Negative. He was caught off guard and didn’t get a good description of anybody other than male and female with a beige sedan.
Play 20241103005531.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 00:55:31
Dispatch to 40.
Where was it?
North Pleasant at Old Town, motor vehicle accident, rear-end collision, negative PI.
One vehicle fled the scene.
The vehicle that fled went down Old Town to Fairview.
It’s a beige, smaller car, operated by a male operator in a female passenger.
You said Old Town to Fairview, the car went?
Incident in the car at North Pleasant.
It took a left down Old Town, and it went to Fairview.
I’m not sure if it took a left or a right.
Can you just keep the RP on the line and let me know if it leaves?
There’s not really much area to get out of that neighborhood.
If I give it a shot, he doesn’t have eyes on him yet.
Can I just check on him?
There’s not much area you can leave from there.
Are you going to get trapped in there?
Affirmative. We’re going to talk to him now.
Did you get a battery?
All juiced up.
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
I’m going to be responding with 40.
The second witness also called in, but no further description of where the vehicle went.
Play 20241103005215.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 00:52:15
X-1 to Dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
I will be clear.
20 is going to be standing by with
Once we get caught up with paperwork, I’ll tackle these
I just wanted to get some units available.
Got a handful.
Thank you.
135, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 135.
We’re clear and available.
Play 20241103004713.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 00:47:13
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
I have three parties for you when you’re ready.
We are ready. Send it.
First party is Jake, Julia, Olashko, Wai, Yankee, A-Alpha, last name A-Alpha, L-Lima, V-Victor, E-Echo, S-Sierra, 08-15-03, out of mass.
Copy that one.
Second party is Nina, Thomas, Belling, last name is M-Michael, E-Echo, D-Delta, I-India, S-Sierra, 08-5-03, should also be out of mass.
Copy, dude.
Third party is Efrenc, E-Echo, L-Lima, I-India, C-Charlie, I-India, T-Tango, Wai, Yankee, last name Olashko, L-Lima, I-India, V-Victor, E-Echo, I-India, R-Romeo, A-Alpha, 11-30-03, should also be out of mass.
Copy, 30.
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
I’m out at Kappa Sigma.
135, dispatch.
Go ahead, 135.
Rated north, please, ending 68.0.
20, dispatch.
You got a party when you’re ready.
Go ahead, 20.
Mass OLN, Sierra Alpha, 3-7-5-0-3-9-1.
20, dispatch.
I got one more for you.
I’m ready for one more, go ahead.
Mass OLN, Sierra Alpha, 2-5-7-0-0-8-1.
For both those parties, could you assign me an AR number for a TPL citation?
20, I’m sorry, that phone’s covered. Are you looking for two numbers, is that correct?
Affirm, it’s going to be a TPL issue to both.
Okay, so for the same CAD or do you require a new CAD for this?
Same CAD, pardon.
20, if you need it, your numbers are 808-809-808-809.
Appreciate it, thanks.
X-1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
For the CAD here, Sierra Alpha, 6-7-2-0-7-8-4.
He’s the resident and vice president of the fraternity.
Appreciate it.
Thank you.
Dispatch to X-1.
Fight-in-progress 33, Feld Street, Front Lawn. Multiple individuals.
Fight-in-progress 33, Feld Street, Front Lawn. Multiple individuals.
I’ll have 20 en route.
Received, dispatch to 20.
Dispatch to 20.
Got it.
Okay, for this fight call, it’s on the Front Lawn of 33, Feld Street.
They’re reporting 100 kids are out there, all getting into it, supposedly.
One is armed with a golf club. It has not been utilized yet.
He just has it in his hand.
Okay, received.
X-1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
En route as well.
Could you also see if UMPD has one available?
104, dispatch. Can you raise us out, please?
104, raise your traffic. Sorry, multiple calls from the house.
No worries. Can you raise us out, please?
X-1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
20, I am on scene.
Do you still know where UMPD
I believe
Appreciate it. Thanks, Tom.
X-1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
We don’t have anything yet at this time. There are a few hundred kids, probably more than that here, though.
Great, teams. No confirmation from UMASH yet.
Do you have a spot to have the cop that way until you guys tell them?
Yeah, we could use another unit in the area. We’ve got everybody tied up.
135, dispatch.
Go ahead, 135.
We’re clear and are headed that way.
Received. Thank you.
X-1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
We do have a highly E2H female that we will need AFT for.
Is that in the backyard of…
Yeah, it’s in the backyard.
X-1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Is that in the backyard of…
the resident, 31?
Okay, we just spoke with a safety. If it’s one and the same, we have AFT already enroute.
Received. We’re with her now. I’ll meet them out front.
Received. At this point, sir, you have 135, 161 enroute from back up and that’s it.
Received. That’s fine for now.
30, dispatch.
Affirmative. Go ahead, 30.
Just to clarify, is Robert Hennessey is going to be MASAO MSAA-523-0729?
Received. All the parties called in and welcome back with returns negative active on all of them.
Received. Thank you.
X-1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
We can cancel all mutual aid at this time if you still have Hadley coming.
Received. Everyone is set up anyways.
Just to confirm, sir, I want to make sure we don’t have a second patient.
The one we’re talking about was in the backyard of 37 next door to where you were sent to. Is that the same one?
Affirmative. We’re in the backyard at number 37 Phillips Street.
Okay. Perfect. Thank you.
Thank you.
X-1 to IG-104.
Go ahead.
I’m sorry, the chaos. Just where do you stand in terms of VTA back in town?
I’m still, I’m like halfway through Hadley right now heading there.
But luckily
X-1 to IG-104.
Go ahead.
I’m sorry, the chaos. Just where do you stand in terms of VTA back in town?
I’m still, I’m like halfway through Hadley right now heading there.
But luckily
So just a really quick turnaround.
Hopefully like 25, 30 minutes.
X-1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
X-1, dispatch.
Regarding the initial call with the golf club, any more on that?
Negative. It was just the one call initially.
And then we lost contact with the caller.
Received. No further calls, no one reporting injuries or anything?
Correct. No injuries, no further calls.
I just found out it was actually an Uber driver driving by and nobody from that residence called.
Received. Thank you.
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Can you assign me three A and B AR numbers for that?
And it will be clear from there.
Received three numbers to you.
Thank you.
X-1 to 20.
Go ahead, sir.
You all set back there still?
Yeah, affirm. Just trying to get an ID. Her sister is here with her as well.
X-1 to 20.
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
For that CAT, that disturbance, can you add a Nicholas, common spelling, Bonds, common spelling, 12-6 of 03? It should be out of math.
Received. Recorded.
Is that one of the ones getting the AR number? I got him in Hennessy. I’m not sure if you’re a third degree. Is it Luke?
The robber Hennessy is the one for all three ARs. The Nicholas Bond was just a witness.
That is it.
Okay, perfect. Thank you.
Play 20241103004908.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 00:49:08
Play 20241103002748.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 00:27:48
X-1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
SA-1 has the four residents from 10-69 in the back of the PTV. They are under…
You can assign four numbers, 22-ID-111 and 22-ID-148.
We received four in custody, 22-111, 22-148.
We will give you the names in booking.
Excellent, thank you.
135, dispatch.
Go ahead, 135.
Starting mileage, 65.8.
Appreciate it.
X-1 to 30.
Go ahead.
How are you guys making out there?
30, X-1. I’m trying to figure it out right now.
Received. I’ll be in the room.
Excellent, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
40 will be clear and available. 21 is going to assist in booking.
Appreciate it, thank you.
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
I have a party here, verbal only. Robert, common spelling, last name Hennessey.
H-O-T-O-E-E-N-N-N-E-E-S-C-R-E-Y-Y-A-N-K-E. 10-19 of 04, should be out of mass.
Appreciate it, thank you.
X-1 to 40.
Could you stop in, please, and assist at 778?
104 to X-1.
104 to dispatch, can you raise the north, please?
And, uh, probably thinking about, but I’m going to be transporting this, my arrest deed, so I guess I’ll be taking off that cap for the assault.
We’re flagging, though.
Okay, received.
104, before you leave, could you give us the 2?
Thank you.
I meant the 4, sorry.
Play 20241103002134.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 00:21:34
Play 20241103002134.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 00:21:34
Play 20241103001456.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 00:14:56
30, this is Rich.
Go ahead, 30.
I spoke with everything checked out, okay? You can show me clear.
3-2-2, do you want me to recall this to 62K?
Uh, yeah, that works, thanks.
135 to 114.
We have a minor over here that we are identifying now.
It’s FYI.
Appreciate it.
Dispatch, this is 30.
We’ve got a disturbance at 778 North Pleasant Street, Capital City.
A female party called reporting she was assaulted, hit in the face.
They’re now all just screaming at each other.
30, this is induction now.
Play 20241103001119.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 00:11:19
Dispatch, this is 30.
Yeah, she’s outside and doesn’t see you.
Are you at the college’s apartments?
She’s at the new one next door to the service station there.
She said there’s a letter B on her door.
Yeah, received. I got it. Thank you.
Thank you.
20, Dispatch. You can throw it. You’re going to have time. Thanks.
30 to you, 20.
Thank you.
Play 20241103000818.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 00:08:18
Sir, you’re just touching the area.
Go ahead, 30.
I’m on scene.
Appreciate it.
I appreciate it.
Go ahead, 30.
Can you call an array back and have her come outside?
These apartments are numbered, not lettered.
So I’m not sure which one B is.
Yeah, I’ll give her a shot.
Play 20241103000316.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 11 03 00:03:16
X1 Dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
Alpha 30 is going to be responding for that call on Belchertown Road.
Myself, Alpha 20, 40, SA1, and 21 are going to be responding to that
Received, thank you.
X1 Dispatch, could you please just give the dispatch to 30 though?
Affirm, dispatch to 30.
Go ahead.
30, can you head down to 20 Belchertown Road?
The new service net apartments across from Combie’s Unit B-Bravo, Nurick Kings, reporting a possible B&E to our apartment.
However, the door has been fixed already.
No time frame, no suspects.
Received, 111.