Play 20241026234900.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 23:49:00
Dispatch 20, 30. I’ve got people fighting in front of Antonio’s.
Thank you.
40 Dispatch, he’s ready to sell and I’ll be en route to that as well.
Yeah, he’s got one person with injuries as well.
40 Dispatch, this is Garrett.
40 Dispatch, what’s your name?
40 Dispatch, 10.
30 on scene.
40 Dispatch, 30.
This is reported by Frank Orlando. There were four guys outside fighting.
One female was injured. I don’t know that she needs an ambulance.
She said no.
40 Dispatch.
40 Dispatch.
40 Dispatch.
40 Dispatch.
40 Dispatch.
40 Dispatch.
40 Dispatch.
40 Dispatch.
40 Dispatch.
40 Dispatch.
40 Dispatch.
40 Dispatch.
40 Dispatch.
40 Dispatch.
40 Dispatch.
10 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
One party here, Mast. Sierra Alpha 2060540.
20 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Go ahead, 20.
Another party here is going to be at Ireland. First name, C. Charlie, O. Oscar, N. November, N. November, E. Echo, L. Lima, L. Lima.
Last name is going to be K. Kilo, E. Echo, N. November, N. November, E. Echo, L. Lima, L. Lima, Y. Yankee.
Date of birth is going to be January 12th. Disregard, I’ll find it in a second.
40 Dispatch.
Go ahead.
Oh yeah, January 15th, 1999.
Thank you.
X-1 Dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Three parties for the CAD, when you’re ready.
Go ahead, I’m ready.
First is going to be New York, O.L.N. 104060662.
Second is going to be a Maine, O.L.N. 8645369.
And the third is going to be a California, O.L.N. Y. Yankee 5196867.
Got it.
20 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
We also have MASS Sierra 08918670. Found his wallet kind of discarded in the fight area.
21 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 21.
Can you add Casey Mullane to this CAD, please? I think he might be in CAD already.
He might be, I’ll look.
21 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 21.
Can you add Casey Mullane to this CAD, please? I think he might be in CAD already.
He might be, I’ll look.
21 Dispatch.
Play 20241026233923.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 23:39:23
21 Suspect
Go ahead
35 to New York, 857305619
I’m clear
Go ahead
Go ahead, 86
Open south gate, please
Go ahead
You can secure it, I’m clear and available
Play 20241026233346.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 23:33:46
Twenty-one, dispatch.
Go ahead.
Stop South Pleasant at the Town Common, New York, D-Delta, EECHO, S-Sierra, three-one, four-five, all set.
Play 20241026232955.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 23:29:55
21 to switch.
Go ahead.
We’re clear. Gail is a UMass student. Can you show me your UMass ID?
You’re safe.
For you dispatch, please raise the north and ending mileage to be 41.6.
Thank you.
For you dispatch, you can secure.
Play 20241026232717.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 23:27:17
21 to switch.
Go ahead, 21.
I was suspicious at 90 Farring Street. I have two names, only verbal when you’re ready.
Go ahead, I’m ready.
First is Gail, G-A-I-L, A-alpha, middle, initial, last name Roe, R-Romeo, O-Ocean, W-Whiskey, E-Echo, 1-8-2005, out of New York, UMass, student.
Got it.
Second is Miggy, M-I-G-G-E-C-O, G-G-I-N-D-E-A, last name P-P-A-P-A, A-alpha, P-P-A-P-A, I-N-D-E-A, in November, G-G-E-U, September 24th, 2004. Copy two. She’s out of Mass.
1-5-8, dispatch.
Go ahead, 1-5-8.
Molly’s going to be under 40’s transporting, and Ariana, can you sign me an AR number for a summons?
Alright, are you getting both numbers?
40, dispatch.
Go ahead, 40.
I’m going to go back to 1-11, let the party of that 1-5-8 call in, target modality 4-0-point-7.
Thank you.
1-1-0-2, dispatch. I’ll be out west by AD-111.
Dispatch to 1-11.
I’m sweating.
Maggie is active, negative W at Abington. No matching record on Gail as of yet, out of New York or Mass.
Play 20241026232311.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 23:23:11
That’s one five eight.
The second party, the party gave me first name was Joan, correct?
Oh, after a alpha and November.
Well, Joan A.
Hartman out of New York 915 2004 is no matching.
158 dispatch.
Go ahead.
Molly Hartman, same date of birth out of Massachusetts.
A pretty good.
Dispatch, ID 1-5-8.
Go ahead.
Molly Ann Hartman, 9-15-2004, negative M&W out of Milford.
We see anything on Ariana?
She’s negative M&W.
Negative M&W.
Play 20241026231943.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 23:19:43
Go ahead
I’ve got two parties, when you’re ready
Received, just be advised your radio is muffly sounding
And I’m ready
Alright, first party is going to be Ariana, I’m spelling
Last name is going to be Leah Carty, going to be L-Lima, I-India, C-Charlie, C-Charlie, I-India, A-Alpha, R-Romeo, D-Delta, I-India, April 14 of 05
Received, Ariana, common is A-R-I-A-N-A or is there two N’s?
Two N’s
Thank you
Second party is going to be Joan Hartman, first name is J-Juliet, O-Oscar, A-Alpha, N-November, last name Hartman
Hartman, H-Hotel, A-Alpha, R-Romeo, T-Tango, M-Mike, A-Alpha, N-November, upper middle initial of A-Alpha, 9-15 of 04 out of New York
Got it
Play 20241026231711.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 23:17:11
Twenty-one, dispatch.
Go ahead.
Operator, this is Sierra Alpha, two-one-nine-one-zero-three-three, clear thirty-five.
Go ahead, eight-six, dispatch.
Go ahead, eight-six.
Over the north gate, please.
Forty, dispatch, Alpha one-five-seven-one-five-eight.
Roger, C-Forty.
You can secure it.
Play 20241026231424.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 23:14:24
Go ahead, 866.
Going to have one under liquor law violation, North Hadley Road at Lincoln.
I’m going to be on a two. I’ll give you an OLM when I get a chance to stop.
Go ahead, 866.
21 to switch.
Go ahead, 866.
Go ahead.
Stop on Lincoln. Close to North Hampton Road.
MAD 3 and Mike Romeo be Victor 1-3. All set.
Go ahead, 866.
Go ahead.
Party I have under MASS Sierra Alpha. 7-1-2-0-9-2-1. On a two.
3 saved.
157 dispatch.
Go ahead, 157.
Liquor law in front of Campus Pizza.
Play 20241026230425.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 23:04:25
Badge X-1.
Go ahead.
Isabelle is short for something. Isabelle, maybe?
3-3, I’m not getting anything back with that name or date of birth.
X-1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Your last name’s going to be D-Delta-E-Echo-I-N-D-A in November, L-Lima-E-Echo-I-N-D-A in November,
and the correct date of birth is going to be 08-15-2008.
X-1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Your last name’s going to be D-Delta-E-Echo-I-N-D-A in November, L-Lima-E-Echo-I-N-D-A in November,
and the correct date of birth is going to be 08-15-2008.
X-1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Your last name’s going to be D-Delta-E-Echo-I-N-D-A in November, L-Lima-E-Echo-I-N-D-A in November,
and the correct date of birth is going to be 08-15-2008.
X-1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Your last name’s going to be D-Delta-E-Echo-I-N-D-A in November, L-Lima-E-Echo-I-N-D-A in November,
and the correct date of birth is going to be 08-15-2008.
Thank you.
X-1, you want me to slide over there?
X-1, go ahead.
Go ahead, X-1.
Your last name’s going to be D-Delta-E-Echo-I-N-D-A in November, L-Lima-E-Echo-I-N-D-A in November,
and the correct date of birth is going to be 08-15-2008.
Thank you.
Go ahead, X-1.
I should still be all set.
Go ahead, X-1.
Your last name’s going to be D-Delta-E-Echo-I-N-D-A in November, L-Lima-E-Echo-I-N-D-A in November,
and the correct date of birth is going to be 08-15-2008.
Thank you.
Go ahead, X-1.
Your last name’s going to be D-Delta-E-Echo-I-N-D-A in November, L-Lima-E-Echo-I-N-D-A in November,
and the correct date of birth is going to be 08-15-2008.
Thank you.
Go ahead, X-1.
I should still be all set.
Thank you.
Go ahead, X-1.
Your last name’s going to be D-Delta-E-Echo-I-N-D-A in November, L-Lima-E-Echo-I-N-D-A in November,
and the correct date of birth is going to be 08-15-2008.
Thank you.
Go ahead, X-1.
Your last name’s going to be D-Delta-E-Echo-I-N-D-A in November, L-Lima-E-Echo-I-N-D-A
in November, and the correct date of birth is going to be 08-15-2008.
Thank you.
Go ahead, X-1.
Your last name’s going to be D-Delta-E-Echo-I-N-D-A in November, L-Lima-E-Echo-I-N-D-A in November,
and the correct date of birth is going to be 08-15-2008.
Thank you.
Go ahead, X-1.
Your last name’s going to be D-Delta-E-Echo-I-N-D-A in November, L-Lima-E-Echo-I-N-D-A in November,
and the correct date of birth is going to be 08-15-2008.
Thank you.
Go ahead, X-1.
Your last name’s going to be D-Delta-E-Echo-I-N-D-A in November, L-Lima-E-Echo-I-N-D-A
in November, L-Lima-E-Echo-I-N-D-A in November, L-Lima-E-Echo-I-N-D-A in November, L-Lima-E-Echo-I-N-D-A
Play 20241026230656.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 23:06:56
Play 20241026230011.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 23:00:11
How do you take this pitch?
Clear that traffic, Kat.
Received, thank you.
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
I’ll be clear with a 35 to the registered owner.
Last name is Nananji.
Go ahead, 30.
Go ahead, Nananji.
Go ahead, 30.
Next one, dispatch.
Next one.
Can I get a Kat for a liquor law violation?
I’ll be on fairing.
And can I get in a M&W and be verbal only?
Go ahead.
First name’s gonna be Bella, last name’s gonna be Ashton.
A-Alpha, that’s Sierra, H-Hotel, T-Tango.
X-1 to stretch.
Go ahead.
Okay, try this again.
First name’s gonna be Bella, last name’s Ashton.
A-Alpha, that’s Sierra, H-Hotel, T-Tango, Y-Yankee.
In November, date of birth is gonna be 8-15-02.
Should come back out a little later.
Average age.
Play 20241026225148.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 22:51:48
So for Scott M. Dresses, 419.06 out of New York, I’m not getting anything back.
Alright, I copied it off his UMass ID and I already kicked him loose. 35 issued.
Dispatch, I’m going to have a few motor vehicles down here parked that I’m ticketing. Let me know when you’re ready to start a
Go ahead.
First is Connecticut, B, Bravo, R-Romeo, 09667. Second is Mass, 163, B, Bravo, 80. And the last, Mass, 5, E-Echo, E-Echo, N-November, 81. All ticketed.
Received. They’re all on sunset.
Affirmative. I’ll just take a CAD for traffic, please.
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Stop in front of 111 with Mass PC, or sorry, New Hampshire PC, 514-8877.
Play 20241026224656.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 22:46:56
Go ahead, 8-6, dispatch.
Go ahead, 8-6.
CADD, please, Licola. Sunset at sunrise.
35 is going to be issued to a party on Verbal out in New York City when you’re ready to copy.
Go ahead, I’m ready.
First name Scott, S-C-O-T-T, middle initial, M-Mike.
Last name spelled, D-Delta, R-Romeo, E-Echo.
I-India, S-Sierra, E-Echo, S-Sierra.
Date of birth of April 19, 2006.
Play 20241026223927.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 22:39:27
Stand and search.
Go ahead, Jen.
King Region North ending 82.3.
Unit, secure it.
Thank you.
Play 20241026223507.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 22:35:07
128 Dispatch
Go ahead
Not a licker law fearing yet, nothing
Are you clear of this first one?
Disregard, looked like a rebel
10 Dispatch
Go ahead, 10
I’ll be on it too with either 158 or 157 arrest, starting mileage 81.5
3 Dispatch
10 Dispatch
Go ahead, 10
Arrest, starting mileage 81.5
3 Dispatch
Dispatch, I do 158
Go ahead
Who’s getting the number?
Thank you
Play 20241026223156.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 22:31:56
10 dispatch
Go ahead 10
3 safe
158 dispatch
Check out that parties info when you’re ready
I’m ready
I’m ready, go ahead
Mazda 1 Sierra Alpha
Play 20241026223015.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 22:30:15
I’ll be out with 158 and 157 on Fearing Street, it appears they have a custody.
The address, I’ll pick up the house number in a minute.
Play 20241026221736.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 22:17:36
Yn ddiweddaraf, rydyn ni’n gweithio’n dda iawn, ond rydyn ni’n gweithio’n dda iawn.
Rydyn ni’n gweithio’n dda iawn, ond rydyn ni’n gweithio’n dda iawn.
ddim ffordd i fyny yno yn chwaraeon
157, swyddo.
Gallwch debygu, 157.
I’ll have two IDs when you’re ready.
Go ahead.
First one’s gonna be Sierra 4-1-2-6-2-2-6-5.
Got it.
Second’s gonna be Sierra 3-1-2-1-8-6-1-7.
Got it.
Play 20241026221910.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 22:19:10
Play 20241026221322.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 22:13:22
1-5-8, dispatch.
Go ahead, 1-5-8.
Clear, 1-11.
Play 20241026221127.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 22:11:27
Go ahead.
It’s going to be a 35.
I’ll narrate the CAD.
Just let me know if anything weird comes back on the 11 or 14, please.
Whatever you think.
Go ahead.
It’s going to be a 35.
I’ll narrate the CAD.
Just let me know if anything weird comes back on the 11 or 14, please.
Whatever you think.
Play 20241026221005.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 22:10:05
At 86, this is it.
Go ahead, 86.
CAD, please, Licola, you can use fairing.
At Lincoln, I have two, when you’re ready.
Go ahead.
First, Mass Sierra Alpha, 339-1062.
And second’s gonna be on New Jersey, verbal only.
First name of Abigail, middle initial M-Mike,
last name K-Kilo-E-Echo-R-Romeo,
Appreciate it.
Play 20241026220214.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 22:02:14
30 to fetch.
Go ahead, 30.
Can you raise the south? And you can clear me.
Raise the south.
Do you have the gear?
Play 20241026214652.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 21:46:52
Ready to dispatch.
Barnett Douglas, looks like 158 has one under.
Very safe, thank you.
It’s going to be a liquor law.
Dispatch, are you on 58?
Go for 158.
Just making sure he’s all set.
Yeah, I’m out with him and I’m going to transport.
Great, thanks.
Ready to dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
I’m going to name, but I’ll be transporting starting at 87.2.
You’re received.
Go for 158.
Can I get a name, please?
And are you getting the number or is it 1527?
Go for 158.
Go ahead, I’ll grab it.
Give me one second on the info.
158, dispatch.
Go ahead.
How far are you going to be mass OLM? Sierra Alpha 2-9-2-0-5-9-9.
Receiving, you’ve written the number.
Thank you.
Sierra 2-Dispatch, can you read the north?
Can you read the west?
Go ahead, 30.
Ending is going to be 87.4 and you can steer.
Thank you.
Play 20241026212423.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 21:24:23
786 to Dispatch.
Go ahead.
I made contact with Kimberly. She would not open the door or let me in.
But she said she is alright.
Play 20241026212154.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 21:21:54
1-5-8, dispatch.
Rolling 9 and 10. It’s going to be North Carolina, Kilo C, Charlie Z Zulu, 5-3-3-1.
3-2. Is there a unit you’re in?
Cue Quebec.
Dispatch, 1-5-8.
Go ahead.
It is negative and active on a 2020 Charger SXT.
RO is a Linda Gillis Gibson 3-12-66.
Play 20241026211838.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 21:18:38
1-5-8, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 1-5-8.
Depot, myself.
Thank you. Special assignment?
Sorry, that was all garbled.
What is your assignment?
Special assignment, plainclothes.
Thank you.
1-5-8, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 1-5-8.
I’m out on chestnut with the second half of this from the assault. I have the ID when you’re ready.
Go ahead.
It is going to be Dante Colonero, Sierra, 1-5-4, 2-1-0-9-2.
Greasy, he’s negative, M&W.
Yes, I hear him.
What’s the BOP?
Let me open it for you, one second.
86 to 111.
What’s our status? Is the evidence clear? What’s the victim like?
I’m talking to the owner now. I got the video. You can see him smash the thing with the bottle over the head.
I haven’t spoken to the other employee again yet.
Okay, we’re going to recover that video.
I have it. He emailed it.
30, Dispatch. I’m on scene.
Alright, thanks.
86 to 20.
This party’s going to be under A&B, CW.
Appreciate it. What do you want to do with the rest?
You can summon the other kid for simple A&B.
Make sure you have good IDs on the witnesses.
And this is going to be your custody.
Appreciate it.
Go ahead.
He’s got four on the adult, going back to 92,000, minor possession, possession class D, class D, shoplifting.
Received. He’s under now.
Got it.
86, I’m clear now. I’m going to head over to you. I can show you the video if you want.
Nah, you told me PC exists. That’s enough, Matty. He’s under for that felony charge.
40, Dispatch. On scene.
Received, 40.
10, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
I have ID 148’s arrest in the back of my cruiser. I’ll be transferring him to 111, starting 78.5.
Received. He’s negative Q5.
30 to 786.
I briefly made contact with her. There’s no vehicles here, and she’s not driving. She said her kid’s 30. She’s looking for a cat, which is inside.
She slammed the door in my face. I don’t know if you want me to hang out while you try to talk to her.
Um, sounds like it’s fine. I can go and try and knock on the door, and if she doesn’t answer, she doesn’t answer. You’re good to go.
Do you need the X1 phone for anything?
All set, I secured it. I can add it to 111.
Okay, received. X1-Dispatch, you can clear me from this.
10 to X1.
Go ahead.
I might need the X1 phone to get the Garcia’s video onto it.
I have the video here, she emailed me.
21, are you calling Dispatch?
I was just telling 10, I have the Garcia’s video. It’s in my email.
3 is being perfect.
Ready, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
30, received. 20.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I’ll be clear.
Why not?
10, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Can you raise the north, please? Ending mileage 79.3.
Play 20241026210911.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 21:09:11
Dispatch, 30.
I can’t hear you.
So she’s born in 58, I doubt she has young children.
Um, no vehicles registered to her.
Her husband has two vehicles, a Coneline Ford White.
Her other vehicle looks like it’s a…
Uh, 2015 Subaru Station Wagon Blue.
3-6, can I have the plates, please?
Yeah, all MDTs.
Play 20241026210644.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 21:06:44
I’m holding a well-being check for Kimberly Meade.
I’m sorry, can you go with that again?
I’m holding a well-being check for Kimberly Meade.
She lives over at 16, I think it’s 16 Berkshire Terrace.
She’s got non-62 issues.
786 to dispatch.
Go ahead, 786.
I will head that way in a few minutes.
It was a parental stress hotline that called.
They spoke to the female, K.M., Kimberly Meade.
The stress line said the female sounded ETH, stated she was driving,
and they were concerned she might have children in the car.
Said the female wasn’t making sense and she was talking about her cat
and wanting her cat back.
21 to X1.
Go ahead.
Are you clear for a transmission?
I spoke with the owner here.
He has video of it.
He also said he smashed the bottle off his head.
I recovered the bottle here, but I’m going to have to photo with the X1 phone.
X1 phone is in pieces.
30 to dispatch.
Go ahead.
I’m available.
I can head to Berkshire.
Is she actually at home?
If she’s driving, do we know where she was?
We know nothing.
This is a hotline.
I think college student hotline.
Kimberly Meade.
I don’t even know if she has children,
but she sounded ETH per the parental stress line caller to us and was driving,
and we were told she might have children in the car.
We don’t know that.
And just said the female was ranting and raving about a cat and wanting it back.
Are you able to locate a vehicle for her as they head up there?
I’ve got a vehicle.
One second.
Play 20241026205847.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 20:58:47
Dispatch, 20.
Dante, call and error is negative MW.
It’s in our system.
Appreciate it.
Play 20241026205708.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 20:57:08
30 to 5.
Go ahead, 30.
The vehicle that was sighted is MAP-PC-6-D-Delta-R-Romeo-F-Foxtrot-4-8.
He was educated and is on his way.
30 to 6, dispatch.
Show me that on triangle.
20, dispatch.
Go ahead.
Can you just see if you can query a Dante Colanero, Charlie Oscar, Lima Oscar, November Echo, Romeo, Oscar.
Unknown date of birth, but at a Shrewsbury.
Sure, what was his first name again?
Thank you.
Play 20241026205328.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 20:53:28
10 to X-1.
The victim here just told me he doesn’t want to press any charges.
And the building owner and him both want these parties trespassed if we’re able to locate and ID both of them.
10 to X-1.
30 to X-1.
There’s a vehicle parked in front of the
30 dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Charlie 30, go ahead.
Driver just came out. You can still start me a cab. He’s going to be ticketed.
Play 20241026204848.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 20:48:48
If you’re mobile, go over to Chestnut Street
Chestnut Street, received
Anywhere specific on Chestnut?
Medical City of Chester
Chestnut Street, received
Anywhere specific on Chestnut?
Medical City of Chester
If you’re mobile, go over to Chestnut Street
21 to 20
We’re out with them now, we’re good.
The party in the vest?
Yes sir, party in the vest.
20 to switch.
Go ahead 20.
Go ahead mass, Sierra, 2-4-0-7-0-0-3-4.
Play 20241026205100.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 20:51:00
Play 20241026204420.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 20:44:20
Dispatch, X-1.
Go ahead.
Brandon Cito and Angela Fiore are both negative, M and W.
Dispatch, 20.
I’m looking at the video that the owner took right now.
Dispatch, Charlie 20.
Elizabeth Sullivan is a negative, M and W.
Hannah, you got walked on. Can you just go with that transmission again?
That female party was a witness to the assault that happened and she was there.
So, it looks like she knows who these people are and I’m working on getting you some video right now.
Play 20241026204121.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 20:41:21
Charlie 2010, a fight at Garcia’s, called in by the employee who said the two white
males were fighting.
They’re leaving the store right now, I guess he’s got a videotape or something.
Order a seat from 111.
Charlie 2010, a fight at Garcia’s, called in by the employee who said the two white
males were fighting.
They’re leaving the store right now, I guess he’s got a videotape or something.
Order a seat from 111.
Charlie 2010, a fight at Garcia’s, called in by the employee who said the two white
males were fighting.
They’re leaving the store right now, I guess he’s got a videotape or something.
Order a seat from 111.
Charlie 2010, a fight at Garcia’s, called in by the employee who said the two white
males were fighting.
They’re leaving the store right now, I guess he’s got a videotape or something.
Order a seat from 111.
Charlie 2010, a fight at Garcia’s, called in by the employee who said the two white
males were fighting.
They’re leaving the store right now, I guess he’s got a videotape or something.
Order a seat from 111.
Charlie 2010, a fight at Garcia’s, called in by the employee who said the two white
males were fighting.
They’re leaving the store right now, I guess he’s got a videotape or something.
Order a seat from 111.
Charlie 2010, a fight at Garcia’s, called in by the employee who said the two white
males were fighting.
They’re leaving the store right now, I guess he’s got a videotape or something.
Order a seat from 111.
Charlie 2010, a fight at Garcia’s, called in by the employee who said the two white
males were fighting.
They’re leaving the store right now, I guess he’s got a videotape or something.
Order a seat from 111.
Charlie 2010, a fight at Garcia’s, called in by the employee who said the two white
males were fighting.
They’re leaving the store right now, I guess he’s got a videotape or something.
Order a seat from 111.
Charlie 2010, a fight at Garcia’s, called in by the employee who said the two white
males were fighting.
They’re leaving the store right now, I guess he’s got a videotape or something.
Order a seat from 111.
Charlie 2010, a fight at Garcia’s, called in by the employee who said the two white
males were fighting.
They’re leaving the store right now, I guess he’s got a videotape or something.
Order a seat from 111.
Charlie 2010, a fight at Garcia’s, called in by the employee who said the two white
males were fighting.
They’re leaving the store right now, I guess he’s got a videotape or something.
Order a seat from 111.
They’re leaving the store right now, I guess he’s got a videotape or something.
Order a seat from 111.
Charlie 2010, a fight at Garcia’s, called in by the employee who said the two white
males were fighting.
They’re leaving the store right now, I guess he’s got a videotape or something.
Order a seat from 111.
Charlie 2010, a fight at Garcia’s, called in by the employee who said the two white
males were fighting.
They’re leaving the store right now, I guess he’s got a videotape or something.
Order a seat from 111.
Charlie 2010, a fight at Garcia’s, called in by the employee who said the two white
males were fighting.
They’re leaving the store right now, I guess he’s got a videotape or something.
Order a seat from 111.
They’re leaving the store right now, I guess he’s got a videotape or something.
Play 20241026202645.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 20:26:45
Variation quick two
Play 20241026202423.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 20:24:23
20 to dismission.
Go ahead, 20.
First resident, MASS Sierra Alpha, 1750460.
Second, MASS Sierra Alpha, 0460475.
Both out of MASS.
First resident, MASS Sierra Alpha, 0460475.
Second, MASS Sierra Alpha, 046007.
Dismissed, Charlie 20.
Gamma Cox and Cat Kennedy are negative, Raman W.
Appreciate it, APSU 35, we’re clear.
Play 20241026202120.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 20:21:20
10-Dispatch, both units in the area.
10-Dispatch, this is unit 16-1-6, Taylor Place.
Play 20241026201833.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 20:18:33
Dispatch, Charlie 20, 10.
I have a
Barfuse at the Clark House, said it’s just a large party, yelling, music.
Fire Chief, one of them.
Play 20241026201420.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 20:14:20
ID102 Dispatch?
Go ahead.
We’re going to be out behind the police station.
There’s someone out here screaming and yelling. Melissa’s family.
3C, 20. Anybody in the area?
6-1, Luther.
3C, 6-1.
ID102 Dispatch?
Go ahead, Walter.
Looks like she was just on the phone yelling with somebody. She refused to talk to us, so…
We’re going to be clear. Problem’s resolved itself.
Play 20241026195416.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 19:54:16
This is 786.
Are you able to respond over to the Clark House, 22 Wesley Street, Apartment 411?
I just spent a couple of minutes on the phone with Nora Brown.
She’s pretty upset about life and tired.
She didn’t want an ambulance, but she wanted to talk to somebody.
I told her you’re on duty, she’d like to speak to you.
Okay, I’m supposed to talk to you.
Seriously, thank you.
Play 20241026194225.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 19:42:25
Go ahead, 20.
They’re going to use a AAA call.
See if they can fix the problem.
I’ll be clear.
Go ahead, 20.
They’re going to use a AAA call.
See if they can fix the problem.
I’ll be clear.
Play 20241026193659.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 19:36:59
20 to dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Sequel mass, 5, NWWZH29, I’m out with them now.
They’re unable to turn it off, the push to start, so we’re trying to figure out how to turn it off.
Yeah, ready, 6.
Play 20241026193357.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 19:33:57
20 Threshing.
Got a head 20.
Come in the area.
Play 20241026193031.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 19:30:31
Dispatch, Charlie 20.
Go ahead.
Shumway Street. The resident at 51 said his neighbor’s truck is parked in the driveway running for about a half hour.
He tried knocking on his neighbor’s door. No answer. He’s concerned about the truck idling in the driveway.
He believes it’s house 53.
Appreciate you.
Play 20241026191716.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 19:17:16
30 dispatch.
Go all ahead.
Bus is turned around and on its way. I’m clear.
3 clear.
Play 20241026191421.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 19:14:21
My X-1 crew’s too.
30 dispatch on scene.
Play 20241026191025.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 19:10:25
30 to switch.
Go ahead, 30.
Is the bus the one who called? Does he just need help backing up?
Call came from the Northampton State Police Barracks.
A state trooper had come upon the bus, but he had to leave, so they just called us.
Of course.
Play 20241026190856.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 19:08:56
30. Can you rip on snow by the railroad bridge there?
It’s gonna be for the report of a bus that has not struck the bridge, but it stops in front of it because it’s too tall.
30 received. 111.
Play 20241026190105.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 19:01:05
Dispatch, Charlie 10.
All four of those parties are negatives, MNW.
Do you need their data burst?
They shut off the music and cleared everybody out.
I issued them a 35 and you can show myself and 20 clear.
Play 20241026185920.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 18:59:20
10 is fetch.
Go ahead, 10.
I’ve got four OLNs. Are you ready?
10 ready.
First one, Florida.
Each hotel, 250-774-03-0020.
Second is New York.
Third is Mass, Sierra, 239-6-0-0-7-8.
And the last is Maine, 0-7-7-9-3-7-3.
And the last is New York.
Play 20241026185545.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 18:55:45
20-3, I’m on top, right side.
Play 20241026185220.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 18:52:20
Go ahead.
Another 5 or 10 minutes.
Go again, sir. You’re cut out.
Keep that barricade in place another 5 or 10 minutes. I’ll let you know.
10-2. I’m in the area.
20-10. I’m at the light triangle at Main. If you need me to step it up to me.
Received. I think I’ll probably be okay.
Play 20241026184957.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 18:49:57
1-5-8, this is Fletcher.
Call ahead.
Do contact UMass again, if we can open up this other lane on Fearing.
There’s no reason to have it closed at this point.
Thank you.
Dispatch, 1-5-8.
Go ahead.
I told them you were opening the road up.
See you. Thanks.
Dispatch, 20-10.
Noise complaint, 19 South Prospect Street.
Just the one call on it.
Just caller said loud party at that location.
10-receive. 11.
6-7, are you calling dispatch?
I’m looking for 1-5-8.
Go ahead, sir.
Just stand by on that detail. I’ll get a hold of the tenant.
There’s a
So I don’t want to break it yet.
Both lanes are essentially gridlocked.
Fearing’s all backed up, too.
Thank you.
30, dispatch.
Go ahead.
Operator was off of Texas O-L-N.
Should be an Alexander Kellogg.
He was sighted and I’ll be clear.
Play 20241026184344.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 18:43:44
I need to take this bitch
Go ahead
Okay, please order vehicle stop you can use what would walk in front of 1a
That’s the royal chicken and kebab
for a
alpha t-tango our Romeo 78
operated by mass
Sierra alpha
zero four six
1-3-0-8 35 issues. I’m clearing
Radio cut out on you. I’m missing a number for that or one
Mass Sierra Alpha zero four six one three zero eight
Play 20241026183919.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 18:39:19
30, Dispatch.
Got it, 30.
South-North-Pleasant in front of stackers with Texas PC, El Lima, KQO, D-Delta, 8-9-8-1. It keeps moving on me.
Received. Dispatch, 10.
Received, 111.
I can take that for you, 10. I’m just coming up North-Pleasant now.
8-6, Dispatch.
All set.
10-0, you got cut off. Are you all set?
Affirmative. Apparently doesn’t know what to do when you’re being stopped.
Got it, 8-6.
8-6, Dispatch. You can clear myself and the 20 car, I guess.
Play 20241026183414.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 18:34:14
I just talked to one of the Ernie’s drivers, he’s going to call for some reinforcements
and try to extradite the towing of these cars.
Play 20241026183137.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 18:31:37
30 Dispatch.
Go ahead 30.
I will be clear and 787 is here and he ticketed pretty much everything else and is going to stay in the area to continue getting those vehicles as they show up.
Play 20241026182925.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 18:29:25
21 Dispatch
Go ahead
Sorry, I’m 30, I keep forgetting that
If you could add one to the CAD, MAF DC4, ZZULU,
Roger sir
21 Dispatch
Go ahead
Sorry, I’m 30, I keep forgetting that
If you could add one to the CAD, MAF DC4, ZZULU,
Roger sir
21 Dispatch
Go ahead
Got another one for you
6BDelta and Mike, BVictor
9-9, take it and ready to be towed
Received, Dispatch
Charlie 30
Go ahead
Is yours a ticket in tow as well?
Affirmative, 30X1
Go ahead
With these lines here, they’re going to keep coming back
I’ve had to send away 5 as I’ve been standing here
Received, let’s see if we got any signage we can put out there
Go ahead, 8-6
Yeah, we don’t, on a Saturday night, I don’t think we want to put much
that’s mobile, done on sunset
Go ahead
Yeah, those lines are going to be problematic, maybe we just keep ticketing
until we can get the
7-6 and 4-9 have been notified via email, but it’s going to take the
to assess and handle that
Play 20241026182456.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 18:24:56
Go ahead 7-8-6
I’m clear
3-8-2, thank you
Play 20241026182245.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 18:22:45
28 special.
Go ahead, 20.
MASS 3A-A-L-L-D-D-4-2.
You just need to check if we have any local.
If not, you can start an emergency for help for that one.
It’s been ticketed.
Great, and what number of Sunset would you like me to use?
That’s the first one, so you just go…
3-2-20, I’ll just pick a number on Sunset.
Dispatch, Charlie 20.
No history with that vehicle.
Appreciate it.
Play 20241026181855.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 18:18:55
Send dispatch.
Go ahead.
Can you send me an OF to back call at Bicycle please?
Go ahead.
I’m out on Sunset right now. It’s only a one way that can happen here.
There’s cars parked in every single available spot.
Received. You can take it and start towing them. I’ll swing by.
Appreciate it.
21X20, I’m on fearing. I’ll come help you.
Play 20241026181639.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 18:16:39
X-1 to stretch.
You can clear me. I’m on foot.
Clear me.
Dispatch, Charlie 20.
How are you making out up there?
Oh, I was on scene and clear. I’m sorry.
Oh, receive.
Play 20241026181450.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 18:14:50
Play 20241026181450.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 18:14:50
Play 20241026180916.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 18:09:16
Excellent discharge.
Go ahead.
You can point me out at 5-2 north-west.
Play 20241026180608.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 18:06:08
28 to 10.
I’m out of here, are you guys all set?
Yeah, he’s out in front of the building, so we’re away from the crowd.
Appreciate it.
X1 dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
I’ll be clear from Village Park.
Appreciate it.
Play 20241026180335.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 18:03:35
Send it back to my team.
Play .mp3 which was recorded at
Play 20241026180149.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 18:01:49
Dispatch, Charlie 10.
You guys are outside.
Can you head outside of 5 Sigma Kappa in the backyard, 510 North Pleasant Street?
Got a college-age male.
He fell backwards, smashed his head.
I guess he’s bleeding pretty bad.
He, um, supposedly lost conscious for a moment.
He is conscious right now.
AFP is en route.
Sounds like there’s a lot of people there in the back.
30, could you maybe start heading that way, just in case?
30, dispatch.
I think I got walked on, but I’m headed that way as well.
36, thank you.
Yeah, it sounds like there’s a ton of people in the back and back round them all the way
to the front.
30, dispatch.
I think I got walked on, but I’m headed that way as well.
36, thank you.
It sounds like there’s a ton of people in the back and back round them all the way to
the front.
30, dispatch.
I think I got walked on, but I’m headed that way as well.
36, thank you.
It sounds like there’s a ton of people in the back and back round them all the way to
the front.
30, dispatch.
I think I got walked on, but I’m headed that way as well.
It sounds like there’s a ton of people in the back and back round them all the way to
the front.
It sounds like there’s a ton of people in the back and back round them all the way to
the front.
It sounds like there’s a ton of people in the back and back round them all the way to
the front.
It sounds like there’s a ton of people in the back and back round them all the way to
the front.
It sounds like there’s a ton of people in the back and back round them all the way to
the front.
It sounds like there’s a ton of people in the back and back round them all the way to
the front.
It sounds like there’s a ton of people in the back and back round them all the way to
the front.
Play 20241026175439.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 17:54:39
7-8-6 to dispatch.
Go ahead.
I’m on scene.
Play 20241026175113.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 17:51:13
Next one to stretch.
Go ahead.
You can put me in Village Park. I’ll take this return.
Play 20241026174357.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 17:43:57
10. Can you respond 497 East Pleasant Street, Village Park, Apartment 139?
Lorinda Rowe has called us at least a dozen times, if not more, since I got here today.
And she’s been asked to stop and refuses to.
I will head that way to speak with Lorinda.
Roger, thank you.
Trash copies.
Play 20241026172001.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 17:20:01
Bonnie, you okay?
Yeah, probably.
Well, I’m just going to sleep.
Play 20241026170441.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 17:04:41
That’s funny.
That party is negative. Active out of Fruit Island. No match at mass.
Appreciate it.
10 to fetch.
Go ahead, 10.
The party with the clothing that the clerk didn’t like is off mass. Sierra 109-11-507.
And they’ll be leaving. And we spoke with the clerk. You can show us clear?
Play 20241026170110.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 17:01:10
28 session.
Clerk, uh, Southeast Rhode Island.
Um, your transmission was broken and lost. I got Rhode Island 161504.
Negative, uh, Rhode Island 40161501.
Play 20241026165832.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 16:58:32
10 is fresh.
Both ears on, please.
Larry, the female party who called me should be waiting outside to speak with you regarding the clerk’s behavior.
Play 20241026165406.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 16:54:06
Dispatch, 10-20.
10-20, take a disturbance, 21 Montague Road, Cumberland Farms.
RP was attempting to purchase items in the store and the store clerk was upset that I believe someone who was with her
had a questionable flag on their jacket and got upset about it.
And they’re verbally arguing.
10-Receive, North 20.
10-Receive, Main.
Play 20241026163416.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 16:34:16
You can show me Claire, I haven’t found anyone, so I’m guessing the motorcyclist picked the
bike up and continued on.
Play 20241026162946.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 16:29:46
10 Dispatch, I’m in the area.
Do we receive 10?
10 Dispatch?
Go ahead, 10.
Not finding anybody. Is the RP just a passerby?
That’s affirmative, they were passing by.
I’ll drive around and see if I can find them, but they might have picked the bike up and left.
Play 20241026162333.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 16:23:33
Dispatch, Charlie 10.
Hey, you’re on.
Could you head to North Pleasant Street?
It’s going to be up in that area of the intersection.
I’ve got a report of a motorcyclist
who dumped his bike in that area.
And your phone number.
It looks like he is conscious and moving around.
We’re going to see North Pleasant at where?
30, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Joanne checks out okay.
She said her phone’s dead.
When you get a chance, you can just let her son know that she’s fine.
We’ll be clear.
10 is back.
Go ahead.
What part of North Pleasant Street?
We were just talking about that.
It looks like she’s on the Montague,
the caller’s on the Montague side of…
Montague Road.
Okay, received.
Charlie 10, we don’t think any other vehicle is involved.
Play 20241026161759.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 16:17:59
20 is smashing.
Go ahead, 20.
B-Romeo, I’m seeing clear. There’s no
Received, thank you.
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
X-1 and I are in the area.
Play 20241026161253.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 16:12:53
786 to dispatch.
Go ahead 786.
I’m heading towards the well basin check.
Play 20241026161137.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 16:11:37
Dispatch, Charlie 30.
We’ll be in check.
Oh, Joanne, sorry.
Rolling Green Apartments, apartment 190.
You’re checking on a Joanne.
The phone called said he hasn’t heard from her since 10.30 this morning.
And she’s not answering her phone.
And you said in the past when she doesn’t answer the phone it’s because she’s fallen.
She’s 78 years old and her first name’s Joanne.
3C, 111.
Dispatch, Charlie 20.
I had a
He said the vendor and his cart or vehicle is parked on North Pleasant Street side of Kendrick Park.
The end where the scouts fell their trees.
Said it’s a road
3C, go check it out.
Play 20241026153621.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 15:36:21
135 Dispatch.
Go ahead 135.
I’m clear.
Dispatch, parking 787.
787, go ahead.
Just checking, how are you making out?
I’m sorry, I had already handled that. I forgot to confirm with you.
That’s okay. So you issued a ticket?
Yes, I spoke with the homeowner also and I issued a ticket.
Okay, thank you.
Play 20241026153117.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 15:31:17
30 to dispatcher.
Go ahead, 30.
Benvolve vehicle, Mast 6, W Whiskey, C Victor, 7-6-1.
And could you just also add that RO and Mast Sierra, 2-1-8-6-1-4-1-6.
Copy, cleared.
36, Benvolve.
Play 20241026152247.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 15:22:47
787, it’s just bad to march in.
Thank you.
Play 20241026151435.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 15:14:35
Dispatch, Parking Enforcement, 787.
787, go ahead.
When you’re done up there, just let me know because I have another parking issue when you’re done up there.
It was all clear up here, no cars out, so I can head over if you need me to.
I appreciate that.
Alright, can you head over, the resident lives at 269 Lincoln Ave.
His driveway is at 14 Cosby.
He said there’s a gray Subaru blocking three quarters of his driveway.
Just let me know when you get on scene, please.
I can do, I’ll let you know when I’m on scene.
I appreciate it, and I can timestamp you.
787, Dispatch, can you repeat that address one time, please?
So the address is 269 Lincoln Ave. That’s where my RP lives.
But he said his driveway is next door at 14 Cosby.
And it’s a gray Subaru that’s blocking most of his driveway.
Play 20241026151011.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 15:10:11
X-1 dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
I’ll be out with 30.
We’re re-saved.
Play 20241026150144.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 15:01:44
21 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 21.
I’m clear.
30 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
20’s got the resident info for you, but you need to be clear on the area.
Do you have an apartment number or no?
I believe it’s 115F, but 20, you should correct me if I’m wrong.
3C, no problem, thank you.
30, I actually have a call for you.
Go ahead.
It’s a past B&E.
14 Greenwich Road.
The resident has two plates. I will run them. I’m not sure which vehicle is B&E.
But I’ll let you know what kind of vehicle she has.
20 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
The uninvolved party is at Unit F.
First name F-H-A-H-E-E-N-6-23-95. Last name is M-A-R-D-I.
Female is K-A-R-I-S-H-M-A. Last name H-A-I-D-A-R-I. August 31st, 2000.
And should I leave it as is, domestic?
Negative, not domestic.
This is citizen.
Very good.
Thank you.
Go ahead, 8-6.
Confirmed 15 by resident. Clear.
Thank you.
20 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Could you please change it to suspicious instead? Thank you.
30 Dispatch, I’m in the area.
21-X-1, Quick 3-2.
Play 20241026145440.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 14:54:40
I’m sorry you broke up, I’ll meet you over by your car.
Play 20241026145131.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 14:51:31
Dispatch, parking 787.
787, go ahead.
When you’re done at the parking garage, could you let me know I have another parking situation up north?
There was no one in that spot, so I can head there now if you need me to.
You’re saved.
Dispatch, this is Alpha 4.
Parking 787, if you could head up to East Pleasant Street at Olin Drive.
A resident on Olin Drive said that vehicles are parked at the entrance at Olin and East Pleasant Street,
and making it difficult to enter-exit the street.
I can answer that, received.
Thank you.
786, dispatch.
Go ahead, 86.
On scene, 407.
You’re received.
Play 20241026144715.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 14:47:15
Exxon dispatch.
Go ahead, Exxon.
Copy that, Houston.
Play 20241026144448.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 14:44:48
X-1 dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
I’ll be en route to the boulders as well.
Go ahead, X-1.
We have a residential 67407 Bay Road coming in as front garage entry.
X-1, do you want the 10 car heading down there or are you going to handle?
X-1 to 21.
Would you be able to clear the place and respond to that 67?
Go ahead, X-1 dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
I’ll head to the residential 6721. I’ll advise.
Received. Thank you.
787 to dispatch.
Go ahead, 787.
What was the number on that reserved spot again?
927. The car might be gone. Call is an hour old.
Thank you.
20 to dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
So the RP is at 115G. Maybe she can direct you better.
Thank you.
Go ahead.
860 armed company called back to cancel. Keyholder gave proper passcode.
However, they don’t know if Mr. Flores is on scene or not.
Okay. I’ll back down my response and try to touch base with somebody at the address.
Received. Thank you.
Play 20241026143743.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 14:37:43
787 to Dispatch.
Go ahead, 787.
I believe my radio was acting up. Were you trying to reach me?
Affirmative. Affirmative. Last shift. Been trying to get you since 1.
I did leave a message on your voicemail. I guess they said they couldn’t leave a message on your phone for whatever reason, but I was able to.
But yeah, I’ve got a parking
Affirmative. And is that Boltwood Garage?
Yeah, it’s the parking garage over by the bank center.
Dispatch, 787.
Alright, bye.
So you’re going to be looking for Vermont Ridge. It’s parked in a reserved spot of…
And it’s 2023 miles to Peru.
Okay. And when he comes…
Bravo 30, did you copy?
I copy direct. Thanks.
Dispatch, Bravo 30.
Yes, sir.
Bravo 30.
Yes, sir.
Bravo 30.
Yes, sir.
Bravo 30.
Yes, sir.
Bravo 30.
Yes, sir.
Bravo 30.
Yes, sir.
Bravo 30.
Yes, sir.
Bravo 30.
Yes, sir.
Bravo 30.
Yes, sir.
Bravo 30.
Yes, sir.
Bravo 30.
Yes, sir.
Bravo 30.
Yes, sir.
Bravo 30.
Yes, sir.
Bravo 30.
Yes, sir.
Bravo 30.
Dispatch, Bravo 30. 20.
30. 20.
Yeah, we’re just talking about it right now.
Could you take a possible domestic?
Did you send her downstairs?
I did, if it gives the…
Down at the boulders, apartment 115, G. George.
We’re sending on it, obviously.
Excuse me, 115 G. George’s VRP.
She said she heard a woman scream.
It didn’t sound like a fun scream.
And then it was quiet.
There she is.
Where is she?
I don’t know.
Play 20241026142849.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 14:28:49
I left a message on his cell phone, can somebody go check out, check this vehicle complaint
at the parking garage, it’s a car parked in a reserved spot, it’s going to be a, I don’t
know what state the plate is out of, but it’s blue, 2023 Mazda, 10HP, 828, excellent, received,
call from 1PM, X120, go ahead, if you’re tied up with some paperwork, I’ll have 30 take
care of that complaint, thank you, X130, I copy direct, great, thank you.
Play 20241026142455.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 14:24:55
Dispatch, Parking Enforcement 787.
Dispatch Bravo 20.
X-1 Dispatch.
Go ahead.
I’m going to give you a 4 and park it.
Received. I just have a parking complaint. I’m unable to get a hold of him via phone or radio.
Play 20241026141608.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 14:16:08
21 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 21.
Can you also add me to ID135-PPCAD? I’ve got to stop by there for a second.
Yeah, sir, I’m jealous.
Play 20241026141415.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 14:14:15
Twenty percent.
Zero twenty.
All units clear.
Three zero.
Twenty one dispatch.
Do you have the victim’s information?
Negative, I just sat down.
First name is going to be Michael, common spelling, last name Alves.
ALVES, DOB 717 of 04.
With a phone number of 413-544-7688.
717 of 04, with a phone number of 413-544-7688.
Thank you, I appreciate it.
Play 20241026141121.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 14:11:21
Can I get an arrest number, summons arrest number?
20, dispatch.
Can I get the arrest number?
Appreciate it. Thank you.
Play 20241026140155.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 14:01:55
Four-Nine, dispatch.
Four-Nine, Four-Nine.
All units are clear from Bad City, Canada, Wildwood.
Play 20241026140028.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 14:00:28
135 dispatch.
Go ahead 135.
I’ll be at the dog park if you could just put me on a CPCAD please.
Play 20241026135847.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 13:58:47
Twenty dispatch.
Go ahead, twenty.
Can you log? Deborah Stone, D-E-B-O-R-A-H, Stone, 10-4-61.
Should be out on the Salem, uh, 207, Northside Street.
Received. What was her last name again?
Stone, S-T-O-N-E.
Received, thank you.
98-6, 91-3-8.
Go ahead.
Go ahead, 86.
Do you want side with BRP?
Affirmative, and the victim.
Okay, I’d like to touch base with you before we know what we’re doing here.
Received, I’ll have to meet you down there in my car.
Dispatch to Bravo 20.
Go ahead.
Deborah Stone, 10-4-61, is negative MNW suspended status out of New Salem.
She has three on her adult.
Go ahead.
X-1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Send that file for us, please.
X-1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Send that file for us, please.
X-1 to 21.
What is your six?
86 and I are inside.
Second floor, go to the butcher area.
We’re going to walk over to you.
Dispatch, X-1.
So, OUI and leaving the scene of a property damage accident in 96-2024 and an A and B back in 83.
Play 20241026134956.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 13:49:56
Dispatch, that’s 20 and 21.
Oh, OK.
20 and 21, OK, I did a big Y.
I went 75 University Drive.
Arby’s employees did a white female with an orange shirt
and brown pants, unprovoked, grabbed one of his employees
by the neck and kind of flung him around.
And then she stopped.
Now she’s at the checkout.
20 received.
21 received, ma’am.
I need to fix it.
I need to fix you, Collin.
Yeah, affirmative.
I had done a big Y as well.
What’s that clothing description again?
She’s a white female about 6 years old, orange shirt, brown pants.
Appreciate it.
21 dispatch on scene.
Appreciate it.
Squad X-1 dispatch.
Squad X-1.
Myself and 86 are off at big white.
Appreciate it.
Play 20241026134503.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 13:45:03
Play 20241026134503.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 13:45:03
Play 20241026132537.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 13:25:37
We’re clear
Appreciate it
Sunset Afternoon is a parked vehicle, mass 3, Kilo, detangle force at 422
Appreciate it
It has a parking citation on that
We need a…
20 X-1
OK for a hook on this parked vehicle, it’s in a tow zone
Thank you
20 to fetch
Go ahead, 20
We are earning through this vehicle, mass 3, Kilo, detangle force at 422
Appreciate it
Play 20241026132047.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 13:20:47
I’m gonna issue him a 0-1, uh, open container violations, can I get a number?
Go ahead.
Do you have a number 7-5-6?
Thank you.
Play 20241026131842.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 13:18:42
Dispatch, you’re at 20, your info’s up.
Connecticut, Owen. Comes back to Owen.
Landuza, 9-11-04. Negative M&W active.
End of mass, Owen. Cameron Sheehan, 9-4-2002.
Negative M&W out of Philadelphia.
Play 20241026131645.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 13:16:45
20 dispatch
Go ahead 20
Minor or open container of alcohol violation clearing street by Lincoln
That’s Sierra 3 1 1 2 7 5 2 4
9 and 10, please
For me and a 11-1 2,000 200 Newton negative M&W
Given a verbal warning
20 dispatch
By 20
Same spot another open container
Connecticut Orland 2 1 9 8 0 1 2 3 6
22 dispatch
All right, I got an ID to 9 to 9 7 9 4 2 9 2
What stage I have
Open container
Great what stage is out?
Play 20241026131028.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 13:10:28
Dispatch to 20.
20, get over to the parking garage, lower level.
Someone’s parked in a reserved space, number 927.
Got a remote tag on it.
I don’t know if he was just looking to have it ticketed.
I’m gonna head over to Sunset first, there’s a parking issue there.
And then I’ll head over that way.
No problem.
I tried to get parking but he didn’t answer and I tried his phone too and it didn’t work either.
Play 20241026130758.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 13:07:58
We’re at A-5, dispatch.
We’re at A-5.
Myself and H2 will be signaling RWB at the UMass football stadium.
1-5-5, dispatch.
We’re at 1-5-5.
Signal 1-0-WD. Air response, football stadium.
Play 20241026130418.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 13:04:18
Dispatch, Parking Enforcement, 787.
Play 20241026124550.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 12:45:50
Who’s that? It’s X-1.
Miranda Rowe is spam calling us.
We’re up around 20 now in the last hour.
I’ll give you four. Probably CSO as well.
Play 20241026124227.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 12:42:27
Play 20241026124011.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 12:40:11
Go ahead, 10.
I’m going to guess it was the guy laying at the bus stop, crossing the Unitarian.
He’s been addressed to get his feet out of the road.
Good size crowd there as well, but nothing ongoing. Clear.
Play 20241026123842.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 12:38:42
Right down.
In the area.
Appreciate it.
Play 20241026123114.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 12:31:14
Dispatch, Tower, 10.
10, can you check the area of 813 North Boston Street?
UMass took a call, I think it’s only one call, about maybe a bicyclist that fell off or got in some kind of wipeout.
I’ve taken no calls about it and there wasn’t any other info.
Play 20241026120719.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 12:07:19
2 names for 2 attempts in the CAD please, first one Zully, Z-U-L-L-Y, Z-A-M-C-T-A-N-C-Y,
that docket number is 2323-0396, the second is Kimberly, K-I-M-B-E-R-L-E-Y, Devon, Kimberley,
Devon, T-H-E-R-R-I-E-N, docket 2433-CR-97, so that’s it, that’s it for the video.
What do you think?
Play 20241026120254.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 12:02:54
Excellent at 30
Gear 6
Currently in
Appreciate it
I’m loaded up now, I don’t know if I’m closer now, but I can take it.
Sure, sounds good. I’ll just go on scene and see what he needs and then you can relieve me once I get there.
Very good.
Play 20241026120435.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 12:04:35
Play 20241026115419.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 11:54:19
Dispatch to 21.
Go ahead.
We’ve checked the area at Amity and North Pleasant, South Pleasant.
DMV should be at Jeep, Renegade.
Can you send somebody else, X1, clear for me to leave for a detail?
Yeah, affirmative. No problem.
Dispatch to 30.
30 copies direct. Heading their way now.
Appreciate it. He said he was right in front of the Bank of America.
Appreciate it.
Play 20241026114316.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 11:43:16
21 to X-1
Are you available for a call?
Affirmative. I’ll give you a call. 60 seconds.
Play 20241026113948.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 11:39:48
Is it ok to go to 867 North Pleasant Street, Sarva Samun?
Thank you
22, dispatch
25, 20
Headed to 867 North Pleasant Street to Sarva Samun
Play 20241026113512.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 11:35:12
Six-Seven, dispatch.
Go ahead, Six-Seven.
Give me a heads up if AFD’s got to make its way down this way, it’s gridlocked down here.
Play 20241026112626.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 11:26:26
30 to dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Patients on board with
Play 20241026112224.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 11:22:24
22 Dispatch
Go ahead 20
The license number is Sierra 53613016
Play 20241026110728.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 11:07:28
22 Dispatch
Fire at 20
On scene
Play 20241026110545.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 11:05:45
It is precious. I’m excited.
Appreciate it.
Play 20241026110233.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 11:02:33
22 X-1
Is it ok to respond with 32 medical?
Thank you
Play 20241026110024.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 11:00:24
Dispatch to Bravo 30.
30, can you take a
It’s going to be for a 75-year-old female.
Chest pain and difficulty breathing.
Copy, 3-1-1.
Play 20241026103136.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 10:31:36
Ready for X1
Cleared for A2
Play 20241026102145.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 10:21:45
ID 6-7, dispatch.
Go ahead, 6-7.
Police, signal 1-0-W-D.
You drive at the entity.
Play 20241026090717.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 09:07:17
10, Dispatch.
Go ahead, Tommy.
From the photos Ernie showed me, it’s most likely a clamp to the muffler issue.
Not as a result of a flatbed tow.
I’ve explained that to the operator, how he can probably best handle that to get himself home.
Be clear.
Play 20241026090311.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 09:03:11
21 Dispatch.
That property was returned. You can show me clear?
Play 20241026085351.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 08:53:51
Can you put me up, or can you put me out on a follow up to that disturbance cat from last
I’m going to be going to 14 Nutting Ave. and trying to give this guy his property back.
Play 20241026084111.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 08:41:11
Dispatch to 10.
10, get up to Ernie’s towing.
R.P. there.
We’ll be awaiting arrival.
He’s claiming that Ernie did damage to his vehicle when he towed it off Sunset last night.
Hey, Richard.
Play 20241026072055.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 07:20:55
Could you come up front and speak to somebody?
I’m on the road. I’ll give you a call.
Play 20241026055134.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 05:51:34
20 is nice.
Go ahead, 20.
That vehicle has been ticketed.
Um, you can just contact Ernie’s and I’ll be clear.
Received, Ernie’s has been contacted and I will clear you.
Play 20241026054203.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 05:42:03
22 Spectral is the vehicle again.
I believe it’s a blue Land Rover. It’s a 1GGSZ66.
Received. I’m on scene. Thank you.
Play 20241026054017.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 05:40:17
Dispatch to X1.
X1, the gentleman from the farmer’s market called. There’s a car over there in the lot. Do you want me to send an officer or just call Ernie’s?
Nah, we got to send an officer. He’s got an inspection parking ticket on him. The car could be closed.
Received. Dispatch to 20.
Received. I’m on my way.
Dispatching, contact Ernie’s. I’m sure they’ll get to it when they’re done clearing up the mess we made for them.
Received. And 20, the car’s going to be a 2013 Blue Land Rover.
Received. 20 to X1.
Do you want me to stay on scene until Ernie’s gets there or just ticket it and have them get it when they get to it?
Nah, just throw a ticket on it and they can get it when they get to it.
Received. Thank you.
Play 20241026053558.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 05:35:58
Go ahead, 30.
A plethora of vehicles have been tagged and five Ernie’s drivers are on scene to remove them.
We’ll call all of those vehicles up at a later time.
Can’t wait. Are you safe?
And we are clear.
Play 20241026050957.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 05:09:57
Go ahead, 30.
Can you put myself and X1 on a
Play 20241026043815.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 04:38:15
Play 20241026040535.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 04:05:35
30 dispatch back in town. Show me clear.
Play 20241026035337.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 03:53:37
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
We’re on the Angel Key, should move back to town.
Play 20241026034631.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 03:46:31
30 dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Out at EHOC. Ending is 97.8.
Dispatch, to 20, you’re in position.
Dispatch, to 20, are you trying to reach dispatch?
Play 20241026032842.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 03:28:42
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Northgate, please, and if you can put me on a
We’re transporting that party to the HOC.
Starting mileage is 88.5.
Play 20241026030854.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 03:08:54
X-1 at 30.
Train signal 2 to the Sallie 4. Take a right to Northampton.
Thank you.
Play 20241026021614.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 02:16:14
8-6, go ahead.
Go ahead, 8-6.
You can clear me from that service.
9-1, go ahead.
Go ahead, 9-1.
You can clear us as well.
S-A-1, dispatch.
Go ahead, S-A-1.
We’re gonna be clear. I got four names off ID cards. You can ask ID cards. I’ll give you one when I come back in.
ID 8-6 to 9-1.
Go ahead, sir.
You and your partner can secure. Thanks for coming out.
ID 8-6 to 8-5.
Same for you, too. Thank you.
Roger. Thank you, sir.
Play 20241026021041.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 02:10:41
200 X 1
You can disregard on that, I was able to get it to work
Dispatch to 30 and 40
30 and 40 respond to the area of 71 East Hadley Road
For a report of a disturbance, calling party says there’s a group of young men outside yelling curse words at each other
Does not think the
30 and 40
71 is in route
Next one
Go ahead, next one
Next one…
Rear of these head lift ones
… twenty-two
Two thirty.
CAPCOM Kitchen.
Yeah, she got locked on, nothing showing, I’m going to get out.
We see reporting party centers between here and Columbia Drive.
40 dispatch.
Go ahead, 40.
On scene with X1.
9-1 dispatch.
Go ahead, 9-1.
We’re also on scene.
8-6, do you copy?
Kids walking by the house, just jarring back and forth.
They continue to walk west.
SA to ID 8-6, is there a description for the party?
There’s a few people walking down here.
3 Whiskey, Mike 1 Bravo, Mike.
They’re just jarring back and forth as food is getting delivered.
Nothing more.
SA-1 to dispatch.
Go ahead, SA-1.
How are those mailed by the folders office?
40 dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Speaking to residents at 73-1ON-MAFIARA-ALPHA, 4-9-5-0-4-5-1.
If you could just add that to the chat, please.
Play 20241026015933.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 01:59:33
Call my phone please
Play 20241026015711.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 01:57:11
20 to X-1.
You available for a call?
Play 20241026015224.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 01:52:24
31-8-6, I’m all set.
Turn dispatcher.
Go ahead, 10.
Doesn’t appear anything was stolen.
Sounds like a misunderstanding.
Situation’s been mediated.
You can show.
Both units clear.
Eleven as well.
Yeah, affirmative.
All eave shifters can signal two and secure.
Eleven received.
Twenty-one now.
Eighty-one good.
Eighty-one good.
Play 20241026015457.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 01:54:57
Play 20241026014716.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 01:47:16
One thirty five to forty.
Got it.
One of the residents from that disturbance called the S.O. and said there’s actually two lacrosse bags missing. Did you know that?
Two that are missing?
Affirmative. So the one that we recovered and then one more.
Negative. They just told me about the one. There was another lacrosse bag on top of the porch that I saw that they didn’t get. I don’t know if that’s it or not.
I’m going to signal two and give them a call.
Thirty one.
Received thirty one.
Thirty one.
Thirty one. If you find something, I’m kind of heading your way.
Go again. I’m sorry. I just turned my radio on.
I’m heading south if you encounter something because it’s only you. There should probably be a two person call for us.
Received. I’ll let you know.
Play 20241026014152.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 01:41:52
Dispatch, chip 10.
10, is that Iman Finn? Party out of West Roxbury Mass?
Received. Negative M&W, no BOP on him.
Received, thank you.
21, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 21.
Clear and available.
Play 20241026013940.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 01:39:40
30 and 31 respond to 31 North Pleasant Street outside of Antonio’s Pizza possible larceny it’s going to be Casey Malone states that there’s a person in a gray hat black t-shirt who’s attempting or has stolen money from him.
All right.
30 received college.
I can take that for you. I’m on.
10 dispatch.
Thank you.
30 to session area.
Thank you.
31 respond to 3535 Brookside court for suspicious activity calling party states that it sounds like there was somebody in her backyard, taking water as though they turned on her faucets motion detector light came on but nobody seen out there at this time.
Next one.
30 units from the service.
Thank you.
Party here is going to be off the task force first name, the echo, a alpha and Mike October and November and November last name at Fox I India and November and November.
The universe is going to be June 12, 2002.
Play 20241026013346.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 01:33:46
Send a session.
Go ahead, Ted.
You can show me clear.
Play 20241026012446.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 01:24:46
135 to 40.
Is there a color with the stick?
It may have had a black shaft.
Maybe all white.
I actually just said it should be white, it had a black shaft on it.
Got it.
20 to inspection.
Go ahead, 20.
Ending in 252.0.
Play 20241026012111.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 01:21:11
10 to session.
Go ahead, 10.
Two parties to add to the CAD, first name, M-Mike, A-Alpha, T-Tango, T-Tango, H-Hotel, C-Echo, W-Whiskey, last name, M-Mike, A-Alpha, L-Wheeler, L-Wheeler, O-Oscar, Y-Yankee, data brush will be 5205, copy 1.
Copy 1.
Second party is going to be first name, Anthony, Joseph, common spelling, last name, F-Fox, E-Echo, R-Romeo, R-Romeo, A-Alpha, I-India, R-Romeo, O-Oscar. It’s going to be 11304, also out of mass.
Copy 10.
Go ahead, 20.
I’m going to have that party, I’ll be on the 2 back to 111 starting at 250.8.
Play 20241026011504.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 01:15:04
Dispatch to 20 and 21.
Am I on?
20 and 21 respond to 1414 Nutting Ave for a possible disturbance.
Caller says that there’s 50 people trying to break in and break their windows.
21, you drive.
20, receive Lincoln.
21, you drive.
40, dispatch, you can put me on scene.
We see 40.
30, dispatch, I’ll pass that way as well.
Got units stepping on each other.
11, you’re responding.
30, you’re responding.
30, affirm.
11 and 30, you guys can disregard. I’m close.
People are running for some reason.
11, X-1, I didn’t catch that.
You guys can stand down. I’m close. I’ll be there in two seconds.
Where is he?
21, dispatch, I’m here.
Dispatch, I’m here.
21, dispatch, I’m here.
Dispatch, we’re on Nutting.
A big group ran out to Farring Street. Apparently they were trying to fight the residents here.
10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Clear 35 to the RO.
Copy, 3-6.
X-1, dispatch, I’m here.
Received, X-1.
10 to X-1, I’m right by Farring. Do you need another body?
And there’s a couple units on foot, trying to find those parties on Farring, if you can give them a hand.
Trying to get descriptions, if there’s actually a hospital on Farring.
Trying to get descriptions, if there’s actually an assault or anything that took place.
40, X-1.
40 units, there’s no damage, maybe a broken railing. Looks like they’re just trying to start a fight.
The one I saw running was wearing a black sweatpants, black hoodie. That’s all I could really get.
40 to dispatch.
Go ahead, 40.
Okay, two residents, first mess, S-E-A.
Okay, two residents, first mess, S-E-A, 4-3-7-0-0-8-1, first name Michael.
And mess, S-E-A, 4-4-9-0-2-0-7, first name Kobe.
Copy on both.
X-1 to the units on Farring St.
One of the parties might have taken a blue lacrosse bag with a lacrosse stick, if you see a party, grab on to them.
I say one’s out with that party sunset hearing.
Roger, thank you.
Fresh to 40.
40, that first OLN that you gave us for Michael is coming back to a Catherine Santee out of Sutton, Mass.
Sierra Alpha 4 3 7 0 0 8 0, Michael Tamato.
Received, the other party, Kobe William Sloan out of Burlington, Mass. 6 28 2 0 4 is going to be negative and no bop.
1 3 5 5 5.
Go ahead, 1 3 5.
The party in possession of the bag, verbal only, should be out of Mass. First name Liam, common spelling, last name Tango, Romeo, uniform, November, Delta, Yankee, date of birth 1 1 0 5.
3 3 stand by.
40 to 1 35.
Go ahead.
Should be full of his equipment. He also stole a lacrosse stick that goes right off the front porch by the front door that he took it from.
All the gear is in the bag, just missing the stick.
Estimating it should be around $1,000 worth of equipment.
Dispatch to 1 3 5.
Go ahead.
Liam, Trendy, 1 1 0 5, does come back out of North Andover, Mass. Negative M and W, no bop.
1 11.
1 11.
Also the one that damaged the railing, the kid in the black sweatshirt.
I can’t say. The one I saw running the most was a black sweatpants, black hoodie.
They took it right off the porch. He said it’s probably ballpark $1,500 worth of gear.
Yeah, I don’t care about the value. Stealing, stealing.
Play 20241026011855.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 01:18:55
Play 20241026010345.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 01:03:45
21, dispatch.
Go ahead, 21.
I am clear.
40, dispatch.
Go ahead, 40.
I’m clear as FSD check, okay.
10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
North Pleasant at Old Town.
Massarage 3 at Fox.
All set.
Play 20241026005531.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 00:55:31
10 dismissed.
35 to the aero, clear.
3 seats.
Play 20241026005213.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 00:52:13
I’m gonna MDT you two of the employee’s information here and you can show me clear, I’ll narrate.
Forty dispatch.
Go ahead Forty.
Operator at Sierra Alpha 2-2-9-0-3-4-1.
I’ll have them out for FSD.
Received. Dispatch to Twenty-One.
Twenty-One to Gunnery Strong.
Twenty-One, does your camera work?
Alright, I’ll have you switch places with me again.
Ten, dispatch.
Go ahead Ten.
Stop, South Poison at 7, Master Edge 3-W-Whiskey-H-Hotel-T-Tango-4-7, all set.
Play 20241026004851.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 00:48:51
Forty, this is Mitch.
Go ahead, Forty.
For that, 11 Phillips, street
Can you just add a resident? He was matched as Sierra A-69-80-824, should be first name Michael.
That’s the part I spoke with there.
Forty, I can definitely add that person, but unfortunately your radio clipped out in the middle of giving me that OLN.
Can you go again?
Can you help me get here?
Received, thank you.
Forty, go ahead.
Go ahead, Twenty.
Can you open and close the security check up at Colley Street Substation, please?
Forty, this is Mitch.
Stop in front of 17 Bearing Mass 4, A-KQL, Waiakee, 4-1. All set.
Play 20241026004135.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 00:41:35
20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Unable to find the source of the smell, but
You can show me clear?
Dispatch to 20 and 21.
And SA1.
20 on.
20, 21 and SA1. Respond to 11 Phillips Street.
For a
And people are coming across the porch of number 19 Phillips.
20, received.
21’s got it.
SA1 has it.
Are you on 7, dispatch?
Go ahead.
9-1, I’ll be out on Phillips.
Received. 107 and 9-1, out on Phillips.
107 and 9-1, out on Phillips.
Received. 107 and 9-1, out on Phillips.
40, dispatch.
Go ahead, 40.
She didn’t put me in the area, Phillips.
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
I’m also in the area.
21, dispatch, same trim.
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
How long ago was that
Go ahead, 20.
X-1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
What’s our history this semester with 11-Phillips?
SA1, go ahead.
Go ahead, X-1.
What’s our history this semester with 11-Phillips?
Go ahead, X-1.
Go ahead.
Go ahead, A-5.
Yeah, this residence is all quiet.
Nothing active at this point.
Lights are all off and there’s really no one here.
SA1, dispatch.
Go ahead, SA1.
You can show all units clear from this location.
That prop has rectified itself over time, apparently.
Play 20241026003304.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 00:33:04
It’s 9-1 to Stretch.
Go ahead, 9-1.
You can clear us.
11, this is 10.
Go ahead, 11.
Go ahead.
10-4, yes, Sierra. 7-4, 8.
Dispatch to 11.
Go ahead.
11, that O-L-N comes back to a Robert McKim, Jr. out of Wakefield, Mass. 12-30-19-72. He is negative. No BOP.
Receipt. Peace was restored. Units are clear.
Play 20241026003013.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 00:30:13
Dispatch to 31 and 40.
31 and 40 respond to 31 North Pleasant Street at Antonio’s Pizza for a fight inside the building.
Called in by one of the staff members, says it’s two older gentlemen working on descriptions.
31, middle.
Received, Cumberland Farm.
They’re currently throwing pizza at each other.
Antonio, clear and en route.
We’re talking to a party by Antonio’s, nothing active.
10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
You can show me responding as well.
Received, I’ve got one responsible party. It’s a white male with shaggy hair and a tan coat.
9, 1, dispatch. Myself and 107 are on team at Antonio’s.
11’s in the area.
Received, 11.
40X1, you still on me to en route, sir? Disregard.
Units can back it down, there’s nothing active.
40, received.
31, go ahead.
Play 20241026002436.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 00:24:36
Forty dispatch. Go ahead. Forty.
Clear. Thirty-five to the RO.
Thirty dispatch.
Go ahead, Thirty.
RPO is past Sierra Alpha five zero zero five three two at the WC.
Thirty, he’s going to be negative and active.
Fifty-five to the RO.
Play 20241026002113.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 00:21:13
Forty, dispatch.
Go ahead, Forty.
We’ve got a stop southeast of Fort River, Mass 2, V-Victor, Acira, C-Charlie, 8-3, all set.
Thirty, dispatch, in the area.
Received, Thirty.
Play 20241026001718.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 00:17:18
20 to 6.
Go ahead, 20.
Paint, smoke, smoke, but nothing clearly active right now.
Working on getting education at this moment.
Dispatch to 30.
30, could you respond to 37 North Pleasant Street at McMurphy’s in the area of Furnaces Citizens?
It states that he was assaulted by security at McMurphy’s and that they broke a necklace that he was wearing.
He’d like to speak to an officer about it.
He’s going to be in the area in a white shirt and tan shorts.
Received from Peering.
Play 20241026001257.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 00:12:57
20 dispatch, do you read us?
Received 20, we just got a call from a resident there, said that there is a smell of smoke coming from an unknown source.
21 dispatch.
Call me in 409 just to assist 20.
11 dispatch, clear.
Received 11.
Play 20241026001044.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 26 00:10:44
Dispatch to 20.
Go ahead.
20, respond to 409 North Pleasant Street at Sigma Delta Tau for an assist AFD.
Got an alarm call from the alarm company.
Not sure how many people are there and unsure what zone it’s coming from.
21, 20.
Go ahead.
Just let me know if you need an extra body over there.
21, 20.
Go ahead.
21, 20.
Go ahead.
11, dispatch.
Go ahead, 11.
Can you put me on a security check? Please help station on 116.