Play 20240914234749.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 23:47:49

X-1 just took a call for an erratic operator, possibly ETOH, swerving, going 25 miles an
Last seen taking a right from South Pleasant on the East Hadley Collier is no longer behind
the vehicle and gave us a bad plate, just advising.
Play 20240914234031.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 23:40:31

A5 dispatch.
Go ahead A5.
Myself and Tanner are going to be clear.
35 issue. Alcohol dumped.
Play 20240914233818.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 23:38:18

A-5 Dispatch.
Go ahead, A-5.
Can you run a first name, Maya, M-A-Y-A, middle of E-Echo, last name of B-Victor, A-Alpha, L-Lima, M-Mike, E-Echo.
DOB is April 1st, 2004, out of Queens, New York.
Received, standby.
A-5 Dispatch.
Dispatch to A-5.
Go ahead.
Maya, Valm, 176 Beach, 97th Street, out of Rockaway Beach, New York, is coming back negative on an M&W check.
Received, you can enter that as well.
30, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
I’m clear.
Play 20240914233458.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 23:34:58

Go ahead, 85.
Runway 910, and it’s 463-ZZ, Alpha, David.
I’m gonna have a couple of MNWs for ya.
I’m on Allen Street by Furing.
Thank you.
First one’s Mass Hull at S-T-R-A, Alpha.
Seconds passed all on FDRA, Alpha 1400887.
Copy, Jim.
10 dispatch, Alpha 85.
10 dispatch, Alpha 85.
Dispatch to 85.
Go to 85.
85, that plate comes back to a blue Mazda CX-9, year 2010, registered to a Christopher suite out of Lunenburg, MA.
It is negative and active.
That first OLN comes back to a Benjamin suite out of Lunenburg, 53104.
His M&W is going to be negative.
Okay, received.
The second one, Malachi Browns, 110 of 03, ID only, negative out of Worcester.
Okay, received.
You can start me a CAD for a liquor law violation.
Play 20240914233115.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 23:31:15

10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Myself and A5 are going to be clear.
Okay, and the other citizen you were on before this, are we just clearing that as well?
Affirmative, that party was moved along.
Dispatch to X1.
Go ahead.
Sir, I’m holding two noise complaints, would you like me to hold them until after shift change?
10, can you swing over to Allen?
Play 20240914232803.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 23:28:03

10 Dispatch
Go ahead 10
Could you add MASSFD or AL for 6070106?
You’re going to be the responsible party to bring that party home
Lacey, we don’t currently have a match for your Jack Fountain
Go again with that?
The male party that you’re out with, Jack, we cannot find a match in MASS for him
He’s going to be out of Washington
I’ll receive
Play 20240914232435.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 23:24:35

10 to dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Myself and A5 are going to be out with an ETOH mail party behind 374.
It’s going to be a Jack, common spelling, last name, Fountain, common spelling.
It’s going to be a UMass, due date of birth, 2-17-06.
10, okay, thank you.
Play 20240914232006.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 23:20:06

30, trying to reach dispatch.
30’s all set.
Play 20240914231822.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 23:18:22

X-1 to ID5.
X-1 to 10.
Dispatch to 10 or ID85.
Dispatch to 20.
Units stepping on each other. Dispatch to 20.
Can I have you respond to 374 North Pleasant Street. The back route of Alpha, Sig, 10 and 85 are not responding.
Received, North Pleasant.
85, dispatch.
85, X-4 is looking for you.
Okay, we hear him.
Just checking to make sure you guys are all set.
Yeah, we’re all set here.
You can disregard him.
Play 20240914231418.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 23:14:18

Dispatch to 10 and 8-5.
10 and 8-5, respond to the back parking lot at 374 North Pleasant Street at Alpha Sigma Pi
for an assist citizen, possibly disturbance.
Calling party is stating that he was accused of doing something he didn’t do
and now there’s a crowd of people who are harassing him.
So he’s not making it sound like it’s threatening.
He’ll be waiting to speak to officers. I’m going to get a description of him.
4 to receive from RENS.
8-5, receive from RENS.
30, dispatch.
I have 30.
All units are clear from Mill Valley except me. I’m going to be changing location to 50 Rolling Green.
Dispatch to 10-8.
Dispatch to 10-8.
10, a reporting party is going to be in a white and brown flannel that is unbuttoned, black pants and white shoes.
Received. Show me out on 374 North Pleasant.
Received. He should be in the back parking lot.
Received. Thank you.
8-5 to New York.
In the area.
Received. Thank you.
X-1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
If you haven’t already, can you assign an incident number to this?
Play 20240914225741.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 22:57:41

21, that’s excellent.
20, myself and 102 are checking the lots over here. There’s nobody around.
Okay, received.
I’m guessing that…
…that yellow cruise is actually Kraus.
Yeah, I feel him.
Play 20240914225330.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 22:53:30

Why don’t you just mention Mill Valley?
Received 20.
20, you can back it down, but apparently the other group left and is walking out of the complex someplace.
I don’t know if you can maybe swing through the boulders.
They might be through that path where the benches are.
Received. I’ll head that way.
No discretion, just one might be named Abby Cruz.
The description I got for Abby Cruz was that 40’s female, wears black long-sleeve jeans,
and short hair, maybe in a ball, half up, half down is what I got.
Received. I believe that’s Jose Lito’s girlfriend.
21 to 20.
I’m going to head over there with you.
I guess they said they’re over by the benches and yelling right now.
The security guard’s reporting.
21 to 104.
21 to 30.
Play 20240914224914.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 22:49:14

Thirty and twenty-one.
Thirty and twenty-one. Respond to seven ninety.
Riverglade for a disturbance. Those parties who were out there earlier are back.
Everybody on scene is in a verbal argument. All they have is a girl with a ponytail right now is one of the parties on scene.
My apologies, address is seven sixty-eight. Seven sixty-eight, Riverglade.
Received, the center.
Excellent. I’ll be heading that way.
Received, one of the names we’re getting is Abby Cruz.
Abby Cruz is described as having short hair, wearing a black long-sleeve and jeans.
Apparently forty years old.
This is over the carriage thrown out this window, did I hear that correctly earlier?
We’ll have to verify with my understanding that they broke a sliding glass door with the items they threw.
Nine units responding. One of the parties, the calling party who sounds like a younger child is reporting that somebody on scene may have seen a knife.
Received. Any idea who had the knife?
We’re working on getting a description, stand by.
Nine units responding. The caller is walking back the knife claim right now, said it may have been a phone. No confirmation on seeing the knife at this point.
Excellent, twenty.
Pulling into the Mill Valley now.
Why don’t you start heading this way?
You’ve got to step down and go again with your last transmission.
I’m pulling into the Mill Valley now.
To all units, just be advised, it’s Joselito’s birthday, so there was a gathering. I think that might be loosely connected, so tensions and emotions are going to be high right now.
Received, thank you.
Third unit, Spatrack four and I are in the area as well.
We’ve got a crowd of about eight people out in front of the 760.
Nothing active right now.
Play 20240914223922.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 22:39:22

10 dispatch
Go ahead 10
Everybody clear from this stop, I’ll take an AR summoned and send for a certified cop please
Play 20240914223757.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 22:37:57

Go ahead, 10
Can I get a 9-10 on MASH SCRA Alpha 60304-30
It’s going to be the operator taking over vehicle
Go ahead
Okay, we’re back to a KV-2C 4-21-05 out of Acton, MASH
That party is going to be negative and active
3-Dispatch, thank you, I’m going to count as the new operator
Play 20240914222928.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 22:29:28

Tanks 1-30
Team 2-2
2-20 Dispatch
Go ahead 2-20
35 to the RO, cleared
Play 20240914222620.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 22:26:20

20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Stop, College at South Whitney, Master Edge 3, ZZulu, KQO, GECO, 6, 6, all set.
Play 20240914221603.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 22:16:03

20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
You can show me clear 10-stop.
Play 20240914221139.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 22:11:39

SO2, X1.
Go ahead.
Do you have a second for a four?
Affirm. Stand by.
Play 20240914220945.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 22:09:45

20, this is Sessions.
Go ahead, 20.
Are you able to see why the RO is 19?
OLM is suspended.
The last thing it says is, um, as a, or there was an incident on 4-4-24.
A license was suspended. Operating motor vehicle with 90-23-C-Delta.
Rishi, is there anything prior to that? Payments, defaults, or anything like that?
Affirmative. It says failure to pay fine and cost. Payment default.
The first thing dispatch was talking about was, uh, because we already summoned them once for operating was suspended back in May.
Play 20240914220630.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 22:06:30

Go ahead, 10
Yellows-Mass 4-ZZL and November-R-Romeo-4-9
Showing the RLS is 5 minutes to standby
Dispatch, 20
20 copy, direct
Heading that way from Amity
Received, thank you
Go ahead, 20
Copy that, 10
Play 20240914220329.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 22:03:29

30 is fetch.
Go ahead, 30.
The area search for kids is GOA, I’m clear.
No kids located at this time.
Play 20240914220147.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 22:01:47

21, switch.
Go ahead, 21.
Being clear, units. One half left before we got there and the other half was not cooperative. Clear.
Play 20240914215619.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 21:56:19

Dispatch, 20, 21.
Disturbance outside of Insomnia Cookies.
Calling Party States, it’s a group of kids and parents.
And one child trying to get more information.
X1 received. X1 dispatch.
You can put me in the area.
What’s the nature of the disturbance?
The calling party believes that one of the college students pushed the child.
She’s not quite sure. She’s trying to get information.
Received. On scene.
Received. Our calling party is the store manager.
21, dispatch.
Got it.
On scene.
20, dispatch, in the area.
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
So, they want me to go find some kids.
So I’m going to go drive around and look for kids.
X1, 21.
Play 20240914214711.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 21:47:11

21, switch.
21, you trying to reach dispatch?
Affirmative. No sign of anybody passed out here. I’m clear.
Excellent, dispatch. I’m also clear.
Thank you.
Play 20240914214401.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 21:44:01

30 dispatch in the area.
X1, 21.
I got nothing down past the spoke to the rotary. I’m going to swing back through one more time.
Received. Just pulling out of North Pleasant from Maine now.
21 dispatch, I’m in the area.
Play 20240914214224.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 21:42:24

It’s got a well-being check in the area of 141 North Pleasant Street, it’s going to be
the bus stop by the post office.
Calling party is PVTA, states that a female was passed out, was being helped by friends,
no description.
He kept driving.
Received, you can send 21.
21, who is my 21?
ID 111.
10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Your control, be clear from here.
ASB advisor, all set.
Dispatch to 21.
Copy that, direct.
480, thank you.
Thank you.
A female.
Units are walking on each other.
Go ahead, 30.
It’s calling 28, let him know, he can disregard.
Since everyone’s gone, no point in tying the two of us up.
Tony, receive.
Excellent, dispatch.
Go ahead, excellent.
Regarding the well-being check, did they give a direction of travel, which way they were headed?
Negative, no description, no nothing other than female party passed out and our friends
were helping her in that area.
Received, you can put me in the area.
Play 20240914213843.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 21:38:43

Dispatch to 10.
Go ahead.
It’s going to be a four-year-old female who’s autistic, non-verbal.
She woke up coughing, pointed to her chest, stated, ow.
Rishi, can you show me the area?
Dispatch 30, 20.
Can you head to 760 Riverway Drive, Apartment 8 Alpha, Mill Valley?
My calling party states that there were boys and girls who were throwing eggs and carrots.
They ended up breaking a sliding door and they did drop one of their phones.
30, Rishi.
20, Rishi. It’s 111.
Those parties are no longer on scene and he was not able to get a description or give us a direction of travel.
30, Rishi.
20, Rishi.
Play 20240914213524.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 21:35:24

Dispatch, Charlie 10.
One minute closest, 85 Olympia Drive, Olympia Oaks, apartment number 13.
It’s going to be a female party, difficulty breathing.
Appreciate it, 111.
Play 20240914201047.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 20:10:47

X-1 dispatch.
Clear that stop 35-ish, you two mass will land.
S gear, A-alpha, 7-3-0, 0-3-1-5.
Play 20240914200640.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 20:06:40

Excellent, dispatch.
Go ahead, excellent.
We’re going to have a stop EMD at Lincoln, mass rate C, I’m sorry.
Mass rate 6, C Charlie Alpha, 938.
Play 20240914183834.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 18:38:34

20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
That party is now home safe with her nephew.
Ending mileage is going to be 74.1.
You can show me clear.
Play 20240914183229.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 18:32:29

Play 20240914182200.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 18:22:00

20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Can you start me a Citizen Transport CAD with that RO from Big Y to 141 Tracy Circle, starting mileage 70.7.
Play 20240914181048.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 18:10:48

20 X1
Go ahead
I’m going to have her check out her groceries and give her a citizen transport back to her residence
Okay received, thank you
Play 20240914180807.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 18:08:07

SO to 20.
20’s on.
Call that number twice, straight to voicemail, each time.
We’re heading outside to see if we can get some better service.
Thank you.
X 120.
Does she live in town?
If needed, you’re clear to give her a ride home.
She’s going to try one more time and I’ll give her a courtesy transport.
Play 20240914180331.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 18:03:31

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Just to keep you in the loop, 20 is standing by, um, her nest is going to be coming by,
hopefully to give her a ride home.
Vehicle will remain there.
Um, X-1 my request.
Roger, Steve.
Play 20240914175552.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 17:55:52

Excellent, uh, 20.
What’s your 6?
We’re inside a big lie over by the vegetable area.
We should be all set.
I’m with the party now.
Okay, we’re shooting.
Play 20240914175415.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 17:54:15

X1 Dispatch
Go to X1
You can put me out at Big Y
Play 20240914174542.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 17:45:42

I was just asking, when he ran this plate, if he came back, I’m not coming back to anything
right now.
I’m not coming back to anything right now.
There was a delay. It’s in the R6 list.
I’m in the area. Can you give me the description again, please?
I’m sorry, are you in the area of X1 or 20th call?
20th call.
It’s a 2001 Volkswagen Golf, color gray, and my calling party did state that she was close
to the entrance of Big Y.
It’s 20 and I are in the area.
X1 dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
I’m going to be clear, that’s Stop 35, Issue 2, Mass, 01, Sierra, Alpha, 329.0102.
20 to 30, it’s going to be over here under your right-hand side by the bottle return.
Good eye.
Play 20240914174005.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 17:40:05

X-1 Dispatch
Go ahead X-1
I’m going to have a stop at Elchertown Road at the Chinese Church
Mass Ridge, 9-6-4, C-Charlie, Sierra 2
I’ll say it with the info
Copy, C-2
Dispatch, Charlie 20
I’m on a vehicle complaint, also a well-being check
It’s going to be 175 University Drive, the big wide parking lot
My calling party states that she witnessed
Mass PC 6333
V-Victor, S-Sierra
She’ll come back on a 2001 Volkswagen Golf, color gray
That was
Close to hitting multiple cars
She was driving on the wrong side of the road through the parking lot
Almost striking multiple pedestrians
And she also drove over what my RP stated was a big median
She is still currently in the parking lot
And with the way that my RP described her, it’s potentially owner-op
She was born in 1990, excuse me, 1929
Received, just to clarify, she didn’t see any of those vehicles?
Not that my calling party noticed
Received, 111
Play 20240914173119.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 17:31:19

10-X1, clear for two.
Play 20240914172522.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 17:25:22

Located a hubcap.
Moved out of the road.
Be clear.
Thank you.
Play 20240914172248.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 17:22:48

Tendon, that’s on him, at least.
Play 20240914172025.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 17:20:25

I’ve got a traffic complaint in the area of 405 Amity Street, Amity at University.
My calling party states that there’s a hubcap or tire rim that’s in the road.
She also stated that it was pointy and she’s concerned that it could pop someone’s tire.
Rootsies, follow us.
10 to 20, I’m in the area, I can check that out for you.
Rootsies, thank you.
Dispatch copies, correct.
Play 20240914171140.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 17:11:40

20X1, clear for two, paperwork.
Play 20240914164031.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 16:40:31

20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Information’s been exchanged. Damage can be under 1,000.
VA, written 35 to the operator of the Hyundai.
And you can show me clear.
Thank you.
Play 20240914163018.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 16:30:18

Play 20240914162233.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 16:22:33

20, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Vehicle 1 is going to be Mass Reg 4, M-Bike, B-Bravo, 2-4-3, operated by the RO.
Second vehicle is also Mass Reg 2, E-Echo, P-Papa, W-Whiskey, 9-5, operated by Mass, Sierra, A-Alpha, 3-3-8-0-8-8-4.
Thank you.
Play 20240914161929.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 16:19:29

20, dispatching, I hear you.
Received, 20.
Do you need vehicle and operator info for both cars?
Yes, please.
Received, standby.
Play 20240914161153.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 16:11:53

Dispatch, Charlie 20.
Motor vehicle accident, no injuries, in the area of 100 North Hampton Road, North Hampton at Orchard.
I don’t have any information on the cars, there’s a language barrier.
20, you’re in scene, 111.
Play 20240914160457.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 16:04:57

It’s bad, search one.
You could give me a four, please.
Play 20240914150628.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 15:06:28

20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
That was it. Thank you.
You can start.
Play 20240914145749.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 14:57:49

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
I’m clear. Ernie has the vehicle.
Play 20240914144221.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 14:42:21

I need to take this switch.
Miss Calhoun is going to be transported to CDH by AFC.
They told me they’re all set. I’m clear.
Play 20240914143944.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 14:39:44

I need six dispatch
I’m speaking with Janice resident of 28. She’s inside mass of bt
3 5 5 9
And I’m trying to mediate the situation
Play 20240914143546.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 14:35:46

And dispatch.
Go ahead.
Raise the sails, please.
You can secure that.
Go ahead.
That prisoner was released to Hadley PD. Do you know there’s a unit down there?
Not at the moment.
Play 20240914143242.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 14:32:42

Dispatch to 8-6.
Go ahead.
We have CAD history with her at 28 Wentworth Manor Drive.
Um, she was mixing alcohol and prescription meds.
We do have her sister’s information if you need us to give her a call.
I think I might have her right here. Hold on.
Thank you.
Play 20240914143016.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 14:30:16

ID 86 dispatched.
Go ahead, 86.
Any area, Wentworth Manor.
Received. It could potentially be a Lorry Calhoun out of Connecticut, but we’re not finding anything.
Alright, I’ll work on that. AFD is on scene.
ID 86 dispatched.
Go ahead, 86.
Any area, Wentworth Manor.
Received. It could potentially be a Lorry Calhoun out of Connecticut, but we’re not finding anything.
Alright, I’ll work on that. AFD is on scene.
Received. It could potentially be a Lorry Calhoun out of Connecticut, but we’re not finding anything.
Alright, I’ll work on that.
Go ahead, 86.
ID 86 dispatched.
Go ahead, 86.
Try Lorry with an I. L-O-R-R-I. Little initial E. Echo. Calhoun. Charlie. Alpha. Lima. Hotel. Ocean. Uniform. November. Out of Connecticut.
Working on a DOB. Might be a prescription med issue.
Play 20240914142514.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 14:25:14

Dispatch to X-1
Dispatch to Apex
Dispatch to X-1
X-1 Dispatch, you calling me?
Affirmative, I got a medical assist 5 Wentworth Manor Drive
There’s a elderly female who fell in the road, still currently in the road
She’s sitting up at this time and we’re getting more information
Appreciate it
X-1 Dispatch
I’ll be en route to that medical, what’s the address again?
5 Wentworth Manor Drive
My reporting party is talking to her now, she says her name is Lori Parker
X-1 Dispatch
X-1, if you want to make sure all this goes smoothly at 111, I can handle that medical down at Wentworth Manor.
Received, I appreciate that.
Copy, direct.
86-Dispatch, I walk, yeah, I’ll head to that medical.
Copy, Dave.
Play 20240914141934.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 14:19:34

Continue the search.
Go ahead, 3.
Last 9, 3, 7, 1, make easy.
7, 6, 10, 10, 11.
Sorry, team.
Play 20240914141454.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 14:14:54

30, dispatch.
Sorry, Steve.
Play 20240914140549.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 14:05:49

I’m holding a call for 311 West Street, RPU is reporting a college student, front left wheel, fell off.
RACI this is a DMV.
Received. I believe 30 is available.
Play 20240914140214.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 14:02:14

Hattie, 86 to X1.
You guys gonna be all set now, or do you still need me to stand by?
We’re good. Hadley is just speaking with mom, working some finer details out. She’s gonna grab the car and move it.
Very good.
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Can you raise the north? My ending is gonna be 66.2.
Go ahead, 20.
Go ahead, 20.
Dispatch, copy that. I need the north raised.
Copy that.
Play 20240914135835.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 13:58:35

And descend.
And hold on.
Raise the north gate, please.
You can secure that.
Thank you.
30 to 10.
Can you confirm he has the car keys?
I’m looking to get mom to move the vehicle.
Yeah, I think he had them on that plane.
I’m headed back to grab them, so I can return them.
Yeah, 30, he says he gave them to his mom.
Copy, X-1.
Yeah, we copy. Things are going a little south at the scene now.
Looks like the involved females making the team.
20 to 10.
Female party is under shortly.
X-1, we’re going to have to tow the vehicle at this point.
8-6, dispatch.
Go ahead, 8-6.
I couldn’t copy that off the portable. Did he say affirmative or negative on the tow?
He said affirmative.
Alright, let’s get Ernie’s going. Get this thing out of here.
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
BN2, starting 65.9.
X-1 to 30.
I apologize. Were you able to get the keys to this vehicle or no?
He said he gave them to his mother.
They may be in the back.
The bag that he handed off to his mom.
Dispatch to X-1.
You can cancel the tow. Mom said she forgot he had given her the keys.
Dispatch to X-1.
X-1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
If you could also add to the CAD, please, it’s going to be related to the disorderly arrest.
Play 20240914135141.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 13:51:41

Excellent, Dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Clearance of the mail party under, and Ted is going to be transporting.
X-1, who’s taking that number?
And we didn’t get anything back on that mail party.
Appreciate it.
Kenneth is en route for booking.
Play 20240914134514.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 13:45:14

20 dispatch
Go ahead 20
I have a possible name for this email party
First name is Nani
I don’t have a confirmation on spelling
but N November, A Alpha, N November, Hi India
Last name Cologne
C Charlie, O Oscar, L Lima, O Oscar, N November
UB 1228 of 2000
Should be out of mass
Thank you for watching
Play 20240914133900.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 13:39:00

Trash to Bravo 10.
Bravo 10.
Okay, we’re not finding anything for Gene Rodriguez.
The last part, the hyphenated part, I didn’t get before, it was a little loud in the background.
Was it P-L-A-U-B as in boy, I-O?
I think it’s D-Delta, far to go.
Received, thank you.
Affirm, P-L-A-U-B, dog, I-O.
Play 20240914133015.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 13:30:15

10, go ahead.
Go ahead, 10.
Trying to put together an ID for the meal party.
First will be Gene, B-E-A-N, Laza Rodriguez, Claudio, P-L-A-U-D-I-O, three-five-thousand-six,
let’s get it.
Maria Steve, I got Gene Rodriguez, what was that you said right after?
Was there like a hyphenated name?
Play 20240914132655.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 13:26:55

Can I get that plate? I only caught part of it.
Give me Connecticut tag B Bravo S Sierra S Sierra one nine zero five two.
It’s a twenty twenty four Jeep Grand Cherokee white and color comes back.
Let’s see. Oh it looks like it’s a leaf vehicle.
The vehicle was last seen on route nine eastbound by Texas Roadhouse.
Sounds like the male party struck a female party inside of the vehicle.
They believe they last saw it by Greenleaf so it should be in Amherst by now.
I’m west on College Street. I just saw a white Jeep Grand Cherokee turn onto South Pleasant.
Trying to get up there. I can’t tell what the plate is or anything.
Received. Any other units in that area?
Excellent dispatch.
Go ahead X1.
I’m north pleasant at Douglas.
Excellent dispatch.
Go ahead X1.
Pertaining to this call from Hadley, when you say struck a female party, that physically or was it vehicle?
Physically. The female and male were inside of the car and it was reported that the male party struck her.
Go ahead X1.
X1 dispatch. Go with the plate one more time.
X1 it’s going to be Connecticut tag Bravo Sierra one nine zero five two.
X1 dispatch. I’m out with that vehicle in front of Douglas. Male operator, female passenger. Looks volatile.
Received. Dispatch to Bravo 20.
Be there X1.
30, I’ll head that way.
Received 30.
10’s on page.
Received 10.
X1 dispatch and all units. Everybody’s secure here. They’re just seated.
We appreciate it.
X1 dispatch.
Go ahead X1.
I’m not sure if you can have a Hadley officer respond to our location. If they’re available.
Received 4. See what we can do.
X1 dispatch.
X1, a Hadley unit is on the way.
Received, thank you.
30’s on scene.
Received 30.
30 dispatch.
Go ahead 30.
On scene.
Play 20240914130937.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 13:09:37

I’ll be clear as well, nobody out front and nothing going on inside.
What do you see?
Play 20240914130715.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 13:07:15

10, Dispatch, in the air.
Received, 10.
20, Dispatch, keep traffic.

AHPCB aplicable to CYAHHD app.
APACB application available.
steinage.info SEMM.
No communication but
ULTRA will provide public
communication regarding
past sessions of
SPI food management.
No communication but
ULTRA will provide public
communication regarding
CYAHHD’s press conference.
No communication but
ULTRA will provide public
communication regarding
past sessions of
I don’t see anybody in the rear, I’m going to move around to the front again.
Yeah, nothing out front, I’m just going to walk through it again, tight, nobody here.
Be clear.
See you, man.
Play 20240914130349.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 13:03:49

Dispatch to Bravo 20, Bravo 10.
Bravo 20, Bravo 10. Can you head down to 76 North Pleasant Street, the CVS?
I just got a call from the RP saying that a 50-ish year old male, black male, with a fishing cap, short sleeve plaid shirt
said they were getting harassed. The male party was asking her for money.
The RP said no. Then the involved party started blocking her car and asking her for money again, and felt she was harassed.
Dispatch, is he currently still blocking her?
No, she left about 7 minutes ago.
Play 20240914123336.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 12:33:36

A5, dispatch.
This is Signal One O-W-D, Pratt Field, Amherst College.
Play 20240914114644.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 11:46:44

35 to the RO, clear.
30 to the RO, clear.
X1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
I will declare.
Play 20240914114259.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 11:42:59

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Stop, 908 Southeast Street.
Mass E echo Vector 2910 offset.
Play 20240914113819.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 11:38:19

X-1, last moment through, clear.
Received, thank you.
30 dispatch, I’m clear.
20 dispatch, also clear.
Play 20240914113514.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 11:35:14

30 X-1 at middle right now.
Read it.
Play 20240914113326.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 11:33:26

to X-1.
Just a question, is that motorcycle traffic
coming through Bay Road or Route 9?
It’ll be northbound on West Strait
to eastbound on Bay Road,
then northbound on South East to Route 9 East.
Thank you.
22, X-1 and 30, they’re coming through.
Play 20240914112911.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 11:29:11

X 120
Go ahead
Just let us know when they come through by you first
Play 20240914111144.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 11:11:44

30 dispatch, er, sorry, 20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Information’s been exchanged and both vehicles are on their way, I’ll be clear, and I’m still going to MDT you that information for the passengers.
But if you could add me to 30’s traffic call, I’ll be headed down to the rotary to assist with that.
Appreciate it, 20.
Excellent, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
I will second 20’s request, you can also put me on the traffic head.
Play 20240914110357.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 11:03:57

X 120
When you’re available, could you give me a 4 please?
Play 20240914110222.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 11:02:22

I’m going to be out at Sweet Alice Conservation Area on Bay Road awaiting a motorcycle run.
Play 20240914105736.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 10:57:36

20 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
What information do you need?
Just the operator of the Chevy.
Sorry, the Outback.
Operator of the Outback, it’s going to be MASS Sierra 859-31-293, and I’m going to MDT you some passengers for both vehicles.
Play 20240914105128.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 10:51:28

20 dispatch, on scene.
Thank you.
Play 20240914104942.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 10:49:42

Dispatch to 20.
20, can you head over to 170 University Drive?
The RP was pulling out of the Cooley Dickinson parking lot, she’s at the light right now,
and got into a car accident, no injuries.
That’s received.
Dispatch to 20.
Go ahead.
The RP’s car was a Chevy Traverse, and the other involved was a Subaru.
Both are negative active.
X1, dispatch.
Go ahead X1.
Negative, DI.
Go ahead X2.
Negative, DI.
Go ahead X3.
Bye guys.
Play 20240914092841.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 09:28:41

X-1 Dispatch.
Go ahead X-1.
For the call I just made to your partner, if you could just put me on that traffic cat for that intersection and close it.
Play 20240914083628.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 08:36:28

20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
The phone is in the business, not a residence.
He was advised to contact them when they open.
I’ll be clear.
Play 20240914083241.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 08:32:41

20 dispatch in the area.
Play 20240914050845.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 05:08:45

10 to inspection.
Go ahead, 10.
That noise is going to be GOA. You can show units clear.
We’re received.
Play 20240914050609.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 05:06:09

20 dispatched units on scene.
Over. Received.
Play 20240914045821.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 04:58:21

30, dispatch.
Yeah, 30.
Three residents inside talking loudly.
All MDPU and 35 issued units are clear.
Dispatch, 10-20.
10-20, continue to get a noise complaint.
RP lives at 66 East Leavitt Road.
States that there is kids that are being really loud and partying possibly in the woods in the area.
Stated that there has been parties going on more towards the corner of where East Leavitt and Leavitt Road kind of connect.
10-20, continue to get a noise complaint.
10-20, receive 111.
10-20, continue to get a noise complaint.
10-20, received. East Leavitt Road.
Play 20240914045222.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 04:52:22

30 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Unit, G-Golf.
30, 30.
20 Dispatch, on scene.
Play 20240914044759.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 04:47:59

Where are you dispatching the area?
Play 20240914044457.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 04:44:57

20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Ernie’s has custody of that vehicle. I’m clear.
Go ahead, 20.
Dispatch, 30, 20.
30, 20. Can you head to 188 East Hadley Road? It’s going to be the Boulders.
RP is from 125 Bravo stating that there is loud partying noises coming from the apartment to the right side.
States that you’ll see it with the blue and black light.
20 received.
Play 20240914043254.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 04:32:54

20 Dispatch, Ernie’s on scene.
Play 20240914042432.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 04:24:32

20 dispatch
Go ahead 20
Were you able to get a hold of Ernie’s?
Affirm, they are on their way
Recieve usual 10 to 15
Play 20240914041908.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 04:19:08

20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Disregard, 20 to X1. We clear for a hook here. Vehicle’s not going to be drivable.
Looks like the wheel is missing a lug nut.
Disregard, 20.
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Can you contact Ernie’s? Vehicle’s not drivable. Some issues with the passenger side front wheel.
Play 20240914041625.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 04:16:25

20 dispatch in the area.
Received 20.
Play 20240914041340.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 04:13:40

Clarity, dispatch.
Go ahead, Clarity.
Clarity, we’re seeing some transport. You can show me clear.
All right, safety.
Play 20240914040821.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 04:08:21

Dispatch, 20.
20, can you head to the area of 245 Lincoln Ave?
RP is on the side of the road, broken down.
Um, it’s, uh, license plate, math, PC, 3, 3, B-Bravo, S-Sierra, Zulu 8-5, comes back negative active on a 2008 Hyundai Sonata, black in color.
To the RP, who’s also the RO, Abdullah, Elsa, Mary, 10-21-87.
Play 20240914035701.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 03:57:01

Go ahead, 30
Party is conscious and alert. Planing of a comfortable descent to the chest.
Play 20240914035459.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 03:54:59

30, dispatch, in full.
Go ahead, 30.
In full, Will.
Lucy, DFD’s in route.
Lucy, thank you.
Play 20240914035217.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 03:52:17

Watch out for 30.
30, can you take a medical assist?
It’s going to be 81 Belcher Town Road, apartment 39 for a…
24 Lea Johnson, she’s complaining of chest and left side pain.
We’re in.
Play 20240914024956.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 02:49:56

X-1 to 30.
Go ahead.
40, you have the south AED. Do you want to grab it at the station?
I grabbed the south AED.
Okay, received.
Center, 20, whoever doesn’t have an AED, you can go to the station and grab it.
10-4, I’m on my way.
Play 20240914024507.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 02:45:07

40 to 20, are you still in the center?
Affirm, at REMS, moving now.
Can you check Kellogg Ave? I just ran out of a vehicle and it didn’t come back until I went on main, but it’s mad.
B-R-A-X-5-3, the Bruins blade in the black Jeep Grand Cherokee, the RO suspended.
Appreciate, head that way now.
Still one up, Kellogg from Triangle.
That’s right here.
Thank you.
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
You can show myself and 40 out with Mass Ridge for B-Bravo, excuse me, B-Bravo, R-Romeo, A-Alpha, XX-Ray, 5-3.
Be in front of Van Whalen.
Thank you.
40, dispatch.
Go ahead, 40.
Training operator, Mass Sierra, A-Alpha, 0640, 201.
Thank you.
Dispatch, 40.
Go ahead.
40, the O-L-N, you gave me, comes back negative, active, to a William Carr, 11-20-02 out of Wayland, Mass.
Received, being clear, it’s no enforcement, not the RO.
Play 20240914023732.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 02:37:32

Go ahead, 30.
I’m on the outside.
I’m the resident outside.
35 to shoot.
They’re going in.
Jumping in.
Go ahead, 30.
I’m on the outside.
I’m the resident outside.
35 to shoot.
They’re going in.
Jumping in.
Play 20240914023531.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 02:35:31

Dispatch, 30.
Go ahead.
30, that’s the MAF LLN 015486503 comes back negative active to a Lindsay and Wilbur 5602.
Out of Stowe, negative active, negative LNW and I am not able to get anything out of that New Jersey LLN.
Received, I’m confirming 013190198260025.
Received, I missed a 0.
Dispatch to 30,
She’s going
Alright, that OLN for New Jersey comes back negative, active, to a Alexa Schanzer out of Tana Fly, New Jersey, and she is also negative M&W out of Mass.
Play 20240914023147.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 02:31:47

30 to 40, I should be on set.
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
One resident here, Mass Sierra Alpha 0950684. MNW, please.
That’s 30.
Got it.
Elizabeth Marina Burke 311-03, negative active out of Stuxbury, Mass, is negative MNW.
Roger, thank you.
Go ahead.
Two more residents, Burst Mass, Sierra 15486503, copy, one.
Copy, one.
Second is New Jersey, Sierra 1319019, please do 6-0-0-6-5.
So you cut out at the end, I got New Jersey, Sierra 131901982, 6-0-0-5.
Last three are 0-2-5.
Play 20240914022700.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 02:27:00

Dispatch, Alpha 30, 40.
30, 40, you can take a noise complaint.
It’s going to be at 446 South Pleasant Street.
RP is calling from 440 South Pleasant Street,
stating that there’s a really loud party over there
at that house, screaming, yelling, music.
30, 30, 30, 40.
Receive Fort River.
30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30,
30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30 tipping
What is it?
Play 20240914021440.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 02:14:40

Forty to dispatch.
Roger, Forty.
Clear 35 for those two parties.
Play 20240914020434.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 02:04:34

Go ahead, Forty.
We found them.
I’m at the Sierra A-3670920.
I guess the O’Brien had a position to be in it.
Dispatch, Forty.
Go ahead.
Agent O’Brien, 12904.
The reading is negative active and negative MW.
Negative active and negative MW.
Excellent, Dispatch. I’m on Forty.
Play 20240914020103.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 02:01:03

Forty, that name you gave me does not come back, however it is an idea of M&W out of
Play 20240914015921.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 01:59:21

20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Lakerlawn, Main Street, lower main by the 800 block, can you run MASS at Sierra Alpha 4120382?
Sierra Alpha 4120382, Sierra Alpha 4120382, Sierra Alpha 4120382, Sierra Alpha 4120382, Sierra Alpha 4120382, Sierra Alpha 4120382, Sierra Alpha 4120382, Sierra Alpha 4120382, Sierra Alpha 4120382, Sierra Alpha 4120382, Sierra Alpha 4120382, Sierra Alpha 4120382, Sierra Alpha 4120382, Sierra Alpha 4120382, Sierra Alpha 4120382, Sierra Alpha 4120382, Sierra Alpha 4120382, Sierra Alpha 4120382, Sierra Alpha 4120382, Sierra Alpha 4120382, Sierra Alpha 4120382, Sierra Alpha 4120382, Sierra Alpha 4120382, Sierra Alpha 4120382, Sierra Alpha 4120382, Sierra Alpha 4120382, Sierra Alpha 4120382, Sierra Alpha 4120382, Sierra Alpha 4120382, Sierra Alpha 4120382, Sierra Alpha 4120382, Sierra Alpha 4120382
Sierra 10
Stop East Pleasant excess penalty mass reg 1, Chez julia, Siersierra P PAPO 42 offset
Dispatch, 40.
40, the OLNU-GME comes back to a Mauricio Lawrence 3791 out of Hyde Park, Mass.
Looks like I can’t find a license out of Mass. Negative at MNW.
I’m sorry, Dispatch, is that C for 40? I missed the first part.
Sir, that’s for 40. It’s going to be that OLN comes back to a Mauricio Lawrence 3791 out of Hyde Park.
Mass. Sierra. A-Alpha. 4-1-2-0-3-8-2. Should be first name of Colin. Born in 2004.
Dispatch, just to 40.
Alright, that OLN comes back negative active to a Colin Esminger 61104 of Reading. He is also negative at MNW.
Received. Have a safe flight, everyone. Only when you’re ready.
40, can you go again with that name? It was completely static. I got the date of birth, 1-29-0-4.
Aiden. Alpha. India. Delta. Alpha. November. O’Brien. Ocean. Bravo. Romeo. India. Echo. November.
Go ahead, 10.
35 to the RO, I’m clear.
Go ahead, 20.
35 issued to that resident. Approximately three or four kids talking loudly on the porch. They’ve got a bicycle inside. We’re clear.
Play 20240914015159.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 01:51:59

30, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Resident here, mask Sierra Alpha
M&W, please.
Where is it?
Play 20240914015017.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 01:50:17

That’s 2010.
2010, just got this voice complaint.
It’s going to be at 28 Kellogg Ave, upper level.
RP’s calling from 33 Kellogg Ave, stating that there are people on the upper level deck
that have been yelling and screaming and playing music and it just won’t go on.
20, repeat, we’re calling.
30, dispatcher, I’ll head that way.
10, repeat for me.
30, dispatcher in the area.
Responding units, we did just deal with them back on the 7th,
and we did give them a warning for the same type of noise issue.
20, receive.
10, receive.
10, you can disregard if 30’s gone.
20, dispatcher in the area.
30, respond.
Play 20240914014627.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 01:46:27

20 Dispatch, units in the area.
20 Dispatch?
I’m also out on Fearing Street.
At the point it looks like it’s going to be a GOA as well.
I may have walked on 10, but the noise is GOA, you can show you that’s clear.
You can signal to unsecure, thank you.
Play 20240914014238.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 01:42:38

10 Dispatch
Go ahead 10
That noise is GOA
Might have been the music coming from the carts at Kendrick Park
But they have shut the music off
We can show units clear
Dispatch, 20 and 10
20, 10, can you head to the area of 36 Bearing Street?
4 North Complaint, it’s going to be a loud party in the area
20 Received, East Pleasant
10 Received, North Pleasant
Play 20240914013848.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 01:38:48

That’s bad, down for 10-20.
10-20, can you get a noise complaint?
It’s coming in the area of 50 Mount Pleasant Street.
RP reports of loud music in the area.
She doesn’t know if it’s coming from East Pleasant or Butterfield.
This is called in a little bit before bar close.
10 received, North Pleasant.
20 received, South Pleasant.
Play 20240914013433.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 01:34:33

Security to 8-5.
Go ahead.
I got an item delivered over here for you, if you want to make a loop through.
Yeah, I just want it back.
Play 20240914013036.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 01:30:36

That party was able to renew online, show me clear
Play 20240914012105.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 01:21:05

The RO is operating. He’s working on renewing his registration online right now.
Play 20240914011757.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 01:17:57

10 dispatch
Stop in front of this boat, Kramatsaraj 3, T-Tango, V-Victor, D-Delta, 2-8, should be all set
Over received
Play 20240914011256.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 01:12:56

8-5 Dispatch, clear.
20 Dispatch.
Made contact with the ERP. Everything checks okay.
Sounds like somebody was knocking on the wrong door.
You can show all units clear.
Play 20240914010731.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 01:07:31

20-21, are you knocking on the door?
Alright, Steve, I’ll have them open up the door.
Play 20240914010620.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 01:06:20

X-1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Stop, North Pleasant, front of Antonio’s, Minnesota, Lima, Bravo, Echo, 8-9-5.
Ready, dude.
Roger that.
Stand clear, X-1.
Slowly, ATC.
Operator’s mask, Sierra, Alpha, 4861702.
Sierra, you’re on a 35.
10-Dispatch, I’m clear of X1’s call.
Go ahead, 40.
Clear Earnings has a vehicle, can you assign me a summons arrest number for Mr. Malcolm?
Dispatch, 20, 21.
Currently on the line with a female party at 31 Boltwood Walk.
She’s in the apartment above 31 Boltwood Walk.
It states that someone is attempting to get into her apartment, knocking on the door,
trying the door handle, and that no one should be there.
20, received.
To my ownership, call again.
It should be above Taqueria Del Pueblo, where her apartment should be above.
Go ahead, 85.
I’m going that way, I’m out in front of the bars.
Go ahead, X1.
35 to the operator, I set you on MDT, clear.
21 and 20 are on scene.
Play 20240914005841.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 00:58:41

21, dispatch.
Go ahead, 21.
To be out with 20 car.
Play 20240914005655.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 00:56:55

20 to Central.
Go ahead, 20.
Stop. College Street by Spirit House, Massaredge 2, Ieco, Kekilo, T-Tango, 2-2, all set.
Play 20240914005530.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 00:55:30

Can you call UMPD and see if they have any info on the owner of the Honda, should be
Terrell Rice.
And if so, can you try to get some contact info, maybe a phone number, he said he just
spotted from on campus, but he doesn’t have any paperwork or anything to prove that.
Yeah, I can do that for you.
Thank you.
10 seconds.
Go ahead, 10.
I’ll be clear from 40, stop.
30 dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Hardy is on board with ASD.
I’m clear.
40, contacted UMass about that Terrell Rice.
They stated that they don’t have anyone there that works or goes there.
Okay, received.
Play 20240914004704.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 00:47:04

30, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Where was the AFC coming from?
UMass campus. It’s going to be North Hampton Ambulance and our X2.
Received. They’re pulling up now. Thank you.
Thank you.
40, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 40.
For X1, Q10, Ernie. It’s unregistered, uninsured.
Go ahead, 40.
30, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Go ahead, 40.
Go ahead, 40.
Go ahead, 40.
It’s a Russian passport.
Play 20240914003822.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 00:38:22

Check the area, noise is GOA, I’m not sure if this was the call as a result of the party
on North Pleasant from earlier tonight, but both units will be clear.
40 Dispatch, I’m going to evacuate when you’re ready.
Go ahead, 40 on that then.
It’s 1H Hotel, G-Golf, C-Charlie, P-Papa, 2-6-3-7-9-A-Alpha-0-9-8-2-4-7.
It’s a 2009 Honda, color black.
Received, standby.
Honda, Dispatch, I’m at 40.
40 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 40.
The operator is info with Matt, Sierra 9904-3403, should be a Kevion, Algonquin, Springfield.
40 Dispatch to 40.
40, that plate that you gave me comes back to a 2009 Honda Accord, black color, looks like the status is cancelled, to a Terrell Rice at a Springfield.
Play 20240914003436.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 00:34:36

Dispatch Alpha 10-Up, Charlie 20.
10-20, head to the area 51 about a field terrorist.
RP reports that there’s loud bass in the area.
10-Receive, Triangle.
20-Receive, go ahead.
30, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
You can show units clear, Hall-Mary.
20, Dispatch, I’m in the area.
21, Dispatch, I’m in the area as well, I’ll help out with them.
21, Dispatch, I’m in the area as well.
21, Dispatch, I’m in the area as well.
21, Dispatch, I’m in the area as well.
21, Dispatch, I’m in the area as well.
21, Dispatch, I’m in the area as well.
21, Dispatch, I’m in the area as well.
21, Dispatch, I’m in the area as well.
21, Dispatch, I’m in the area as well.
21, Dispatch, I’m in the area as well.
Bravo, F-Foxtrot 9-0-3-0-0.
Looks like it’s coming back in.
It’s on a black record.
Go ahead, 10.
As you can show me on scene and clear, 20 and 21 will advise.
Go ahead, 40.
We’re going to have that vehicle stopped.
Alpha is in by the town commons.
Alpha, 30.
Medical assist.
In the area of 59, Fort Wood Walk.
My calling party states it’s behind Mass Barber Shop, on the bench.
The 21-year-old female who is unresponsive, foot breathing, extremely intoxicated.
Receive from Red.
10-Dispatch to Charlie 40.
40, that plate you gave me comes back cancelled on a 2019 Infiniti Q50, green color.
It’s attached to a different vehicle.
I’ll try to get you more info.
30-Dispatch in the area.
10-Dispatch to Alpha 10.
Go ahead.
10, can you head to the area of South Pleasant by the town commons to assist 40?
Receive from North Pleasant.
Play 20240914002727.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 00:27:27

Copy, you are disembarked.
30 dispatch.
Can I get a CAD for a suspicious? I’ll be out at Allen at Philips.
And I’ll have two names for you.
Where are you seeking?
Go ahead, 21.
21 clear.
BGOA, and I’ll head over to 30.
Where are you seeking?
40 dispatch.
Go ahead, 40.
Can you clear all units? Belch and MPD took over.
Where are you seeking?
30 dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
30 clear. First is Grace Smith. Common spelling, DOB 7703. Copy, 1.
Can you just go again with that name?
Grace Smith.
Copy, 1.
Second is Emily Young, and her DOB is 43 of 03. Both should be from Massachusetts, 11 and 14.
Where is it?
21, go.
Where are you seeking?
Go ahead.
30, looked at both parties, and we have, cannot find anything on either or.
X-1 to 30.
Is there anyone in the area of 30? Back her up.
20 X-1, I’m on, well, I can head that way now.
Where are you seeking?
10 to 20, I’m on shearing, I’ll take that.
Where are you seeking?
Dispatch to X-1, 21 currently with 30.
Okay, I saw him on a noise display, didn’t know he was with it.
Noise is GOA, he cleared and went right to her.
30 dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
We’re going to try truthful names and DOBs this time.
The first is Nora November Oscar Romeo Alpha Young is the last name.
DOB 78 of 06, copy 1.
Copy 1.
Second, the first name is Grace.
Last name is Victor Echo Lima Echo Zulu Zulu Alpha DOB 49 of 06.
Calling for 21.
ID 121.
Go ahead.
Is that a relation to 49?
Negative, too young.
Dispatch to Alpha 30.
Go ahead.
31st party comes back negative active to a Nora Therese Young 78 of 06
under Clemsford mask and still nothing on that second party.
Sorry, I missed that. What about the second party?
Nothing comes back with that second party.
30 dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Last name beginning with C Bravo.
Dispatch to Alpha 30.
Go ahead.
30, the second party Grace Margeret Belizer 49 of 06 comes back negative active out of Clemsford.
Roger, thank you.
Play 20240914001436.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 00:14:36

21 Dispatch, you’re in the area.
Play 20240914001243.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 00:12:43

X-1, can you hold this batch?
That’s Alpha 21, Alpha 10.
21, 10.
21, 10, can you take a noise complaint? 76 McLean Street.
RP reports loud booming music in the area. RP lives over at 76.
21, dispatch, what’s that address one more time?
21, RP lives at 76 McLean Street, says that there is loud booming in the area.
10-3 from Triangle.
Play 20240914000044.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 14 00:00:44

Twenty-one down on Belchtown Road.
Thirty, dispatch.
Go ahead, twenty-one.
I’m out on Belchtown Road.
I’m out on Belchtown Road.
X-One to twenty-one.
You can clear up. You can let one-five-five and one-eleven handle that.
Received, sir.