Play 20240320213738.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 21:37:38

Tennis match.
The employee in your clinic, Mass Sierra 88109258.
Pass it.
Tennis match.
The employee in your clinic, Mass Sierra 88109258.
Pass it.
The employee in your clinic, Mass Sierra 88109258.
22 month
. .
Play 20240320213332.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 21:33:32

Roger, 10-20.
10-20, take this commercial 67, 111 Thatcher Road, the Newman Center.
It’s going to be for Chapel Hall motion.
10 received, Maine.
20 received, Moore Puzzle.
10 received.
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Crash norms exchanged. Citation issued to the operator of the Toyota. Unit’s clear.
Citation issued to the operator of the Toyota.
10, dispatch, I’m in the area.
Okay, 10.
10 to 20, I can see somebody sweeping up inside, so I’m assuming it’s a 15.
And it’s the new Newman Center, not the old one that we used to go to.
Play 20240320211458.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 21:14:58

There you go, Sebastian.
Vehicle 1 is going to be MAF 3, XXRAY, PPAPA, WSG 69.
And then it’s going to be operated by MAF Sierra 1793 4793.
Vehicle 2 is going to be MAF November EECO 53, ZZULU, XXRAY.
Operated by MAF Sierra 81565903.
And then I have a passenger for you for Vehicle 1 when you’re ready.
I’m ready.
Passenger MAF Sierra 41183462.
There you go, Sebastian.
Last two digits of that, Vehicle 1 was 6-8, not 6-9.
Received. No worries, I got it.
Play 20240320210617.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 21:06:17

30 to 21, I should be all set out of here.
Okay, received. I’m almost there. I’ll come check on you.
Play 20240320210254.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 21:02:54

30-30, I should have both vehicles, it’s got a grey Toyota Highlander and a 2008 white GMC Savannah.
I believe that’s correct, I’ll confirm.
Play 20240320210015.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 21:00:15

That’s 30, 21.
30, 21. Take a two-car MVC. No reported injuries. 883 Bay Road.
Um, RTC said that the other vehicle had ran a stop sign, she’d gone around him, and then he hit her vehicle.
Sounds like there might be some road rage involved in this.
30 received from West Street.
Alright, go ahead. 111.
Play 20240320200257.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 20:02:57

20 is fresh.
On scene. I picked it up. Clear.
Play 20240320195636.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 19:56:36

30 to dispatch.
That party’s going to be on board with AFD. Unit’s clear.
30 to save.
That’s it.
20. The stop signs by College at Southeast have blown over.
I called it. I think he’s got sandbags there. I’ll go reposition.
Play 20240320193930.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 19:39:30

Where you at?
We need a dispatch copy.
We will take you if needed to have them evaluated.
Let me call Hadley because they might have an ambulance for him.
Play 20240320193512.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 19:35:12

I just spoke with ID 104 on the phone he said that they’re all set it just seems
like they don’t have good radio reception where they’re at
Play 20240320193308.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 19:33:08

Play 20240320192404.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 19:24:04

Excellent, just finished.
Do you need an XR?
What’s the ERP’s name again?
Uh, Thomas Tully, 518 at 56.
No, I mean the caller.
Denise Connelly?
Play 20240320191750.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 19:17:50

According to my own GPS, it’s these buildings right here.
Appreciate that.
Yeah, it’s gotta be, it just says building 30, so 32’s gotta be right here.
Play 20240320191241.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 19:12:41

20 is an excellent hour in the area as well.
I hear you, 20.
Play 20240320191118.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 19:11:18

Go ahead.
Hadley is requesting if we have mutual aid officers available to conduct a well-being
check at 32 Greenleaf Drive, apartment 123 for a Q5 male party.
Their officers are currently tied up on an MVC in their town.
Yeah, for them.
Then 30 and…
Radio 6.
What was that police charge?
That same follow up to the last one.
I copy director. What’s the apartment again?
It’s apartment number 123, the party you’re checking on is a Thomas Tully.
John is a Thomas Tully. I guess he has a frequent history of these types of well-being checks.
He has some alcohol issues. They have transported him in the past.
Third received trial.
One more.
Fourth received trial.
Fifth received trial.
Sixth received trial.
Seventh received trial.
Eighth received trial.
Ninth received trial.
Tenth received trial.
Eleventh received trial.
Twelfth received trial.
Thirty dispatch.
Five thirty.
Was it called in by the IP or a third party?
We got the call from Hadley, but I did not speak to anyone involved in this besides Hadley.
It sort of sounded like someone from the third party had called to do a well-being check on Thomas.
Excellent dispatch.
God, it’s fun.
Can you call Hadley back and find out exactly what the contents of that call was?
Excellent dispatch.
Excellent dispatch.
Do you have that phone?
You can put them in this call as well.
Very safe.
Dispatch, 30.
Okay, so the caller is a Denise Connelly who may also have some 62 issues.
There may have been a previous restraining order between the two parties, but not active currently.
She stated that he made some non-specific Q5 statements, and he was supposed to call her back within five minutes,
but she’s unable to get a hold of him over the phone again.
It looks like Thomas has had some heart issues in the past, 62 issues,
and was transported for being unable to care for himself with alcohol issues.
30 to 60, nothing specific.
Got it.
30 to dispatch, I’m in the area.
30 to 60.
Play 20240320184122.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 18:41:22

20 is good.
Reese has a vehicle, I’m clear.
Play 20240320182020.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 18:20:20

30 to Special.
Go ahead, 30.
The camera is able to move, so I’m clear. I don’t need help with traffic.
Racist. We still need Ernie, though, correct?
I believe so, yeah.
I’m clear.
That’s the first noise<\/police> difference that you are going to have.
20, if that’s good. Info for you when you’re ready.
I’m ready.
V1, Mast 8, Whiskey, Echo 987. Operated by the RO, Kathy.
And you have the second one vehicle to the camera. It’s operated by the RO as well.
I’ll take an accident number, please.
Your accident number is 9292, and that will be at 1809.
Thank you.
Play 20240320181711.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 18:17:11

Go ahead 20.
Can we get a tow for the camera in front of it, but she can’t move it so we’re kind of
in the intersection.
30, just stop by, he’s going to help me with traffic.
Anything will do.
We’re going to get a tow for the camera in front of it, but she can’t move it so we’re
kind of in the intersection.
30, just stop by, he’s going to help me with traffic.
Anything will do.
We’re going to get a tow for the camera in front of it, but she can’t move it so we’re
kind of in the intersection.
30, just stop by, he’s going to help me with traffic.
Anything will do.
We’re going to get a tow for the camera in front of it, but she can’t move it so we’re
kind of in the intersection.
30, just stop by, he’s going to help me with traffic.
Anything will do.
We’re going to get a tow for the camera in front of it, but she can’t move it so we’re
kind of in the intersection.
30, just stop by, he’s going to help me with traffic.
We’re going to get a tow for the camera in front of it, but she can’t move it so we’re
going to get a tow for the camera in front of it, but she can’t move it so we’re kind
of in the intersection.
30, just stop by, he’s going to help me with traffic.
Anything will do.
We’re going to get a tow for the camera in front of it, but she can’t move it so we’re
kind of in the intersection.
30, just stop by, he’s going to help me with traffic.
Anything will do.
We’re going to get a tow for the camera in front of it, but she can’t move it so we’re
kind of in the intersection.
30, just stop by, he’s going to help me with traffic.
Anything will do.
We’re going to get a tow for the camera in front of it, but she can’t move it so we’re
kind of in the intersection.
30, just stop by, he’s going to help me with traffic.
Play 20240320181403.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 18:14:03

Thank you. I believe I have the plate for the 2019 black Toyota Camry. I just need the
other vehicle and operators.
Play 20240320181123.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 18:11:23

Dispatch, 20.
Go ahead.
20, I have a two-car MVC south present at Northampton, no reported injuries.
The only thing he was able to give me was maybe a Jeep and a Toyota were involved.
8-4, 11.
Play 20240320173235.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 17:32:35

Charlie 30 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
I’m unable to locate the dog. You can clear me, but I’ll stay mobile and see if I can track it down.
Great, thank you.
Play 20240320172352.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 17:23:52

30 dispatch, I’m in the area.
I see 30.
Play 20240320171854.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 17:18:54

Dispatch, 30.
30, can you check the area of Stanley at southeast?
Archie states that she saw a mini husky that was running down
Stanley in the area of the old chicken coop, maybe, by the
railroad tracks.
She said he had a collar on, but she was unable to catch it.
Received, 101.
Play 20240320165218.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 16:52:18

So the lights at Route 9 for east and west are flashing yellow.
The other ones are flashing red, which is also a stop sign.
Um, that’s the fix for the night, anyway. I’m clear.
Play 20240320164251.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 16:42:51

20 to X1
Go ahead
Sir, I’m with EPW right now at the intersection.
Can you meet the skeleton here? Are you available to swing by?
20 dispatch, you can put me back up here.
Roger, 20.
Play 20240320162445.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 16:24:45

20 is fetch, you can clear me.
Received, 20.
Play 20240320161557.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 16:15:57

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
AFD is going to be transporting that party. Ernie’s going to have that vehicle and I’m clear.
Where do you see him?
22, 30.
He’s going to swing by the roadway.
Appreciate it.
Appreciate it. Headed there now.
Play 20240320161417.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 16:14:17

Tendon stretch.
Operator was Mast Sierra 00283850 and I’m clear for the 35.
Thank you.
Play 20240320161009.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 16:10:09

10 just said you can show myself an X1 clear.
Roger 10.
10 just said you can show yourself an X1 clear.
Roger 10.
10 just said you can show yourself an X1 clear.
10 just said you can show yourself an X1 clear.
Roger 10.
Motor vehicle stopped right on Leslie Street by Clark House.
May I ask for and November EECO 369 should be all set.
Play 20240320160659.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 16:06:59

30 is special.
Could you assign me a crash number for the year, please?
Your accident number is 9191 and that will be at 1544.
Appreciate it.
Thank you.
Thank you.
X1 dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
They attempted to reset the lights and they’re still not working properly.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240320160206.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 16:02:06

Dispatch, 30.
Ernie is notified, the usual 10 to 15.
Appreciate it, thank you.
Play 20240320160031.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 16:00:31

20 is fetched.
Got a 20.
Starfly 30 is remaining with the gentleman, and he’s going to be evaluated momentarily.
I’m just checking south and there to see what other damage may have occurred.
And I spoke with DPW, he’s actually going to head in and at least put some stop signs out there for today until they can fix it tomorrow.
Received, thank you.
Thank you.
10 is fetched.
Got a 10.
Can you put myself and X1 on a traffic<\/police> CAD for the South Pleasant Street light?
We’re going to go check it out, see if we can’t reset it.
It’s southeast of college.
Okay, southeast of college.
30 to X1.
Go ahead.
Thank you.
Clear for a hook, heavy front end damage and two flat tires.
30, dispatch, copy direct?
Dispatch, copy direct.
Play 20240320155458.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 15:54:58

All I had was a white Toyota RAV4 and I believe a fire<\/fire> chief is out with it right now at the
Hitchcock building by Hampshire College.
Okay, so that patient, which is now a patient, is at 845 West Street by the Hitchcock Center
for the Environment, just by Hampshire College, out with the fire<\/fire> chief who is requesting
an ambulance because he states the driver is disoriented.
Okay, so that patient, which is now a patient, is at 845 West Street by the Hitchcock Center
for the Environment, just by Hampshire College, out with the fire<\/fire> chief who is requesting
an ambulance because he states the driver is disoriented.
Okay, so that patient, which is now a patient, is at 845 West Street by the Hitchcock Center
for the Environment, just by Hampshire College, out with the fire<\/fire> chief who is requesting
an ambulance because he states the driver is disoriented.
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
That vehicle is on the campus, or?
I believe it’s still on West Street, but just in the area of that Hitchcock Center for the Environment.
Appreciate it.
30, I passed the entrance.
I think it’s right where you are.
I don’t know if you can see the jeep’s vehicle to your left, high up.
I see it now.
30, dispatch, you can put both units on.
Thank you.
Appreciate it, 30.
Next one on 30.
What’s your status?
We’re all set. Out with 20 at the Hitchcock Center.
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
I’ll get you the operator info in a second.
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Operator, MASS Sierra 67346146. Should we come back to a William?
Received. That’s the RO of that vehicle. He’s negative active.
Play 20240320154813.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 15:48:13

We’re receiving multiple calls about a motor vehicle that’s off of the road at the Atkins
It’s possibly into a tree, definitely stuck in the ditch, it’s a white Toyota RAV4, unknown
on injuries.
1-8, 2-6.
Go ahead, X-1.
Go ahead, X-1.
IV-148 is headed down there with unit H.
Coming in at cable, sorry.
20, X-1.
Go ahead, 20.
So, northbound traffic<\/police> going into the intersection on Southeast Street.
It gets, for each lamp, it gets a green and a red light, and it is causing some confusion.
Can you advise TPWC if they can respond, I’ll say immediately.
There’s no immediate issue, per se, where I don’t sit here and babysit it, but it should
be dealt with before tomorrow, if possible.
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
I’m clear there, let me know what TPWC says, I can also text them a picture of what’s actually
going on, and I’ll head down to the crash as well.
We’re getting the last we’ve heard from multiple calls, we’re waiting for them to
We’re getting, like the last we heard from multiple callers, was that the vehicle was stuck in that field that’s just north of the Rotary on West Street and is driving around in circles there.
What’s the driver’s name?
Play 20240320154350.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 15:43:50

Charlie 20 dispatch, we’re in the area.
Received, 20.
Play 20240320154152.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 15:41:52

104 dispatch.
Go ahead 104.
I’ll grab that traffic<\/police> call. I’ll be Charlie 20 and you just check.
And I’m going to move.
Play 20240320153748.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 15:37:48

30, take a traffic<\/police> complaint<\/police> southeast of college for the report of the traffic<\/police> light
being red and green at the same time.
Play 20240320150536.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 15:05:36

That wire was able to be moved off the road, so you can show me clear.
Play 20240320150226.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 15:02:26

Is the road completely blocked?
Thank you.
Play 20240320150038.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 15:00:38

20 to dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Uh, there is a wire down.
The pole is 72 over 10.
Received. Is it pole to pole or house to pole?
And is it all the way down?
Uh, looks like pole to pole.
Um, and it’s still hanging up on one side.
Uh, and then off on the other.
But it’s definitely in the middle of the street.
Received. Do you also have an adjacent house number or anything?
Play 20240320145512.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 14:55:12

20 to Inspection.
Go ahead, 20.
Spoke with the RP. He had an argument with a guy named Jay.
That’s all he really had for me about who owns the spot to panhandle.
It was verbal only. I advise you call us back if anything escalates. I’ll be clear.
Alright, Dave. Can you take out a traffic<\/police> complaint?
It’s gonna be somewhere in the area of Lincoln, possibly by Northampton.
RP was not great on directions in town.
Do you see if there’s a wire or line that’s down partially across the road on Lincoln?
Appreciate it.
Play 20240320144558.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 14:45:58

20 to 6.
Go ahead, 20.
Did this party tell you where they are? There’s nobody at this intersection where they normally are.
He’s waiting in front of the front door of the ginger garden for you.
And it’s an Andrew Daughtery, goes by Aya.
Received, thank you, I’m on scene.
Play 20240320144207.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 14:42:07

Dispatch, 20.
Go ahead.
20, take a non-active disturbance.
It’s going to be the area of 351 North Hampton Road by the Ginger Garden.
RP is calling from the area of the Ginger Garden.
He states that he was in a verbal altercation with another homeless male.
They got into it over the spot by one university drive south at North Hampton
because they were panhandling on the roadside there.
And he felt threatened by the other party and would like to speak to an officer about it.
Play 20240320142751.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 14:27:51

EW2 Electrical.
Play 20240320140404.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 14:04:04

X1 inspection.
Alright, X1.
Should be clear.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240320140220.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 14:02:20

X-1, X-1
Go ahead, X-1
Can I get a follow-up, cad, to F-141, I’ll be alright in a bit
Yeah, I know
Appreciate it
Play 20240320133930.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 13:39:30

ID 122 Dispatch
Go ahead 122
Signal for WD
Play 20240320131323.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 13:13:23

10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
No answer at 129, and no red jeep compass in sight.
We only see her, uh, our enlisted vehicle here, the Nissan, in blue.
That’s just parked here around the complex.
Where are you seeing?
Sneaker trail is clear.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240320130953.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 13:09:53

Try to get us back.
Go ahead, Twain.
You can pull me out of Village Park.
Play 20240320130501.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 13:05:01

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
You can show me clear for now, I’ll narrate.
10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Touch base with staff here.
She’s been relocated to 129.
Go check that apartment.
Play 20240320130240.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 13:02:40

Target is fresh.
Go ahead, Twain.
If you can clear me from there, I’m going to head up to Village Park and see if I can make contact.
Appreciate it.
10 to 20.
Go ahead.
Yeah, 115 is still boarded up from fire<\/fire> damage.
I’m going to touch base with the office and see if they know if they can be located here within the complex still.
Received. I’ll just head up there in case we know where she is and we can go together.
Play 20240320125934.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 12:59:34

X-1 to units, I made contact with her over the phone, she says she’s all set, verbal only, but if you can still touch base with her, check her well-being, appreciate it.
Play 20240320125719.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 12:57:19

10 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Could you put me on this call? I’ll be checking the area of Village Park.
30 to 10.
Go ahead.
Looks like she’s going to be at Apartment 115.
Received. I’ll double check. I know that was one of the apartments involved in the fire<\/fire> that was condemned.
I’ll double check.
I’ll double check.
Play 20240320124525.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 12:45:25

Turn onto my street, Chris, right by number 14, there’s some holes.
Copy that.
Play 20240320124326.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 12:43:26

30 dispatch, you can show both units in the area.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240320124105.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 12:41:05

That’s just 30 and 20.
I don’t think it could be a jeep, compass type vehicle that left.
Almost the same exact time as this call came in.
We had a rapid SOS hit.
No call ever came through, but it comes back to a laundry basket.
There you receive.
20 receive.
Play 20240320123817.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 12:38:17

That’s 2830. They went through a red or orange vehicle.
We’ll see which direction they left when they pulled out.
Trying to reshoot.
Play 20240320123642.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 12:36:42

That’s 30-20.
30-20, Cadet 6-6-0, West Street, D-Untack.
R-P-State, she had two people come into the business.
One female, one male. They both had bloody mouth.
She got scared, kicked them out, went to the back and hid for a minute.
Do you have security footage?
She said they’re gone now, but she’s got security footage of them and possibly the vehicle.
Play 20240320122714.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 12:27:14

Maybe I won’t have you parked in the middle when you come back.
Right on.
Play 20240320112231.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 11:22:31

10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Check the area of the AutoZone and FL Roberts and all the way to the town line at the GOA. I’ll be clear.
10, dispatch.
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Spoke with the RP, advised them about possibly trespassing that individual, and then also calling us if he is to return at any point. But for now, I’ll be clear.
Play 20240320111320.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 11:13:20

20 dispatch, make good will.
Received, 20.
10 dispatch, same traffic.
Play 20240320110915.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 11:09:15

This is Ash to 20.
Go ahead.
20, apparently he had a bag with some items in it that he dropped in the store before he walked out.
Received, I’m going to go to the tax base in Delaware.
Play 20240320110701.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 11:07:01

That’s 20 and 10.
So close.
2110, can I get a 183 University Driver to Goodwill?
RP’s an employee.
She says there’s a male party in there, about 40 years old, white male.
He’s got a blue mask on, a white baseball hat, and a white hoodie.
He was walking around with a bag.
She thought it was suspicious.
And she thinks that he shot posted yesterday, but I don’t think she’s got proof of that.
And he just left the store. He was walking toward the AutoZone.
Play 20240320102441.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 10:24:41

Go ahead and go by me. This first tree<\/dpw> in the middle of this island is the tree<\/dpw> we’re doing.
Thanks for watching!
Play 20240320082227.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 08:22:27

Play 20240320075547.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 07:55:47

ID 122 dispatch.
Go ahead, 122.
Signal 1, OWD with Bartlett Tree. Because of the machinery they’re using today,
Boltwood is going to be blocked off from Route 9 to the Inn at Boltwood.
Play 20240320070227.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 07:02:27

Play 20240320065425.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 06:54:25

X 1 at 10.
Can you check your phone please?
Appreciate it.
Play 20240320022015.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 02:20:15

Alpha 10
10, are you all set?
Play 20240320015119.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 01:51:19

10 dispatch
Can you open and close the check
Play 20240320013409.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 01:34:09

Operator is up, Mast S0, 052, 074, 77, clear 35
Play 20240320012606.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 01:26:06

20 Dispatch
Go ahead 20
You can clear me, I’ll narrate
Raise it
Play 20240320012445.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 01:24:45

30 just left.
Stop West Bay Road by the Hadley Town Line, Mast 1, R-O-L-L-E-M-A-C-H-R-L-E-E-2-2.
Play 20240320011925.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 01:19:25

30, this is Red.
Cleared Red 30.
Operator, off match at 0, 1-4-4-8-9-6-3-0, cleared 35.
Play 20240320011731.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 01:17:31

20 Dispatch, you can put me in the area.
Alright, thanks.
Play 20240320011426.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 01:14:26

10 dispatch.
35 to the RO, clear.
30 to the RO.
30 to the RO.
30 to the RO.
30 to the RO.
30 to the RO.
30 to the RO.
30 to the RO.
Go ahead, sir.
Alpha 20.
20, can you head on over to the Amherst College campus police?
Might be Six East Drive, to meet with a Sergeant, Jeff Edwards, about some footage that they have received about
About 30 minutes ago, apparently a truck knocked over a bunch of signs on College Street.
And they would just like you to go there and review some of the footage or crosswalk signs.
There you go, sir.
Southwest Bay at Goulds, Mast 3R, Romeo 228, WSK 7-7, Austin.
Play 20240320010955.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 01:09:55

Stop, South Prospect at Amity, Mast 9H Hotel, D-Delta 29607
Play 20240320010212.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 01:02:12

X-1, dispatch.
Put me out at F.O. Roberts. There’s a suspicious motor vehicle in the back.
Stand by.
30, X-1.
Southbound North Pleasant by Kellogg, Mast 5, X-X-Ray, J-J, 5-4-8, also.
X-1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Two vehicles here. First, Mast 5, P-Papa, K-Kilo, C-Charlie, 5-8.
Second, also Mast 3, A-Alpha, T-Tango, W-Z-8-3.
All set on both.
Employees here closing up. It’s talk.
Dispatch to X-1.
Go ahead.
Just got off the phone with a 911 person stating that she was actually at that same location about an hour ago.
Stated that a young worker, possibly E-T-O-H, smelled like alcohol, acting very suspicious.
Said that he was driving a black Mazda vehicle. Stated that he was moving weird.
She just wanted a well-being check on him.
Did the 412 shift respond to this?
No, we just legit got off the phone with her as you just dispatched to that same location.
But this observation was made an hour ago, is that correct?
Yeah, she just got to her residence in Chicopee.
Thank you.
Go ahead, 30.
Operators, Mazda Sierra, 9-3-5, 2-0-1-7-2, I’m clear 35 issued.
X-ray system.
The first plate I gave you, uh, ending 5-8 on that black Mazda, most likely going to be the involved party.
I had a conversation with him.
All checks out okay.
Play 20240320004725.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 00:47:25

30 or so.
I’m at 30.
35 to the RO for clear.
Play 20240320004515.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 20 00:45:15

There he is, Mike.
Stop West Street at Vista Terrace, Mast 8-9, and Mike, XXray 4-5, Alpha.